
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Magic Bone Knife

As the volume of blood gradually increased, it seeped into the bracelet in an uncanny manner, defying normal logic.

Su Chen tightly gripped the Ring of Anovar and, in an instant, felt an inexplicable connection between himself and the artifact.

It was as if the bracelet had melded with his very being. Suddenly, a sharp jolt coursed through his head, causing him to lose consciousness on the spot.

When he finally regained awareness, the room was shrouded in midnight darkness. He had been in a coma for approximately two hours.

Rubbing his temples, Su Chen furrowed his brow in deep contemplation. However, as he lifted his gaze, he noticed the presence of additional strands of ethereal white threads suspended in the air. Transparent and inconspicuous, they did not obstruct his line of sight.

To his astonishment, he discovered that the Ring of Anovar adorning his left wrist possessed the remarkable ability to manipulate these white threads, causing them to involuntarily alter their state and direction, ultimately flowing into the ring itself. With each thread's entry, he experienced a refreshing coolness coursing through his veins.

Su Chen grew perplexed, attempting to remove the Ring of Anovar to no avail. As he gestured with his arm, the translucent white threads floating in the air surged towards his body, irresistibly drawn to him.

Their numbers multiplied, and the sensation of coolness intensified. He could discern an unknown energy being absorbed into his physique, surging through his limbs.

Amidst these bewildering circumstances, Su Chen keenly perceived his left hand growing progressively stronger, bit by bit.

A profound contemplation seized him.

Through extensive research and experimentation, Su Chen gradually unraveled the enigma shrouding this phenomenon.

The white silk threads permeating the surroundings appeared to be a form of latent energy, untethered and free-flowing. The Ring of Anovar served as the key, unlocking Su Chen's ability to perceive and absorb this energy. Once absorbed, the energy underwent a transformative process within the ring, assimilating into his own being.

Su Chen further discovered that assimilating this energy fortified his physical constitution. The energy lingered within his body, gradually enhancing specific areas through repetitive cycles. However, the process proved to be gradual, necessitating sustained manipulation of the white energy accumulated in his arm for an hour and a half to witness tangible transformations. He attempted to exert force with his augmented left hand, aiming to crush a glass, yet only left behind a faint residue of white on his palm.

Curiously, this ethereal energy remained imperceptible to others. Su Chen scrutinized the phenomenon through a mobile camera, yet the white silk threads, visible to the naked eye, eluded capture through the lens.

Su Chen's discoveries extended further, unveiling the potential of this energy to externalize and transmute various objects. However, the accumulated quantity remained insufficient, necessitating the accumulation of a more substantial reserve before the impending cataclysm in order to fully comprehend his newfound abilities.

This enigmatic dark energy could only be perceived and absorbed with the aid of the Ring of Anovar.

Su Chen's heart harbored a mix of satisfaction and complexity. It appeared as though fate had played a whimsical game with him, yet he yearned to grasp the reins of his own destiny. Having perished in a car accident in his past life, he now sought to seize control over life and death itself.

Without delay, Su Chen sought out the presidential suite, where the ambient presence of the white free energy appeared most abundant. With utmost seriousness, he embarked on an impromptu performance, his left arm swaying and gyrating through the air. He immersed himself in this peculiar ritual, tirelessly accumulating power in preparation for the imminent cataclysm and to further his understanding of his newfound abilities.

The scene itself bore a comical aspect. Clad in his pajamas, Su Chen sat within the opulent confines of the bathtub, his left hand fervently contorting through the air with unwavering focus. His dedication knew no bounds, even exhibiting a touch of nervousness.

After a while, fatigue began to assail Su Chen's hands, and he realized with a tinge of disappointment that the rate of energy accumulation was unexpectedly sluggish. Despite investing considerable time into his studies, he found no alternative methods, resorting to scouring the internet in search of ways to expedite energy absorption in space. Regrettably, his efforts yielded naught but a deluge of aphrodisiac advertisements, proving to be a fruitless endeavor.

Left with no recourse, Su Chen relinquished his pursuit and resumed utilizing rudimentary methods, persistently waving his arms to absorb the energy.

It appeared that the white energy adhered to a principle of conservation. Whenever Su Chen endeavored to absorb energy in one location, it would invariably flow from other areas. Over time, the energy within the bathtub grew increasingly diffuse, compelling him to rush towards the panoramic window and fervently sway his arms, as though a grand performer engaged in an enchanting hand dance.

The emergence of this newfound ability served as an irrefutable confirmation for Su Chen that the cataclysm indeed loomed on the horizon. Driven by an insatiable hunger for power, he willingly relinquished sleep, allowing himself a mere two hours of respite each night. The remainder of his waking hours were dedicated to employing primitive methods to absorb energy. He even ventured to experiment with the Great Zhoutian, a method derived from a fantastical novel, only to find it rendered no discernible effect. However, he ascertained that when he permitted the white energy to course through his body, it would be consumed to fortify his physical form, while stable energy continued its steady accumulation.

It was precisely at 6:11 on the morning of May 6th when Su Chen, consumed by his ceaseless practice of arm-waving, experienced a flicker of elation. Finally, he had amassed a sufficient quantity of white energy, causing it to gradually seep out from his being, unit by unit.

The white energy underwent a transformative process within the confines of the Anovar ring, accumulating within his body before being channeled outward by Su Chen's intent. However, as it materialized, it assumed the form of a palm-sized mass of black energy, gently pulsating at his fingertips. Devoid of temperature, physicality, or any discernible lethality, it seemed solely capable of transmuting objects.

Just as Su Chen readied himself to explore the transformative capabilities of this energy unit, his phone rudely interrupted, displaying an unknown number on its screen.

Su Chen hesitated momentarily before picking up the phone and mustering a composed tone as he replied, "Yes, speaking."

The voice on the other end, belonging to a debt collector, wasted no time in reminding Su Chen of his impending financial obligations. "Mr. Gu, your loan term has come to an end. You borrowed a sum of 200,000 yuan from us two days ago. If you repay today, the outstanding amount is 400,000 yuan. However, if payment is not made today, it will increase to 430,000 yuan tomorrow."

It was a routine debt collection call, the kind that torments ordinary individuals burdened by snowballing debts.

Maintaining his composure, Su Chen responded, "I am aware of the situation. I will repay the loan next week."

Though he contemplated saying more, Su Chen ended the call before any further words could be exchanged.

A routine loan? Who was truly caught in the clutches of routine? The previous occupant of Su Chen's reborn existence, who had borrowed the money, had evidently never intended to repay it...

Now, Su Chen harbored no intention of fulfilling that debt.

However, the call served as a stark reminder, momentarily grounding Su Chen in reality as he gazed out the window.

Something had felt amiss for a while now.

In the early hours of May, at six o'clock, the sky remained shrouded in darkness, devoid of stars or moonlight. It was as if an inky curtain had been drawn across the heavens.

This marked the third day since the record.

Today was the day of the impending cataclysm.

A faint sense of unease crept over Su Chen as he reached for a slender boning knife he had prepared, infusing it slowly with an energy unit he had painstakingly extracted throughout the night.

The process proved slower than Su Chen had anticipated. Gradually, he imbued the blade with increments of energy, witnessing its once-white surface gradually succumb to a thick shroud of darkness. Su Chen noticed the knife trembling slightly within his grasp, resonating with the newfound energy. Its form and appearance underwent a gradual transformation, settling into a shorter length and assuming a structure reminiscent of a throwing knife. However, the density increased, the weight intensified, and its surface acquired a textured finish. Within its core surged an explosive force.

If thrown, it would unleash destruction.

Su Chen's countenance adopted a peculiarly contemplative expression.

Black energy + boning knife = explosive throwing knife?

Was this an instance of magic-infused technology or an inherent alchemical process?

Or perhaps a fusion of both?

How would other objects fare under similar circumstances, undergoing transformations and transmutations?

Firearms, mobile phones... could alterations be influenced by factors such as size, material, and precision?

A torrent of thoughts raced through Su Chen's mind, each demanding constant experimentation and exploration to unveil the answers.

Yet, amidst his musings, Su Chen was abruptly jolted by a deafening roar that reverberated through the earth, originating from outside his window.

The cataclysm had arrived.

In a swift motion, Su Chen rose to his feet and fixated his gaze upon the window.