
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs


Su Chen's search on the internet yielded meager results. He discovered that the world's history had diverged from his original timeline during the Middle Ages, gradually reconnecting over time. The governing structure consisted of independent regions, with a federal government overseeing them. Despite these alterations, the culture, science, and technology of this world remained largely unchanged from Su Chen's previous existence.

To his disappointment, there was scant information regarding the cataclysm foreseen by the previous rebirth. It appeared that no hints or clues had been recorded prior to its outbreak.

One aspect that piqued Su Chen's curiosity was the recent surge in claims of individuals possessing superhuman abilities. Reports surfaced of an African man transforming into a fire-breathing entity overnight, while a formidable figure in the Russian Union exhibited strength akin to that of a bear. Closer to Su Chen's location in Yuanliao City, a 67-year-old man astonishingly halted an oncoming SUV with his bare hands.

However, most of these stories stood alone, lacking any substantial follow-up reports. The narratives resembled web advertisements hawking aphrodisiacs, leaving minimal impact.

Unable to verify the veracity of these accounts, Su Chen turned to his phone, hoping to uncover something useful in the memos, address book, or WeChat messages.


"This phone is also new."

Aside from the clothing he wore, it seemed the previous rebirth had replaced almost everything in his possession.

A throbbing headache accompanied Su Chen's attempts to recall any relevant information about the rebirth. All he could recollect were the rebirth's erratic behaviors—an incoherent exchange in the company group chat and a phone call discussing a salary reduction with a superior. The rebirth had even mortgaged an RV for a loan exceeding one million and discarded his old phone by tossing it into the sea.

Su Chen was appalled by the rebirth's reckless decisions, bordering on self-destructive tendencies.

"Curses," Su Chen muttered inwardly, feeling a surge of panic. He had briefly contemplated seeking assistance from the federal police, but without concrete evidence of an impending catastrophe, his claims would likely be dismissed. Approaching the authorities would either result in being brushed aside or detained for further investigation. Such proceedings could stretch on for days, potentially leaving him trapped in a detention center.

The night enveloped Su Chen in an eerie tranquility as he sat in the opulent presidential suite, contemplating his bewildering predicament as a reincarnator. He couldn't help but feel like one of the most perplexed individuals to have traversed the cycle of rebirth.

Aware that preparation was paramount, Su Chen embarked on an early morning excursion to procure supplies and knives. His intention was to acquire more formidable tools, but he found himself restricted by the stringent controls imposed by the federal system, particularly in the Chinese Region. The acquisition of firearms or potent weaponry, such as a truly formidable hand crossbow, proved to be an arduous task.

Constrained by financial limitations, Su Chen refrained from indulging in extravagant spending. Instead, he focused on purchasing medicine, food, and drinking water to sustain him for approximately two weeks. He stockpiled these provisions in the presidential suite, awaiting the imminent nightfall when he would follow the instructions outlined on the enigmatic black invitation card. It directed him to the tenth floor of the Far East Building, specifically the banquet hall situated on the seventh floor.

The auction was scheduled to commence at eight o'clock, and Su Chen arrived promptly at 7:30, determined to seize any opportunity that would bring him closer to the elusive Ring of Anovar—the only tangible connection to the cataclysm he sought.

Though the one million he possessed seemed more than sufficient to satiate the extravagant desires of the previous rebirth's whims, a lingering sense of unease gnawed at Su Chen. Even as he ascended to the 17th floor and encountered the impeccably attired service staff, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The cost of his shoes alone surpassed the value of his entire ensemble. Su Chen's anxiety intensified—what if this sum proved insufficient to secure the Ring of Anovar?

Nonetheless, he pressed forward, making his way towards the banquet hall.

Miss Yingbin greeted him with a polite smile, her eyes briefly scanning Su Chen's attire—a modest ensemble worth no more than two hundred yuan. While her surprise remained unspoken, she maintained her professional composure, registering him and guiding him to his designated seat.

The auction's scale was relatively modest, attended by only a few dozen individuals who sporadically filtered into the expansive banquet hall spanning hundreds of square meters. The attendees, adorned in elegant attire and exuding an air of success, comprised urban elites and prominent business figures.

Su Chen's presence struck a somewhat incongruous note, yet no one seemed inclined to engage him in confrontation. Most attendees were acquainted with one another, forming small groups as they conversed. In contrast, Su Chen sat alone in a corner, drawing even more attention to himself.

Precisely at eight o'clock, the auction commenced.

The initial items up for bidding consisted of moderately priced offerings, featuring works by renowned modern painters and unique handicrafts. None of them carried exorbitant price tags, with the most expensive painting fetching a modest sum of 1.2 million. It was acquired by a jovial young entrepreneur.

Nevertheless, a sudden pang of anxiety gripped Su Chen's heart.

Would the third item surpass the one-million mark?

As the auction progressed, the fourth item was unveiled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for our fourth exhibit, we present the Ring of Anovar—a bracelet with a storied past, reportedly originating from a private collection of medieval nobility. While crafted from bronze, we have been unable to ascertain its precise origins. Therefore, we have set the starting price at 300,000 federal coins," announced the emcee in a mellifluous voice, prompting Su Chen's eyes to ignite with anticipation.

Finally, his coveted goal had materialized. However, the majority of attendees displayed minimal interest, considering the item both an unverified work of art and lacking in visual allure.

In a unanimous gesture, numerous heads shook in unison, signifying their lack of interest in bidding for the Ring of Anovar. Su Chen found himself surprised by this turn of events, ready to make his move, only to be preempted by a nearby individual.

"Six hundred thousand," declared the young boss, his smile betraying his affinity for the enigmatic artifact.

Though Su Chen recognized this as a strategy to drive up the bidding, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance.

Doubling the starting price in a mere instant? It was nothing more than a bargaining tactic! What kind of audacity was this?

After a brief pause, Su Chen raised his bidding card. "Seven hundred thousand," he announced.

Due to his earlier circumstances, Su Chen found himself relegated to a solitary position, a stranger amidst the affluent crowd. Clutching the bidding card, he inadvertently attracted a wealth of attention.

Many onlookers regarded this with suspicion. How could someone who appeared far from wealthy choose to bid on an item that held minimal value? Murmurs circulated, questioning Su Chen's background and whether he possessed a legitimate invitation to attend the auction.

In that moment, the smiling young boss raised his card once more, propelling the price of the Ring of Anovar to eight hundred thousand.

Su Chen's lips twitched. However, it became evident that the young boss remained oblivious to the cataclysmic significance of the artifact. He merely harbored a genuine fondness for it and was willing to part with a considerable sum to acquire it.

Observing this, a young and beautiful woman situated two rows away from Su Chen whispered, "That thing is worthless..."

She clearly displayed concern for the seemingly non-affluent young man, fearing he might incur financial losses.

For ordinary individuals, eight hundred thousand was no trifling amount.

Yet unbeknownst to her, this sum held far greater weight. Su Chen had resorted to borrowing money from loan sharks, traversing the treacherous realms of online loans, usurious practices, and illicit lending. He had ventured down every avenue, resorting to borrowing as an integral part of his rebirth plan. It was the sole means by which he could amass such a substantial sum in such a short span of time.

Grateful for the young woman's goodwill, Su Chen offered a polite nod, but it was evident that he harbored no intention of relenting. In fact, he boldly escalated the bidding to one million yuan, adding an additional two hundred thousand yuan to deter potential competitors.

He had no choice but to employ this tactic. It represented the entirety of his financial resources. Incrementing the price by two hundred thousand yuan served as a deterrent, dissuading others from further bidding.

"This gentleman, one million!" Su Chen declared firmly.

The young woman who had attempted to dissuade him earlier appeared momentarily stunned. She sighed, her countenance tinged with concern, before silently averting her gaze. It seemed she regarded Su Chen as obstinately foolish, resistant to heed her advice.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side, the young boss exhibited a hint of surprise. He turned his head, casting a brief glance at Su Chen, while his female companion whispered something in his ear. It became apparent that the young boss wavered, ultimately shaking his head and withdrawing from the bidding. He had come to the realization that breaching the one million mark for an item lacking authenticity and visual allure was an imprudent undertaking. Though he admired its uniqueness, the young boss lacked the means to squander his wealth so recklessly.

Su Chen's elation overwhelmed him, and he cast a nervous glance around, half-expecting a wealthy individual to suddenly counter with a bid of one hundred and one hundred thousand, leaving him flabbergasted.

Fortunately, no one was willing to surpass the one-million mark for an item of this nature. Even the young boss, enamored by its unique allure, conceded defeat. The Ring of Anovar was finally secured by Su Chen for the sum of one million.

While many onlookers frowned, deeming the young man to have been swindled into purchasing a worthless piece, their reservations remained unspoken. Merely exchanging a few discreet comments, they treated it as a lighthearted jest.

Under the curious gazes of others, Su Chen promptly rose from his seat, locating the supervisor among the staff and insisting on immediate payment and possession of the Ring of Anovar.

Such a request was not uncommon, and the supervisor readily acquiesced. Within moments, the bracelet was delicately placed inside a high-end storage box.

Completing the necessary formalities and settling the payment, Su Chen hastily departed the premises.

The subsequent auction items were beyond his financial means, and his interest in them had waned.

Securing the Ring of Anovar for one million yuan, Su Chen's heart gradually calmed as he made his way back to the Tianjing International Hotel, his place of residence.

Amidst his rebirth plan, despite its dubious nature, his ultimate goal remained unaltered: to live a prosperous life. Su Chen believed that there must be a deeper significance to his choice of the presidential suite on the 23rd floor of the Tianjing International Hotel, beyond mere indulgence.

As he sat in the taxi, Su Chen held the million-yuan bracelet in his hand, his heart still racing. A fleeting thought crossed his mind: What if the cataclysm never transpires?

Yet, he swiftly dismissed the notion. He had already made his preparations and acquired the item. There was no use dwelling on the past.

Returning to his opulent presidential room, with a surplus of money at his disposal, Su Chen indulged himself by splurging on the complete presidential package for the true presidential suite, parting with over 20,000 yuan in a single transaction. This expenditure left him with no funds remaining.

After a gratifying meal, Su Chen eagerly opened the storage box cradled in his hands.

The bronze bracelet lay serenely on a cushion of soft sponge.

The bracelet appeared immaculately clean, but its surface bore a mottled patina, and the inscriptions adorning it seemed rudimentary, reminiscent of an apprentice's handiwork.

Su Chen gazed at it silently for a moment before reaching out and grasping the artifact.

To his disappointment, the bracelet remained cold and unresponsive, devoid of any sensation or transformation.

A sense of despondency weighed upon Su Chen's heart.

Could it truly be a worthless trinket?

In a final attempt, he resolved to employ a primitive method: blood recognition.

Without a second thought, he gingerly sliced his finger, allowing a droplet of blood to fall upon the bracelet.

Still, there was no discernible change. Doubts crept into Su Chen's mind as he clutched his finger, coaxing forth a second and then a third drop of blood.

As the quantity of blood increased, subtle alterations began to manifest.