
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

The Cataclysm!

The sky unleashed a terrifying roar, causing Su Chen to instinctively turn his head and witness a spine-chilling sight. Far in the distance, amidst the dark expanse, a crimson "lightning" tore through the heavens, not as a natural phenomenon but as a rift in the fabric of space itself. Su Chen couldn't fathom where it originated, but its rapid expansion was undeniable. It spread swiftly across the sky, reaching beyond the borders of Far Liao City, stretching towards the distant horizon.

In a mere blink of an eye, the lightning streaked across Su Chen's field of vision, traversing the sky in both vertical and horizontal directions, engulfing the entirety of the remote city. The stars and moon seemed to vanish, consumed by the encroaching darkness, while the sun refused to rise. Against the backdrop of an absolute void, only the blood-colored crack emitted a chilling, subdued glow.

A sense of unrest permeated the city below. Although Su Chen, situated on the twenty-third floor, couldn't discern the specifics of the turmoil unfolding on the ground, he promptly reached for his phone in a futile attempt to connect to the online realm, only to discover a complete absence of signal within such a short span of time.

The once-illuminated sky failed to bring forth daylight, casting a pall over the city lights that began to flicker ominously. Amidst the ant-like figures populating the streets, Su Chen discerned something horrifying. Dark shadows darted and pursued like primal beasts, toppling individuals in their path, leaving behind swaths of blood-red unconsciousness...

Within the confines of the presidential suite, lights flickered uncontrollably, defying Su Chen's attempts to restore stability with a press of the off button.

At that moment, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air from outside.

Reacting swiftly, Su Chen rushed to the doorway, yet hesitated momentarily upon grasping the doorknob.

The proximity to the door allowed him to discern the sounds with clarity. Alongside the screams, there resounded slow, ponderous footsteps, echoing through the corridors on the twenty-third floor.

Tianjing International Hotel boasted two presidential suites, both occupying the twenty-third floor. Considering the height of the screams and the enigmatic darkness shrouding the ground below...

Su Chen believed that someone who had experienced rebirth would select a location such as this to reside in, be it for the sake of luxury or security. That's precisely why he had refrained from relocating on his own accord.

However, he was not the true reincarnator. Unaware of the impending events, he had no choice but to venture out and ascertain what lurked beyond.

The expanse of the floor loomed before him, harboring the potential for something truly monstrous. Even if it remained adept at concealment, it couldn't remain hidden indefinitely!

With utmost caution, Su Chen gently turned the doorknob, silently swinging the door open to peer into the semicircular corridor.

Frantically flickering lights illuminated the narrow passageway. A cleaning cart lay upturned on the ground, while at the far end of Su Chen's line of sight, amidst the arched structure of the corridor, a twisted, elongated monstrosity loomed closer. One of its blade-like appendages pierced through the body of a fallen cleaner, his visage etched with sheer terror.

The figure that materialized before Su Chen stood tall and slender, emanating an otherworldly aura. Its form was shrouded in a distorted darkness, obscuring its true features. An unknown black substance clung to its visage, and within its cloudy yellow eyes, a frigid gleam flickered. Its elongated limbs resembled razor-sharp blades, and as it moved, its surroundings seemed to warp and decay. The once pristine environment deteriorated under its influence, the luxurious carpets now marred by writhing tendrils that proliferated in the dim light.

Crimson stains tainted the floor as the struggles of the cleaning staff grew feeble, their pleas ignored. Finally, the sinewy figure enveloped one unfortunate soul, ensnaring her within its inky shroud.

In an instant, the figure's attention shifted, its head swiveling abruptly towards the end of the corridor.

However, the door remained closed, no sound betraying the presence within.

Footsteps, heavy and deliberate, reverberated through the air.

The ethereal glow emitted by the elongated figure intensified as it slowly advanced, seemingly intent on exploring its surroundings.

Within the confines of the presidential suite, Su Chen gingerly retreated from the door, his ears attuned to the ever-nearing footsteps. Three meters separated him from the entrance, his grip on the magically transformed explosive dagger growing tighter, his brow beaded with cold sweat.

What manner of creature is this? Are all the shadowy entities on the ground of similar origin?

The ponderous footsteps were accompanied by the faint slithering of an unknown substance, akin to the sound of impending doom drawing near. It seemed the monster had yet to detect the presence of a living being concealed within the room, content with its patrol.

Su Chen's mind raced, contemplating his options. "I possess a weapon, a single chance to strike," he thought. "Perhaps, if I throw it, I might stand a chance at vanquishing this entity. It's a gamble, but it could also be the key to defeating this humanoid monstrosity."

But he had only one opportunity.

If he could strike its head... it was a risky proposition, yet that might just be the creature's vulnerability, the means to its downfall.

Just as the door would swing open, he would seize that fleeting instant for a surprise attack.

In that moment, the footsteps beyond the door suddenly ceased.

It had arrived at its destination—the entrance.

Silently, Su Chen retreated another half meter, his movements muffled by the plush carpeting of the presidential suite. He held his breath, his grip on the explosive dagger unwavering. His mind recalibrated, analyzing every detail he had observed—the towering height and gaunt frame of the enigmatic figure, the potential stance it would assume upon entering, the precise footfall to target, and the optimal trajectory to strike.

Within his chest, Su Chen's heart pounded with anticipation as he awaited the opportune moment. He visualized the target, timing the release with utmost precision, and with a steady hand, he hurled the Mysterious Flying Dagger.

The obsidian blade sliced through the air with blinding speed, finding its mark in the center of the door, directly impacting the creature's distorted countenance with lethal accuracy.

The explosive dagger detonated with a subdued thunderous blast, accompanied by a brief yet intense burst of light that vanished as swiftly as it had appeared. The lanky ghost-like figure's head was rent asunder, propelled skyward by the force of the explosion. Its body collapsed heavily, convulsing momentarily before succumbing to stillness.

After a cautious five-second interval, Su Chen cautiously advanced, brandishing the Miao Dao he had acquired, determined to ensure the ghost's demise. His inspection confirmed that the creature was unequivocally deceased. The Mysterious Flying Dagger had delivered a resounding success, obliterating half of the ghost's head and terminating its existence in an instant.

The potency of the Flying Dagger was nothing short of astounding—it had dispatched the adversary with a single strike. A surge of determination welled within Su Chen's heart as he warily scanned the corridor, apprehensive of lurking monsters lying in wait.

To his relief, the corridor remained silent and desolate. The transient menace had been vanquished! Only then did he become aware of the clammy perspiration clinging to his clothes.

In the realm of the game, dispatching monsters was a trivial matter, but confronting them in reality proved an entirely different ordeal. As the ghost's body rapidly decayed, Su Chen's trepidation grew, wary of an unknown virus concealing itself amidst the gruesome aftermath.

Contemplating retreat, he suddenly felt an inexplicable gravitational force—an attraction akin to that of two magnets in proximity.

Swiftly realizing that the Anovar Ring was responsible for the corpse's allure, Su Chen furrowed his brow, deliberating momentarily before extending his left hand. As he drew nearer to the lifeless form of the lanky ghost, the pulling sensation intensified.

In one swift motion, he exerted all his strength, yanking the corpse towards himself, only to be taken aback by the astonishing sight that unfolded before his eyes.

Inky streams of black and white energy emanated from the ghost's remains, converging towards Su Chen's hand, akin to a cocoon, and were directly absorbed into his body. The surge of energy was akin to a single unit!

As the absorption reached completion, the connection dissipated.

The monster's body swiftly disintegrated, reduced to putrid matter and scattered remnants, leaving a repulsive residue in its wake. Repulsed by the sight, Su Chen hastily sealed the door, barricading the lanky ghost's lifeless remnants outside.

Just as he secured the door, a figure peered around the corner, their widened eyes brimming with terror. They swiftly retreated to the adjacent presidential suite, unable to withstand the overpowering stench of blood and decay that permeated the air.

Within the confines of his room, Su Chen finally found solace, having successfully utilized the explosive dagger to eliminate the lanky ghost. The rebirth had indeed proven its worth, salvaging his life from the brink of peril.

However, as he surveyed the chaos unfolding beyond, he couldn't help but ponder the origin of these abominations and the cataclysm that had befallen the world. The blinking lights dimmed, power ceased, and the imminent absence of water loomed. The city echoed with the cacophony of gunfire and the haunting cries of creatures, resembling a scene of impending doom.

In the distance, Su Chen even witnessed a Wu Zhi aircraft ascending towards the abyssal chasm, seemingly drawn towards its enigmatic depths. But in the darkness, the aircraft abruptly disgorged a gargantuan bat-like black dragon that resembled a colossal bird, obliterating a helicopter in its path. An ear-splitting explosion reverberated through the air as the helicopter transformed into a breathtaking pyrotechnic display amidst the cityscape.

The cataclysm had descended upon the world, leaving Su Chen plagued by relentless questions. What had triggered this devastating event? How had the world transformed into such an unrecognizable state?

Moreover, the enigmatic energies emanating from the slender ghost's remains puzzled him. What were these energies, and how could he harness them to his advantage?

As Su Chen's mind raced with these thoughts and apprehensions, he recognized the danger of allowing them to consume him. Survival in this newfound chaotic world demanded his unwavering focus and determination.

Returning to his bedroom, he meticulously arranged a collection of tools on the floor—an assortment consisting of a boning knife, a kitchen knife, a seedling knife, and a hammer. His hands trembled with nervous anticipation as he readied himself for the next phase of magical experimentation and transformation.

The power he had harnessed through the deboning knife had illuminated the boundless potential of his newfound abilities. He understood the imperative of utilizing this mystical black technology to fortify himself and confront the trials that lay ahead.

However, he acknowledged the limitations imposed by his recent energy expenditure. He could only undertake the transformation of a single item at present: either the Miao knife, the boning knife, or the meticulously crafted, all-metal replica of Thor's hammer that he had acquired previously.

Contemplating the three options before him, Su Chen immersed himself in deep contemplation.