
Black Sun In Marvel and DC

Next welcome to our-- Hydra's holy forerunner,Thanos' chief pope The Avengers' psychologist,S.H.I.E.L.D.'s finance consultant The paper killer to Batman,The soulmate to Joker Attending physician in Arkham Asylum,Praised professor in Gotham University The holder of Order of the Red Banner,The possessor of bless from the God Iron Curtain in New York, Spring Wind in Gotham The black sun which never dies Schiller Rodriguez! —————————————————— *English is not my first language. *Character setting follows comic and plot follows movie. *System will disappear soon. *If you want to support me financially and get access to more chapters please visit patreon.com/Earth_2260

Earth_2260 · Movies
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72 Chs

Ch.39 Batman's Romance Crisis



































Furthermore, those who dare to commit these crimes are often experienced. They work together, plan carefully, and leave the scene as soon as they're done, making them difficult to deal with.


Batman has already taken down two robbery gangs.They're unlucky. When Batman has just upgraded, moving from the slums to this area, he stumbles upon a robbery and murder case. They kill two female store clerks and steal jewelry from the store. More coincidentally, a string of pearls is scattered on the ground.


So, that gang of robbers is now in prison.


As for the other gang, they aren't formidable either, just a bunch of inexperienced fools who happen to cross paths with Batman. They're now also eating prison meals.


On this day, Batman stands on the rooftop of a building across a jewelry store. He watches a dark figure sneak in through the back door window of the store. The figure is petite but agile. Before the female clerk even reacts, she's choked unconscious.


It seems that it's a female thief. Yes, a thief, not a robber. She doesn't break the glass of the jewelry counter but finds the key on one of the employees and opens the glass door.


Just as she holds a gemstone, admiring its shine, a dark figure appears behind her. He says, "Miss, no matter how you see it, this gem doesn't belong to you."


As she turns her head, her vision grows dark, and she faints instantly.


The female thief seems to have better luck. Just as Batman is planning to take her and hand her over to the police, a group of robbers rush into the nearby antique shop. Those are the real robbers, wearing masks, carrying submachine guns, holding bags, and forcing the store employees into a corner at gunpoint.


Batman has no choice but to let go of the female thief and go deal with them. By the time he returns, she's gone.



However, the story doesn't end there. For the next few days, Batman has the constant feeling that someone is following him. The person seems to be agile, and Batman can't catch their tail several times.


Until one day, Batman sets up a small trap. He pretends to throw a bag of stolen gems he has just confiscated into a trash can on the street corner. Sure enough, the petite figure sneaks into the trash can to scavenge it. Batman grabs her cloak. Unexpectedly, the female thief strikes back with a claw, nearly scratching Batman's face.


As soon as she sees it's Batman, the female thief relaxes. Batman crosses his arms and asks, "The gem, hm?"


"Don't you think our ears match well?" Her voice is sweet. After speaking, she flicks her own ear on the mask with her finger. Yes, her mask also has two ears. Although not as sharp as Batman's, they're in a similar position, on top of the head.


Batman, strikes by a sudden impulse, says, "Are you another bat?"


"A bat?" the female thief says incredulously, "Who is a bat? I'm Cat! Don't only cats have these kind of ears? Do you really think you're a bat? What kind of weirdo takes themselves for that creature?"


"Cat..." Batman ponders the name for a moment, then he retrieves the bag of jewels from the trash can and tosses it to her, saying, "No cat would appreciate gems. Stop causing trouble for the jewelry store employees. Since you haven't killed anyone, I'll let you go."


After saying that, he turns to leave, but Catwoman grabs hold of his cape. Playfully jiggling the bag in her hand, she says, "Rich, you must have another, right?"


Batman furrows his brow. He doesn't understand why everyone can tell that he's wealthy.


He has made his Batman suit extremely low-key, hasn't used any expensive drugs, and even slightly messed up his beard.


Batman doesn't turn around. He simply says, "I don't have it. You can't expect a bat to possess such a thing."


Just as he's about to leave, a whip coils around his waist. Batman doesn't feel any force pulling him, but a soft figure presses against his back. He hears Catwoman whisper in his ear, "If you're a bat, then you're the most interesting bat I've ever encountered. We'll meet again..."


After saying that, she leaps onto a wall in a nearby alley and quickly disappears. Batman touches his ear and thinks, a cat likes gems? Truly a peculiar person.


Just like himself.



Unexpectedly, on his way back to the city, he runs into Christine, the beautiful captain of the cheering squad. She's wearing a thick down jacket and a hat, concealing her sensual figure and beautiful face. Batman initially plans to avoid her, but after some thought, he approaches her. He needs to convince her to go back, as it's too dangerous for a girl to appear on Gotham's streets late at night.


Christine sees Batman and runs over joyfully. However, as she approaches him, she furrows her brows and asks, "You have a girlfriend? You go on a date with her?"


Batman is confused and simply says, "Don't stay here. You know how dangerous it is."


"But I just wanted to be your girlfriend," Christine shrugs. It's clear that she doesn't usually say such things. Normally, it only happens when someone confesses their feelings to him.


"I don't need a girlfriend. Go back quickly," Batman warns.


"Then what's with the Louis Vuitton scent on you? Don't tell me you like women's perfume," Christine remarks.


Batman feels a severe headache.


With years of going on the racket, how couldn't he have any knowledge about these things? He knows that Catwoman hugged him just now. He never expected that this female thief, who goes out stealing things in the middle of the night, would also wear such strong perfume.


Batman doesn't explain anything and simply leaves by flicking his cape.


Although Batman doesn't want to pay attention to Christine, there's someone who's very interested in her – the new president, Seldon.


Don't forget, it was Christine who came forward to accuse the former president of kidnapping her, providing the strongest evidence against him.


Seldon knows that the case involving Jonathan implicates the former president and Victor resigning. There must be a mastermind behind it all, connecting them together. There are too many unresolved mysteries in this whole case. Who apprehended Jonathan? Who rescued Christine? Gordon alone can't do all of these.


Seldon believes that even if Christine doesn't personally know the mastermind, she must at least know who he is. He wants to figure out this matter and unravel the series of connections involved in Jonathan case . Only then can he sit securely in this position. Gotham's relationships are too complex. To establish a firm foothold here, a good starting point is essential. Seldon thinks the Jonathan case is the best subject for investigation.


On the other hand, the relationship between Batman and Catwoman develops rapidly. Perhaps it's fate. Catwoman's liveliness and romance are completely unrelated to Batman's seriousness and skepticism, yet he's captivated by her.


The two often roam Gotham together at night. Although Catwoman can't help Batman in fighting, her skills in sneaking and reconnaissance are first-rate. Catwoman loves various gemstone jewelry, and Batman has money to spare.


But when it comes to theft, they always argue. Batman thinks Catwoman has a stealing habit, while Catwoman believes she simply likes those gems. Since they're displayed in a store but no one buys them, taking them to appreciate for a few days proposes no problem.


Finally, one day, Batman follows Catwoman and once again intervenes in her theft. Catwoman is thoroughly annoyed by him. Amidst their argument, Batman refrains from using force due to his fondness for her, but Catwoman is unpredictable. She slaps Batman and then stabs him in the side with a short dagger.


Thus, this romance crisis involving Batman, really transforms into a genuine kidney crisis.