
black crimson

obijauger was sent back in time to kill Prince Arthur before he could become king but this mission fails and he ends up falling for him instead this is a heartbreaking tale of a love that was never meant to happen

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
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4 Chs

what is love?

there was a knock on the door and suddenly he was gone

"your highness are you alright?" the maid asked

"I'm fine-" he replied

he didn't completely understand what happened but he wished she didn't interrupt them he never felt this way for anyone and he was just a stranger

but he seemed to care a lot about him even though his original intent was different

it was a good thing that he wasn't killed

he was curious about his obija and he had given him a new name

he quite liked it though he didn't like his original name as much

Aurelius- he repeated the name over and over again in his head

he wanted to call him a name only he could and since that was the case

he would only let his obija call him it and he could only call him obija no one else

but he didn't want to hear the old name he was now Aurelius

and he wanted to hear him say it again and he wished that they had kissed

and with him, he felt comfortable he could be himself around him

and be completely shameless he liked seeing him blush and he would have kissed him back passionately he wanted to make him his officially

his face turned bright red knowing exactly what his heart desired

and he knew Obija felt the same about him the two of them were soulmates

"your highness? are you sure you are alright?" the maid replied

"yes I'm perfectly fine-" he replied

he could still feel his heartbeat imaging his Obija

"alright then I just wanted to inform you that your father has arranged woman for you to make your queen and he would like you to get to know them and decide"

"There is no need there is already someone in my heart and I do not need a queen" he replied

"so you already have met your queen?" she asked

"yes" he replied

"then you should marry her-" she replied

"I would if I could but I'm afraid father wouldn't approve-" he replied

"and why do you say that?" she replied

"because "she" isn't a proper lady and you know how father is-" he replied

especially if he found out the truth

"so she's just a maiden girl with no riches?" she asked

"but she isn't like any other maiden girl she is strong welded and she almost killed me but once she saw my charming face she changed her mind and confessed her love for me-" he replied

"That's a really interesting story-and you're saying that you love her back?" she replied

"yes and we agreed to be future lovers-" he replied

"and you plan to do so without your father's permission?" she replied

"Yep I don't need his permission- to love someone that is my choice and I know he won't approve of my queen-" he replied

especially since my queen is actually a king

"then you should stand up to him and tell him how important she is to you-" she replied

"I wish it were that easy but please tell him that I do not approve of any of the women and do not need a queen-" he replied

"alright I will but you know that he will be upset you are the future king and you have to get married-" she replied

"And I will but I want it to be my choice he should no longer have that role over me-" he replied

"so then you will make her queen?" she replied

"yes-" he replied

I don't have much of a choice but if I could make it so we were both kings I would

"then do so" she replied

"I will-" he replied

and he wanted to make him his queen and praise him

he wanted him to say his name over and over again as he made him feel pleasure

to have him under him all night long and have fun with him

teasing him relentlessly - and kissing him passionately

his heart raced he would make him his no matter what

if objia knew what he was thinking he would be shocked

and very embarrassed he didn't mind if it was that way he loved him

and he wouldn't admit how badly he had wanted him even the current king he had worshipped him and wished that he would pay attention to him but that wouldn't be possible when he had a queen and a child he could have killed the child or the queen but he ended up choosing the king well his father did he was the one who ordered him to kill him as the prince but he couldn't what would he tell him?

that he had fallen for him? no, it was best to stay here in the past

that way he could stay with him and he was a few years younger than the prince in the future but now it was the opposite he was the older one now

but he definitely wouldn't feel like it and he didn't expect things to turn out this way but he would love him even if fate wasn't on their side they would be together

forever and ever until the end of time and in the next life too

that was how much they loved each other and would fight to be together

even if was forbidden an assassin and a prince - he was meant to be the villain of this story but he couldn't and would never let go of him

and neither would the prince he would capture him bring him back and never let him go they say the best thing to do when you love someone is to let them go but these two would never even with tradgey_spoilers_and learn their lesson

but would love each other nonetheless and never let go of each other

this was their story of a tragic love