
black crimson

obijauger was sent back in time to kill Prince Arthur before he could become king but this mission fails and he ends up falling for him instead this is a heartbreaking tale of a love that was never meant to happen

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Crimson fate

Obijaguar (obi- gerr) he was sent on a mission

to go back in time and kill prince Arthur

so he wouldn't become the king Arthur he is known as now- but when he saw him

everything changed- he felt his heart beat

"hey! what are you doing in my room?!"

the prince shouted

he put a hand over the prince's mouth

"be quite will you? I'm supposed to kill you without a sound-" he replied

the prince's eyes widen

he was only more frightened

"hey calm down- I'm not actually going to kill you- even if that was the original plan-" he replied

the prince looked up at him confused

he let him go

"why didn't you kill me?" the prince replied

"I- don't know- maybe because you're cute-" he replied

"cute?!" the prince shouted

"hey don't be so loud-" he replied

"right but you're still a stranger to me-" the prince replied

"right I should have introduced myself-

it's Obijaguar- but you can just call me jaguar-"

he replied

"Obijaguar? that's a unique name I've never heard it before but I like it- and I'll call you Obija-" the prince replied

his face turned bright red

the prince gave him a nickname!

and it made his heart flutter

"then what do I call you? hmm how about Aurelius?" he replied

"Aurelius? but I already have a name-

it's-" before he could say his name he put his hand over his mouth

"you don't have to say it I already know but I want a name only I call you- no one else-" he replied

he put his hand down

"then I'll take it- and I like the sound of it-" the prince replied

"I'm glad and you're my one and only Aurelius-" he replied

"and you're my Obija-" Aurelius replied

he blushed immediately

"heh who knew I end up being your friend instead-" he replied

"Well I'm glad you didn't kill me so we could be friends-" Aurelius replied

"me too- and I should go now" he replied

"do you really have to go? can you stay?" Aurelius replied

Obija's eyes widen and looking down at him

he couldn't say no

"hey don't make that face- I'll stay but I can't stay forever you know-" he replied

"I know but I still want to spend my time with you- and I never had a real friend-" Aurelius replied

"I didn't really want to leave either and I've never had a friend either- I'm glad that it's you-" he replied

"me too I'm glad that you didn't kill me and decided to be friends instead-" Aurelius replied

"me too and I'm sorry if I scared you" he replied

"hey don't worry about it you were going to kill me- so I was supposed to be scared right?" Aurelius replied

"it was the plan yes but I couldn't kill you-" he replied

"why not?" Aurelius replied

"I just feel if I did I would have lost something so great and missed out on it-" he replied

"great? am I really that great?" Aurelius replied

"Yeah you're really great-and I hate to lose your friendship-" he replied

"I think the same thing and you're not like I thought you were- and I think you're really cool-" Aurelius replied

Obija blushed immediately

"I-I- and you're not how I thought you be either-" he replied

"ha and you said that I was the cute one but you're- and you first blushed when I called you obija-" Aurelius replied

"I-I- why didn't you blush at all?" he replied

"hmm why would I? maybe try a little harder" Aurelius replied

Obija leaned in closer their faces were only inch apart

Aurelius could feel his heart race

he expected him to kiss him

but he didn't and Instead whispered in his ear


he felt his heartbeat he couldn't understand the feelings he was feeling right now

but he felt so happy- and his face was so red

he laid back down

"ha who thought that my killer would fall for me and I would fall for them as well?" Aurelius replied

"so you've fallen for me too?" he replied

Aurelius jumped up

"You're still here?!" Aurelius shouted

"ha where did you think I would go? and why would I leave? unless you want me to?" he replied

"because you're not supposed to be here- but I don't mind your company-" Aurelius replied

"Well I'm glad you let me stay-" he replied

"of course- you are my friend now aren't you?" Aurelius replied

"Yeah- but maybe would you like to be more in the future?" he replied

"more? do you mean like a couple?" Aurelius replied

Obija blushed immediately

"A couple?!- no- I mean- maybe?-Nevermind!

just forget about what I asked-" he replied

"ha ha- you're really adorable- but I gladly be your lover- someday-" Aurelius replied

Obija's eyes widen

"Really?!" He shouted

"Yeah of course and you're the one being loud now-" Aurelius replied

"Oh- sorry- and thanks for accepting a total stranger like me-" he replied

"hey we're not strangers anymore because we're friends now-" Aurelius replied

"Yep and soon to be lovers-" he replied

"ha and you were going to kill me-" Aurelius replied

"I-I- well I didn't- and I'm glad- so let's hope one day we can be together- and never leave eachothers side-" he replied

"I like that- I really wish we could be together forever-" Aurelius replied

"Then we shall be-" he replied

"ha I wish it was that easy but if my father hears about us- we'll surely be killed-" Aurelius replied

"hey don't worry about it- even if he does we still have time before that- and I'll cherish you to the fullest-" he replied

"I-I- um- thank you-" Aurelius replied

"no need to thank me and I'll gladly do anything for you-" he replied

"but why? what did I do to deserve you?" Aurelius replied

"hey don't be like this- and we both need eachother-and like I said before that if I were to kill you I would have lost something so great and missed out on it- and I hate for that to happen-because you really are great-

and I really fallen for deep-" he replied

Aurelius blushed immediately

"I have too- I mean fallen for you-" Aurelius replied

"I know and I'm glad-" he replied

"then Can you please kiss me?" Aurelius replied

"kiss?- Aurelius- do you know what you're asking?" he replied

"Yes and you made it seem like that's what you were going to do- and I really wished you did-" Aurelius replied

Obija leaned in closer their faces were only inch apart Aurelius could feel his heart race

just as he was about to kiss him there was a knock at the door