
black crimson

obijauger was sent back in time to kill Prince Arthur before he could become king but this mission fails and he ends up falling for him instead this is a heartbreaking tale of a love that was never meant to happen

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
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4 Chs

my future queen

Aurelius knew that he would have to capture his future lover - it was something in him he couldn't understand but he couldn't help but be protective of his lover and he needed him

"obija - please- come for me save me-"

Aurelius had become someone different

he seemed cute and innocent but he was the complete opposite a wolf in sheep's clothing

well obija was the opposite he seemed like the wolf but he was the sheep - the lamb caught in a trap and the wolf would never let him go

his father had been informed and was pissed

he asked to see his son and talk to him

"how can you not want a queen?" his father growled

"I have no need for one from you when I already have one-" he replied

"just who is the maiden?" his father asked

he wanted to be honest but that was harder than he thought-

" "she" is my soul mate my true queen and I love- "her" I don't care what you think father-

I will make him mine-" he replied

his father raised a brow

"who do you think you are to defy me Son?

you can't just make your own decisions I'm your father- and I will not allow you to go after this maiden of yours-" his father replied

"I'm the future king and I don't need you to make your own decisions for me I will choose who I want - and proudly present my queen to you-" he replied

"this- queen of yours I would like to meet her or should I say him? - don't think I didn't catch your little slip up- I want him brought here so I can kill him myself-" His father replied

Aurelius felt a chill down his spine

f*ck what was he thinking?

the man had been sent to kill him

but he didn't- which was hard for him to understand- but the way he looked into his eyes- and he didn't know what it was but it felt as if he had known him for years- that he had loved him- but that didn't make any sense

they never had met before- why did he make a promise to a stranger?- but the man clearly knew who he was- of course he did

he had a background check on him

it was what every assassin had

but why couldn't he kill him? finish the job?

to be honest he didn't want to live

he wished that he had killed him

and he wouldn't have to live like this

but it was clear that the assassin had loved him- he couldn't understand it but he felt something for him too- but who was he?

and why was he sent to kill him ?

he was the next air to the throne

it was what made sense but did he just want to take his place or end the line of future kings and queens? or what was his true goal?

he didn't want to do it but he was supposed to

it was his mission but he couldn't complete it

just as Aurelius had to be the future king

did he truly want it? just because it's what his father wanted? he was still going to be king but he would be nothing like his father he would be better and things would work his way but it was never going to be that easy

but his mysterious future lover never showed up again was it all a dream? his assassin his future lover his queen didn't exist?

he had searched for him but there was no sight of him it didn't make sense

but as he cried in his room- wishing for him to appear he did - "Aurelius did you miss me darling?" he replied

Aurelius's eyes widen "obija? is that really you? you jerk! why did you make me wait 4 years?!-" He shouted

but as he looked back at his obija something was off- why did he look exactly the same?

"I'm sorry my dear- I couldn't come back until four years had past for you-" he replied

"pasted for me?! what's that supposed to mean?!-" Aurelius shouted

obija raised a brow - oh- right- he had gone back to his time and wistfully lied to his father

telling him that he had completed the mission

and when he came back things would change for Aurelius but not him- it was why he hadn't aged the beauty of time travel-

how was he supposed to explain it to him?

"You're probably curious to why you have aged and I haven't- if I had stayed I would have- but as you can see I didn't I went back in my own time nothing had changed- as far as I know

and I came back for me it was 45 minutes but for you it was 4 years- I knew that I had to vist you at this time-" he explained

Aurelius looked at him confused

"you- how could you do that to me?!"

"what did you expect me to stay? I was going to come back anyway-" he replied

"and how much longer would I have to wait the next time?! another 4 years 6? 8?! you may not understand what I went through but I couldn't go through that again- it was as if you were just an figment of my imagination- it was painful-" he replied in tears

Obija wrapped his arms around him

"I promise you that I'm never going to leave you again- I decided that after I came here

and the enchanted pocket watch- I - made sure to crush it-" he replied

"enchanted pocket watch?" Aurelius replied curiously

"it's how I got here the first time and how I got back- but now I can't go back I have Trapped myself here-" he replied

"do you still have this enchanted pocket watch of yours?" Aurelius asked

obija nodded his head grabbing it from his pocket he opened it up the glass was cracked

and the hands had stopped working

and the metal gears to press didn't work either

it was completely broken but even so

Aurelius felt a presence of a strange energy

like some sort of curse - there was magic still seeping from it but only Aurelius could tell

obija wasn't aware of it at all

he wanted to touch it but at the same time he knew that he shouldn't a voice warned him

obija looked at him confused when he jolted back "is something wrong?" He asked

"it's- just I've never sense something like this since my mother was killed-" Aurelius replied

"your mother? and what do you mean sensed?" He replied

"I don't know how to explain it- but I'm able to sense things others don't like curses- and spirits- and I could tell that you really didn't want to kill me- but was there a reason?" Aurelius replied

"I already told you before it was because I knew that I would lose something so important- the truth is- I have met you before

at that exact time- and that's when I first fell for you but- I wasn't supposed to meet you and your memories had to be erased- and that future I had planned- couldn't happen- so when I got this mission I knew that I had to go back for you- and if I have to sacrifice myself for you I would- because I had lost what was so precious to me- my best friend my future king-" he explained in tears

Aurelius wrapped his arms around him

"then I'm not going anywhere my future queen-" he replied

obija's eyes widen - queen- queen- queen?!

right - there couldn't be two kings- it was unheard of unless they were brothers

heat rushed to his cheeks

he always thought of him as his little prince and future king- but- he never knew that he thought of him that way- and it was hard to believe that he loved him back- obija was no one he wasn't supposed to be known to anyone he didn't exist that was the way his father made it for him because he was meant to succeed in his mission which he intentionally failed so he could be with his lover

"you truly accept me as your queen? but- I don't understand- I am no one- I'm not meant to exist at all

all I was meant to do was kill you- but when I met you- I couldn't-" he replied

"and that's how it was again- a part of me hoped that you would kill me- I don't understand why you didn't-" Aurelius replied

"Because I couldn't bare too lose you again- I love you Aurelius-" he replied

"and I love you obija- you sacrificed everything for me how can I not except your love? of course I take you as my queen-" Aurelius replied

"I'm glad- and you are forever my king-" he replied

"mmm- you know that you left me without a kiss- so my dear queen-will you do what you promised your king?" Aurelius replied curiously

"as you wish my king-" he replied

he leaned in and put his lips on his

Aurelius felt the spark- and Obija kissed him fiercely and passionately and their tongues tangled not wanting to let go but when they did they let out a gasp- it felt so perfect

right- they were meant for eachother

it didn't matter if that wasn't how fate was written they loved eachother and never let eachother go as such is their tragic tale