
black crimson

obijauger was sent back in time to kill Prince Arthur before he could become king but this mission fails and he ends up falling for him instead this is a heartbreaking tale of a love that was never meant to happen

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

My Dear Foot Queen [M]

[sexual content- Foot kink]

Aurelius looked down at obija with a smirk

"On your knees kiss my feet"

Obija raised an brow but did as he asked

And he got down on his knees and kissed his feet starting from the front of the foot and eat of his toes and the palm of his foot to the heel Aurelius couldn't hold back the moans as he did so

"Oh obi~ that feels fantastic~"

"What else do you desire my king?"

When Obi called him as such it sent a shiver down his spine-

"For you to worship my glorious feet~"

"Yes my king" Obi began to massage his feet with the utmost reverence, as if they were pure gold. He rubbed in oil and caressed each toe and massaged every muscle of his feet. He kissed and licked them until Aurelius was in a state of pure bliss.Obi began to suck each toe delicately, increasing the sensation running through Aurelius's body. He felt himself trembling with pleasure as Obi continued to kiss and suck his toes. The intensity of the pleasure was too much for him, and he found himself unable to control himself as he moaned and writhed in delight. The greatest part, however, was when Obi shoved his foot down his throat and caressed his tongue with it.It was as if his entire being was filled with a wave of ecstasy that he had never felt before. "For doing such a good job I believe my queen deserves an reward~"

He replied with an smirk

Obi was excited to see what he planned

"Lay down on your back" he commanded

Obi obeyed laying on his back

He unbuttoned his pants and zipped them down with his feet- He was feeling aroused and wanted more he needed him

He began rubbing his crotch with his feet, feeling the pressure and sensation gradually increasing. He felt a tingling sensation through his body as he continued rubbing his crotch. His breathing became faster and deeper as he stroked his growing erection. His arousal was now at its peak and he was ready to take it to the next level.

He sneaked his feet down his underwear

He pulled his pants down and along with his underwear he felt the cool air on his bare skin as he exposed his hard member. He began to stroke it slowly, feeling the pleasure surge through his body. He increased the intensity of his strokes, feeling the waves of pleasure increase in intensity as he edged him closer to the brink of orgasm.He closed his eyes, savoring each moment of pleasure as he ran his feet along the length of his hard member. His touch was gentle and firm, and he felt himself growing harder with every stroke. His breathing grew heavier and his heart raced as the sensations ran through his body. He started to moan in pleasure as he felt his desire grow and his arousal increase.

His hands were trembling as he caressed his erection with his toes, letting his body become aroused from the experience. The sensation was electric and his skin tingled with anticipation as his touch moved further down his shaft. His movements became more insistent as his arousal increased, and his breathing was shallow and his heart raced with anticipation. Each movement sent a wave of pleasure through his body, and he imagined all the possibilities that this experience promised. He felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge of pleasure, and he let out a grunt of pleasure

He felt his body tense as he reached the point of no return, and with a final thrust of his hips, With each caress, his body responded and his pleasure intensified.of no return, and he knew he was going to explode with pleasure. His breath quickened as he felt the waves of pleasure wash over him, and he closed his eyes in ecstasy. His heart raced as his body was taken over with pleasure, and his mind was filled with thoughts of pure bliss. He was lost in the moment, and as he continued to enjoy the sensations, he felt himself coming closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. His pleasure was so intense that he could hardly contain it, and as he finally reached his climax, he felt his body shaking with pleasure and his mind filled with pure bliss.he released himself into a powerful orgasm that left him panting and exhaustedand he closed his eyes and let himself go, allowing the pleasure to take him away. He felt himself floating away as the pleasure seemed to last forever, and he could only smile in contentment. Finally, he opened his eyes and felt the afterglow of the pleasure that he had experienced, and he knew that he had truly reached a level of pleasure that could not be matched. He had experienced something truly amazing,His body shuddered and his muscles tightened as he reached the peak of pleasure, and he let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. He lay there for a few moments, allowing his body to come down from the high before slowly getting off the bed. He took a quick shower and layed back onto the bed He felt refreshed and exhilarated, and he was looking forward to exploring this new experience even further.

Aurelius smiled down at him

"You enjoyed that didn't you my dear foot queen?~"

Obi blushed immediately he had almost forgotten about him

He no response to it as he didn't know what to say he did enjoy it don't get him wrong

He was just shy- he wasn't meant to be doing anything like this especially with the future king he was assassin not an lover

But yet he couldn't bring himself to do it

"You're shy aren't you?~well that's OK Obi

I could tell you enjoyed it-"

"You um- enjoyed it too - when I- you know-"

"Come on Obi no need to be shy just say it~"

"When I gave you a foot job-"

"Give me a little more detail that dear~"

"I sucked your foot off-"

"Still not enough dear~"

"I sucked on your toes and swallowed it down- devouring it- tasting it with my tongue- I must admit- they tasted good-"

"Oh?~and you loved when I caressed your cock with my feet~ wrapping my toes around it moving up and down pumping you with velocity~you loved it as I edged you~

And when you organismed oh my~ I jacked myself off afterwards~"

Obi blushed this prince had no shame!

"You still shy?~"

"You should have let me take care of you-"

"Oh? How would you do that?"

"By letting me suck you off-"

"Oh you want that other foot don't you?

Well then on your knees again-"

Obi's eyes widen but abilgied

He unbuttoned his pants and zipped them down and pulled out his hard erect cock

And shoved it down his throat he gripped his hair tightly and rocked his hips

"I'll give you something much better I'll f*ck that pretty mouth of yours until I cum again-"

Obi let out an groan of approval

And he did just that rocking his hips back and forth f*cking his mouth intensely

Obi let out more grunts of pleasure-

He was loving it so much- he didn't know he could experience something like this

Sure he read books about it in his spare time- but for it to be reality it was hard to believe and it was with the man he wanted

He hoped that this wasn't a cruel dream

When he awakened Aurelius smiled down at him "did you rest well my dear foot queen?~"

Obi blushed once again did that all really happen? But little did he know the tragedy that was to become