
Black Clover: The True Knight

This is black clover x OC fanfiction. I'm writing this because there is not any fanfic of my liking. The story follows the anime manga so keep it in mind. That'sall. Enjoy..

Firesight · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

chapter 15: The Wizard King.

"Man, this is cool! All the houses are gigantic! Isn't it, Rowan?" Asta looked around with glittered eyes, marveling at the area around her.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing. I think they're called McMansions."

As the Black Bulls continued walking, they suddenly ran into the familiar faces of their friends Yuno, Klaus, and Mimosa.

"Well, well! If it isn't the good people of the Golden Dawn!" Asta exclaimed with a smile.

Klaus suddenly came running up to them: "We haven't seen you for a week, Asta! Are your injuries healed already!? And what about you Rowan!?" he said, concerned.

"Yeah! I slept a ton and eat a ton, and now I'm all healed up!" Asta replied with a cheerful smile.

"Yeah, it was only internal damage," Rowan said, relieved.

Yuno frowned, pointing at Rowan's shoulder. "What's that little thing on your shoulder?" he asked, squinting his eyes.

"Oh, that's Neve," Rowan said, pointing to the little spirit on his shoulder. "She's my elemental spirit."

"I got one too she is wind spirit, her name is bell, or Sylph? What's it is again?"

He pointed at Bell as she eyed Rowan and Neve curiously.

Bell huffed, puffing out of her chest. "We're the best, Yuno!" she said confidently.

"Why did you get cool spirits and I only got a rusty sword? I'm so jealous!" Asta exclaimed in frustration, throwing her arms up in the air.

"What are you? A little kid, Asta?" Yuno said, shaking his head with a smile.

"Thank you for healing me, Mimosa! I really appreciate it." Asta beamed at Mimosa with gratitude.

Rowan nodded at Mimosa and stepped in front of her. "You're the one that healed me right? Thanks again for your help," he said with a grateful smile.

Mimosa flinched slightly and blushed profusely as she ran off, her face turning a deep red.

Asta watched as Mimosa ran off, confused. "Huh? Why'd she run away? Is something wrong?" he asked, turning to the others.

"Maybe she was shocked to see how short your arm was!" Yuno said with a smirk, teasing Asta.

"Yuno, you jerk! What the heck?" Asta exclaimed with a scowl, glaring at him.

Noelle then walked up to Mimosa and gently put her hand on her shoulder. "Mimosa, what's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked softly, her voice full of concern.

"What should I do Noelle?"


Mimosa sighed before continuing. "When I see Rowan, my chest starts to hurt. Ever since that day, he's been all I've been thinking of. Whatever's the matter with me?"

Noelle's eyes widened in surprise as Mimosa's face turned an even deeper shade of red.

Mimosa looked up at Noelle with a worried expression. "And then I just ran off like that....Do you think he hates me now?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Noelle's eyes widened even more as she exclaimed, "WHAT! THAT GUY!? DESTRUCTIVE, RECKLESS, BACK-COUNTRY, COOL... NO, WAIT WHAT?!?!" She shook her head in disbelief and looked back at Mimosa, her mouth agape.

"I-I know, right? He's so cool and he's got this aura about him that just draws you in. His eyes are so captivating," she said, her voice softening. She stared off into the distance, her cheeks tinted pink and a dreamy expression on her face. "He's so brave and strong," she said in a hushed whisper.


Klaus, who had been standing quietly off to the side, had been watching the exchange with confusion. "What are they talking about?" he asked, furrowing his brow.

Rowan shrugged. "Who knows. But we should keep going. We don't have much time."

Suddenly, a voice called out from the distance. "Over here!"

The Black Bulls and Golden Dawn members turned in unison, their eyes widening in disbelief as they saw the wizard king himself, Julius Novachrono, standing in the distance. He waved his hand, beckoning them to come closer. "I'm glad I found you all. Come in, young people!"

Klaus immediately dropped to one knee, his face full of awe and reverence. "S...Sir! I never dreamed I would get to meet you directly!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling slightly.

Asta stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Julius. "Who's the fancy guy?" he asked, his tone wary and suspicious.

"You fool!! How could you not recognize the face of the wizard king Julius Novachrono?" Klaus exclaimed, glaring at Asta.

"EEHHHH!!!" Asta's jaw dropped as he exclaimed.

"The wizard king, huh?" Rowan said, eyebrows raised as he looked at Julius.

Yuno's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Julius. Asta, however, was completely shocked. His eyes and mouth were wide open in awe as he looked at the wizard king.

Small-time skips-

Julius smiled at the group. "I heard that Yuno and Rowan managed to secure some spell from the dungeon that you guys raided last week."

"That spell summon this wind spirit!" Yuno exclaimed.

Julius's eyes twinkled with excitement as he stepped closer to the spirit. "Can I really see her? Please?" he asked eagerly.

"I don't know how to call her right now," Yuno said, looking uncertain.

"Oh, that's sad. How about you, Rowan?"

Rowan nodded. "And I summoned the Ice Spirit," he said. Julius' eyes started to twinkle again. "But it took me an hour to call her," he said, Julius' face falling slightly.

"Sadly we didn't have time right now, maybe next time!?" Julius looked at both Yuno and Rowan. "Can you show me the spell?" he asked.


Yuno nodded and took out his grimoire. He handed it over to Julius, who eagerly started flipping through the pages until he found the spell.

"Good job getting this spell!"

Yuno looked at Julius in surprise. "You can read it?" he asked incredulously.

"A little."

Rowan then opened his grimoire. He showed Julius the spell, and the wizard king carefully examined it. "I've never seen this writing system before," he said. "All I can say is, your spirits will grow along with you and one day become something amazing, so treat it right." He smiled and handed the grimoire back to Rowan.

Asta quickly shoves his grimoire in the wizard king's face. "Wizard king! Some weird writing showed in my grimoire, too!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Can you take a look?"

Julius shook his head in disbelief. "Interesting, that's... I can't read this," he said, looking intrigued.

As Julius looked curiously at the grimoire, a sword started to slowly emerge from the pages.

"This thing came out!"

Julius's eyes widened in awe as he looked at the sword. "Whoa! A second Anti-Magic sword!" he exclaimed. "Could... Could I touch that?"

Asta quickly exclaimed, "ABSOLUTELY!"

The wizard king then tried to lift the sword but couldn't muster the strength to hold it up, as it fell to the ground as soon as he got his hands on it.

"Whoa! That's heavy!"

Asta quickly asked, "Are you okay, wizard king?"

Julius nodded with admiration. "I'm impressed you can swing this thing around!" he said. There was a short pause as the wizard king stared at the blade until he finally decided to give it back to Asta.

"You carry this sword because you have no magic," Julius said. "Just keep in mind that with great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely."

Asta looked at Julius with confusion and asked, "How did you know I don't have magic? Or about this magic cutting sword?"

Julius chuckled and said, "That's a very good question, isn't it? HaHaHa.... At any rate, wonderful work! Well done!"

Asta stammered, "Uhhh... c-c-could I ask you something!?"

Julius smiled at Asta. "What can I help you with?" he asked.

Asta said, "How does one become..." Yuno and Rowan quickly followed with their own question, "Become the wizard king!?"

Julius laughed and replied, "Ha ha ha! I see! You want to be the Wizard King, do you? All Magic Knights should be that ambitious!"

"It's rude to ask the Wizard King that question directly, you two! Listen to me! The Wizard King must have noble heart and deep trust in his subjects..." Klaus was in the middle of explaining when Julius interrupted.

"No. It's merit. You can't protect the people with pride alone. Trust comes after you've built up your reputation. People want one thing from the Wizard King. Achievements that mark you as the strongest. Produce results. Devote yourselves to building a reputation. That's everything. No one who's unable to do that could ever stand the top!"

Asta, Yuno, and Rowan nodded in unison and exclaimed, "Bring it on!"

"Ha ha ha! We're holding a decoration ceremony for the Magic Knights who've been awarded an outstanding number of stars today. I hope you'll join us! It's a chance to show off the results of your hard work and dedication. You might even be able to catch a glimpse of the future Wizard King!"

The two squads entered the room and saw all the Magic Knight Captains lined up in a row, with their respective members behind them. All of them were dressed in ceremonial attire and ready to receive the Wizard King's awards.

Julius looked back at Asta, Yuno, and Rowan with a challenging gleam in his eye. "Can you show me better results than they have?" He turned to ask the three of them before turning to the others. "Now then, let the distinguished service ceremony begin!"

Julius turned to Leopold and spoke in a proud voice, "Leopold Vermillion of the Crimson Lions, with seven stars earned! I grant you the title of Intermediate Magic Knight Second Class! You use the same flame magic as your big brother, the leader of the Crimson Lions, and your power is overwhelming! I guess you'll have to be careful not to go overboard. Ha ha ha!"

"Leopold: Evil needs no mercy."

"Sol Marron of the Blue Rose Knights, with six stars earned! I grant you the title of Intermediate Magic Knight Third Class! You're as dynamic as the guys! Both that and your creative Earth magic are amazing, but you're a bit too much of a free spirit!

"Char... I mean, the captain is the only one who can tie me down."

"Nebra Silva of the Silver Eagles, with nine stars earned. I grant you the title of Senior Magic Knight Third Class! The skillful illusions you work with your mist magic are fantastic! Just take care not to use them to play with the enemy more than necessary. You might get yourself bitten."

"I thank you for the warning, your majesty."

"Solid Silva of the Silver Eagles, with six stars earned. I grant you the title of Intermediate Magic Knight Third Class. The great maneuverability of your magic is just what I'd expect from you, but you'd do better to cooperate with those around you instead of showing off your powers!"

"I'll keep that in mind, sir."

The Wizard King went on to give awards to Alecdora Sandler, Shiren Tium, and Hamon Caseus of the Golden Dawn.

Julius paused and smiled at the Magic Knights. "Well done to all of you. All right. We've got a simple reception set up, so I hope you'll enjoy yourselves. Oh, I almost forgot. We have some special guests with us today. Make sure you get to know each other real well. I'm sure you'll all be able to learn from each other and become better Magic Knights in the future!"