
Black Clover: The True Knight

This is black clover x OC fanfiction. I'm writing this because there is not any fanfic of my liking. The story follows the anime manga so keep it in mind. That'sall. Enjoy..

Firesight · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

chapter 16: Quarrel with Nobles

The captains and the members looked behind them to see Rowan and the rest of his group. All of them looking a bit nervous to be stared at. They exchanged some hesitant greetings before everyone went on to eat some of the food provided.

Julius smiled and said,

"Something has come up, and I have to excuse myself. Have fun!"

With that, he turned to leave, waving goodbye to the group before heading off.

Klaus said in a low voice,

"We're being watched in a big way. Why is the wizard king entertaining us like this?! It's almost as if he knows something that we don't."

Asta didn't seem to be bothered by the feeling of being watched and instead was more interested in the food before him. He let out a low whistle as he looked at the spread of dishes before him, some of which he had never seen before. He eagerly reached forward and grabbed a plate, ready to enjoy the meal.

Asta exclaimed,

"What the heck is this!? I've never had anything like it!"

as he stared at the spread of dishes in amazement.

"Look at the confidence! I'd expect no less from Asta!"

Klaus said and smiled as he watched Asta eagerly reach for a plate and try the food before him.

Yuno rolled his eyes and said,

"No, he's just being a bumpkin. He doesn't know better."

Klaus looked around and asked,

"Where did Rowan go? He was just here a moment ago."

"Over there,"

Yuno said, pointing to the wall on the other side of them. Rowan was leaning on the wall, his arms crossed and a thoughtful look on his face.

Mimosa slowly walked towards Rowan and cleared her throat before speaking.

"Um... May I join you Rowan?"

she asked hesitantly, not sure if she was intruding on his thoughts.

Rowan nodded, a little confused but not asking any questions.


he said simply.

"Yes" Mimosa said with a smile, her worries melting away as she walked towards him.

"Rowan!" Asta exclaimed. "You have to try the food here! It's really good!" He gestured towards the spread of dishes before him. "Come on! You don't want to miss out on this!"

Alecdor scoffed in disdain and muttered, "Vulgar peasant!" as he watched Asta eagerly reach for a plate.

Noble 1 murmured, "Why would the wizard king invite such lowborn scum?"

Noble 2 frowned, his lip curling in disgust. "How dirty," he sneered. "To think that filth like him dare desecrate these walls with their presence."

Noble 3 scoffed and said, "Just because he has a little bit of mana he thinks he belongs among us. I don't know why the four leaf grimoire chose him. It's almost laughable!"

Noble 4 huffed in disdain. "Humph! I can't even feel any mana from the other one." he said with contempt.

Asta rolled his eyes and said, "Wow, these guys aren't even trying to whisper." He shook his head in disbelief and continued to reach for a plate, unfazed by their comments.

Neve clenched her fists and said, "How dare they look down on Rowan?"

Neve was about to storm over and confront the nobles, when Rowan suddenly raised his hand and said, "It's not worth getting worked up over," he said with a sigh. "Let them think as they like. They're like a tornado, but with only words!"

"Well, but when did you appeared again?"

"Just now."


Leopold stepped forward, his gaze directed towards Alecdor. "Your group has its own peasant though, doesn't it? A peasant celebrated for having the same four leaf clover grimoire as the other one..." he said pointedly, glancing towards Yuno. "Who doesn't realize his place? I would have handled that dungeon-capture mission better!"

Alecdor sneered and said, "Impressive self-confidence, crimson brat. It isn't as if we're expecting much from a peasant like him. We are the ones who embody Master Vangeance's... No, the Golden Dawn's ideal!"

Rowan already had his hand on his sword, his knuckles white from the tight grip he had on the hilt.

Klaus stepped forward, his eyes flashing with anger. "If I could say one thing-" he began, but Alecdor cut him off with a sneer, "You too, Klaus! With your skills, aren't you ashamed to be here?"

Alecdor sneered again, this time directed at Mimosa. "You too, Mimosa! I hear you were wounded early on in the dungeon and felt the front line. You are a Vermillion Royal. Ridiculous!"

Mimosa hung her head, feeling embarrassed. "I'm terribly sorry..." she said in a small voice.

Suddenly, a voice from the back of the room called out, "Heh heh. Now hands on. The most useless misfit of this lot is... You isn't it Noelle? A record breaking embarrassment who can't even control her magic properly!" Noelle looked up to see her brother, Klaus, standing there with a smirk on his face.


"You were practically exiled from the Silvas," Nebra said, her voice filled with indignation. "I'm surprised you had the nerve to return to the Noble Realm!" Noelle cringed at her sister's words, feeling a wave of shame wash over her.


Nozel stepped forward, his face filled with disdain. "Getting excited over a single success? Did you come specifically to bring shame on the Silva name? You do not belong here. Leave this place, you failure!" he spat, his eyes cold and hard.


Noelle could feel her heart sink as his words hit her like a punch to the gut. She felt her cheeks flush with shame and slowly bowed her head.

Noelle started to walk away, her head hung low and her shoulders slumped in defeat.

But suddenly Rowan grabbed the top of Noelle's head and spun her around, his face full of determination.

"Noelle, don't walk away from these scumbags!" Rowan said firmly.

"Rowan..." Noelle said, her voice barely a whisper.

Rowan then turned to the nobles with a steely gaze. "You can call me whatever you want," he said, his voice low and fierce. "But you keep my friends' name out of your mouth!"

Rowan's fists were clenched tightly and a faint blue light began to glow around his body, indicating that his magic was rising slowly.

"You think you're so tough? Let's see what you can do!" Rowan shouted, his voice full of rage. "If you want to prove who's the strongest, let's settle it here. I'll take all of you on-"

Rowan was suddenly stopped mid-sentence as an armored figure of sand appeared and enveloped him, immobilizing him in place. He looked up in surprise to see Alecdor standing there, a powerful spell already cast. "[Sand Creation Magic: Sand Armored Guard]!" Alecdor said calmly.

"That's enough, scoundrel," Alecdor said coldly. "A gnat like you shouldn't even be permitted to talk. Silence!" His voice was filled with contempt and disdain.

"You want a fight?" Rowan continued, his voice full of determination. "Then come at me! I'll teach you how to respect others!"

Rowan shouted, his voice filled with rage. "[Ice Magic: Bone Chilling flames]!" The blue flames from his hand spread quickly and engulfed the armored figure. Within moments it was frozen solid and then shattered into pieces, leaving no trace of its previous existence. Rowan stood there, his chest heaving and his eyes blazing with determination.

"Wh- what is that?"

"Is that a fire? How can this be possible?"

"No! Impossible...! How can a peasant break Alecdor's spell with such ease?!"

The commentators were left speechless, unable to believe what they had just witnessed.

"I'll show you and everyone here what us peasants are capable of!" Rowan shouted. He then pointed his finger at the nobles and said, "You think you can just talk about us like we're nothing? I'll show you who's stronger, and it won't be you!"

"DON'T BE REDICULOUS!" Solid, Nebra, and Alecdora shouted in unison:

"Any guy who's that high on himself needs to be taught a physical lesson," solid said firmly. "So that he never makes another mess on the rug!" She then quickly cast a spell, her hand glowing with a blue light. "[Water Creation Magic: Holy Water Bullet]!"

"Rowan!" Noelle shouted.

As the water projectile traveled toward Rowan, he didn't move a single muscle. Neve suddenly released a cold breath from her mouth and sent it towards him, freezing the projectile in mid-air before it could reach him.

Solid's eyes widened in shock as the icy breath engulfed him, freezing him in place. His body was completely encased in a block of ice, leaving only his head exposed.

Solid shouted, "Let go of me... you can't do this! You'll be sorry!"

Suddenly, a wave of mana surged through the air as the ice encasing Solid suddenly crumbled and disintegrated, leaving him standing there unharmed.


Solid looked up to see Nozel standing there, a cold look in his eyes. "Big brother Nozel...!" he said in surprise.

Nozel scowled at Solid and said sharply, "Don't use your magic so willingly against a mere peasant!"

Nozel stepped forward, his voice echoing across the room. "A peasant who defies the Royal... how should I pass Judgement on you...?"

Rowan's hand clasped tightly around the hilt of his sword, his knuckles turning white as he prepared to face the captain.

But suddenly, he was stopped by the sound of another voice.

"That's enough! All this for one boy... aren't you embarrassed? Silva clan!"

"Mister Fuegoleon!" Mimosa called out, her voice ringing through the hall.

Leopold then walked to Rowan, a calm expression on his face. He looked Rowan in the eyes and said, "It's just like Mimosa told me. You're a pretty interesting guy! All right rejoice! I, Leopold Vermillion, declare you my rival!" He then extended his hand towards Rowan, a smile on his face. "Let's see what you're really made of, shall we?"

Rowan shook his head, a frown on his face. "I don't want you as a rival," he said. "I'm in no mood for games today."

Asta stepped forward, a determined look in his eyes. "You don't need to be so serious all the time, Rowan!" he said with a grin. "If he won't be your rival, then I will!" He then extended his hand towards Leopold.

Leopold nodded. "Mimosa told me about you too... You're the one with the anti-magic right? All right then!" He extended his other hand towards Asta and said with a smile, "You'll be my rival as well!"

He then pointed at Rowan, a fierce look in his eyes. "Whether you like it or not you will be my rival!" he said with conviction. "I, Leopold Vermillion, swear it!"

Yuno stepped forward, his brow furrowed. "Vermillion?" he asked, his voice even and measured.

Mimosa nodded. "Yes, Fuegoleon and Leopold are my cousins," she said.

Sol stepped forward and glared at Rowan. "That guy, he knocked you out and didn't even apologized! Guys really are dumb, huh Char!" he said, pointing at Rowan. "You should teach him a lesson!"

Sol's words made Char flinch and she looked away. "It's not his fault, Sol," she said with a sigh. 'My chest hurts, I was just about to get in it,' she thought.

"Sorry Char!"

"Call me Captain Sol."

Fuegoleon and Nozel stared each other down, the intensity between them palpable. Neither of them said a word as they locked eyes, seemingly oblivious to Rowan who was still standing there.

Finally, Fuegoleon broke the silence, his voice firm and commanding. "Lord Julius allowed him to be here," Fuegoleon said. "He may be a peasant, but couldn't you give him a little credit?"

Nozel scoffed. "I never thought I'd hear such words from a royal," he said. "The house of Vermillion has grown soft. What sort of credit is an eagle who soars in the skies supposed to give to an insect who crawls on the ground?"

The mascots flashed and crackled, as if they were alive and ready to fight. Nozel and Fuegoleon both stepped forward, their eyes locked in a heated battle of wills. The air around them crackled with electricity as their mana clashed.

This movement was cut short however, as someone busted through the doors.

"EMERGENCY! The capital... the capital is under attack!"