
Black Clover: Tenno

Through a twist of fate a 16 year old boy is reincarnated into the world he admires most, Black Clover.

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Magic Knight Exam

"Time flies by or maybe I was just too busy to notice the days flying" Kuro was studying Excalibur for the umpteenth time since he got him.

He turned his head towards the rising sun and started to recall all of his experiences since he came to Nairn, now thinking about it he couldn't help but thank the witch queen even though she was most likely using him for something, but he did have a good image of her after seeing that smile.

Unsummoning his warframe Kuro started packing up his things since tomorrow was the day of the exam, it may may be difficult for him to reach the capital in a day but after gaining his void dash he was able to notice that it didn't cost any type of energy, only stamina.

So after packing everything he said his goodbyes to everyone and left Nairn with haste using void dash to travel as fast he could, by this rate he'd reach the capital when the sun starts going down considering he left pretty early in the morning.


-The next day-

"Finally here"

Standing outside of a colosseum like structure Kuro could be seen, he was gaining a lot of stares for some reason but he decided to ignore it. 'Must be because of my unique look? No idea.'

Entering the colosseum, he started roaming around to find a good spot but only to get stopped by a skinny looking guy who was wearing green noble clothing with a cape on his back and had a hooked nose. "Hello peasant"

"And hello ugly" Kuro moved around the noble to continue his walk but the noble came running in front of him again with a red face that seemed to be from anger.

"Do you know who I am?" He yelled, obviously seeming to want to gain some attention, in return did its job, not minding this Kuro shook his head in denial.

"I don't know you" Kuro cleaned his ears while looking at the man causing him to be even more frustrated. Calming down a smug smile grew onto his face as he looked down at Kuro.


The surrounding area around them turned silent, Kuro was processing what he had just heard while Mori started laughing like crazy.

"Cucklord the 3rd?.."

The noble's smile grew even more becoming more sinister. "If you bow down now and apologize I'll forgive you"

"He's serious, his name is Cucklord, the fuck type of name is that.." Kuro started chuckling before going into full blown laughter not even caring anymore he walked away.

"Where do you thi-"

"HAHA, one of us is gonna be the wizard king, this is where our legend begins, isn't that right Yuno?!"

Kuro turned his head towards the source, wasn't that hard considering the guy's unique grey hair and the yelling.

"I've been training for this for the past 6 months wait till you can see what I ca- GAH WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL ME?"

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" The grey haired boy started to run around and tried his best to swat the birds away, not paying attention to where he was going he bumped into a very muscular man with a cigarette in his mouth.

"You got a death wish pall?" The muscular man started menacingly down at the boy who started freaking out.

The boy scanned the muscular guy and put his hand onto his shoulder, things started to escalate when the he grabbed the kid by the head and squeezed, Kuro continued to stare with an interested look when the guy started counting down.

"Finally there you are, what are you doing out here anyway?" A man with light brown hair rushed past Kuro towards the scene with a mine looking guy walking behind.

Kuro's eyes widened at the show as that mysterious force from before and his instincts tried to push him towards the group, Kuro quickly calmed himself down and walked away. "This is bothersome.."

Turning his head one more time Kuro saw a crow flying towards him with a weird looking anti-bird. "You're back and now bringing friends"

The others continued to stare at he scene, the murmuring and gasp continued. "Isn't that Finral Roulcase, wielder of the rare spatial magic?" a woman asked.

"And that's Gordon Agrippa! He's a hex magic expert" a man shouted pointing towards the mine guy with black lipstick.

Kuro tried his best to block out the shouts but it only seemed to get louder when a group of 7 individuals they call the magic knight captains arrived in their respective places, the group of misfits left soon after.

A guy from the side of Kuro started naming them off one by one, the one with a braid between his eyes is Nozel Silva, captain of the Silver Eagles. Next was Fuegoleon Vermillion, a man with red hair and circles around his eyes, captain of the Crimson Lions, a flame creation user.

Jack the ripper, captain of the Green Praying Mantises, known for his severing magic apparently. Next was Charlotte Roselei, a stunning woman who's captain of the blue roses.

Captain Gueldre, captain of the purple orcas, was a big guy who looked like he belonged in a cartoon or a fast food chain's mascot, the one that interested Kuro the most after Yami was Dorothy Unsword, captain of the coral peacocks, she was basically sleep walking the whole time.

Rill Boismortier, captain of the Aqua Deer, was surprising since he seemed to be around Kuro's age but in reality he was 19 years old, and lastly William Vangeance captain of the Golden Dawn and apparently the closest in line to be the Wizard King.

Kuro stared up at the captains, subconsciously, a smile grew onto his face that slowly started to become devilish by the second making the people around him become intimidated.

"Kuro I think you should calm down a bit?" Mori spoke up.

"Why would I? there's nothing to freak out over"

Mori stayed silent for a minute. "You're smiling like a demon Kuro, freaking the surrounding people out"

Kuro tilted his head a bit then touched his face, quickly realizing he really was smiling creepily he stopped. 'I think signing that contract and being around the witch queen did its number on me'

Mori clicked her tongue then went back to watching her show, Life of Kuro Usagi.

While Kuro was having his inner conversation with the devil in his head a captain took the center, he wore a weird mask that had white feathers sticking out from it.


"He was the one who- blah blah blah blah"

Kuro completely tuned everything out to the point it sounded like a Charlie Brown movie when the adults are talking, after the people did their overdramatic yells William opened his grimoire and executed a spell that caused branches to form and deliver wooden brooms to the examinees.

"Attention Examinees!"

"In just a few moments we'll begin the first in a series of test, the nine magic knight captains will be serving as your judges, and when the exam is complete we will choose the individuals we would want on our squads, if chosen you are in, if more than one squad choose you, you will decide which squad you would like to join, however, if you are not selected by any squad that means you have been deemed unqualified to join the magic knights"

"And now for your first test, you must use the broom you've been given to fly, a mage who is in control of his or her magic power could do it on instinct alone, it is our most basic way to get to one place to another, if you can not fly on a broom then you're not worth our time" with that same smile he said those words indifferently.

"Enough talk, now begin!"

Kuro looked around to see many people struggling at first but the second later managed to get into the air, that famous 4 leaf clover kid managed to do it with ease while standing tall on his broom.

"Hey Kuro, Kuro, Kuroooo" Mori called in an almost needy tone.

"What is it?" Kuro poured a portion of his many into the room and spun it for fun.

"If you can ride the broom upside down, I'll summon Ordis here with materials to build a warframe, though you'll have to fix the orbiter up for the mods and stuff"

Kuro's eyes widened but he quickly raised a brow. "What's the catch? I'll take the challenge but I want to know why you're making something as expensive as that so simple to get"

"Bored, I want these nobles to learn their place and not to mess with my Tenno" She shouted in a tone that wouldn't take no for an answer.

Kuro smiled wryly. "You're very competitive but I see no reason to refuse" making his broom float, Kuro wrapped his legs around the broom and let gravity do its work, his body fell back and hung from the broom upside down.

Kuro could hear Mori clapping her hands in the backgound, rolling his eyes like always he started flying away with the others.


"How does he have that much control?!"

While Kuro was busy showing off for Mori that same grey haired boy was still on the ground shouting things to get his broom to fly, the captains looked at him with pity and interest.

"How strange, no matter how low his magic aptitude is he should still be able to get the broom to float.."


After test after test, Captain Vengeance declared what the final test would be. "On to the next test, the final and most difficult, a display of combat skill"

After he said that Fuegoleon got up from his seat and started to shout. "Prepare to duel, you will break into pairs and fight each other, use your grimoire to attack and defend. As knights battle is our business we want to see everything you're capable of!"

"The test will end when one combatant either surrenders or is unable to continue, we have mages wielding recovery magic standing by for the injured" William reassured

"So don't hold anything back!"

After their speech Kuro started looking around, he saw that hooked nose noble walking towards him with a smile on his face. "I Cucklord the 3rd challenge you to a duel!"

Kuro just replied with a simple "Okay" which infuriated the noble more "I will show you the difference between a noble and a commoner!"


sitting down to wait for Cucklord to finish his monologue, Kuro watched some fights to see what others could do, the only impressive fight he's seen so far was some guy using earth magic against someone with fire.

"HAHA, no holding back! Let's do this Asta!"

[Bronze Creation Magic: Magnum Cannonball!]

Kuro turned his head towards the source only to see a blonde haired boy covering himself in a transparent aqua colored ball, when it came together it had a pattern with cannons coming out of it.

"That seems like some fairly high level magic for examinee" Finral said to Yami slightly impressed by Sekke's magic.

"He looks like an insect though, big spiny pull bug" Yami looked at Sekke for a minute before answering.

"Yeah!" Asta yelled before pulling out a dirty black grimoire which gained Kuro's attention.

'Mori you know what that is?' Kuro continued to watch as Asta pulled out a giant greatsword that was dirty with scuff marks out of the open pages of his grimoire.

'Sword magic maybe?'

"Kuro, that's anti-magic, that must explain why those birds started chasing him earlier"

'Anti Magic, didn't know that was a thing but it sounds interesting..' Asta pushed off the ground with a tremendous amount of force that left a small crater in the ground with cracks beneath his feet, his figure turned into a blur which soon appeared before Sekke's Cannonball sphere and with the sword held above his head.



Cutting through the sphere with little to no effort like butter, his sword struck against Sekke to create another crater in the ground with him in the middle foaming from the mouth.

The crowd that didn't showed pity or no any interest in the duel became shocked which undoubtedly ended up spreading towards the captains.

With Sekke knocked out Asta turned towards the crowd and rested his sword over his shoulder, and spoke with words full of confidence and determination: "Listen up! I'm not joining the magic knights just so I can have an easy life and avoid working hard. I'm here to work my butt off and become the Wizard King!"

"Oho?" Yami hummed.

Kuro raised an eyebrow as Mori broke into another fit of laughter. "Him? Become the Wizard King? Know what? Kuro you're going to take that position!"

"Woo, so exciting. I never signed up for that"

Let me tell you, farming for Titania prime systems are killing meee

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