
Black Clover: Tenno

Through a twist of fate a 16 year old boy is reincarnated into the world he admires most, Black Clover.

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

An old woman and void tapping

"Just go work"

Kuro smiled and started placing plates on tables while he walked around the restaurant humming, Marco occasionally came along to help out, soon time flew by and after hours of working Rebecca had called him over.

"Kuro, I'll need you to deliver this" She walked over to Kuro and pushed a pot into his arms that that smelled like stew or something close to it.

Not waiting for his response Rebecca dragged him outside the building, doing a quick wave she left him outside like an abandoned puppy.

Kuro continued to stare at the door for a few seconds before letting out a sigh. "Time to get this over with" He looked down at the pot and saw a note with the word 'Church' on it.

Kuro knew he wasn't able to bullet jump like this so he hopped up onto a build and started sprinting his way towards the Church.

It took under 20 minutes to get there, outside it there was a bunch of kids playing around with an elderly woman with short, light-colored hair and a large, jagged scar running down over her left eye extending from her forehead to her left cheek watching from a distance with a smile on her face.

"Looks like this is the place" Kuro jumped off the home with a soft landing and walked up to the church. "Hey, I came to deliver some food!"

The elderly woman and children looked over towards him, the kids being kids just ignored him the second after and proceeded to start playing again. He didn't mind this since they're just enjoying themselves.

"You got here faster than I expected, who might you be?" The old woman asked with a surprised tone while extending her hands.

Kuro handed her the pot while he stared at her scar for a few moments before responding. "I'm Kuro, how about you?"

The elderly woman didn't mind, turning her back towards him she started walking away into the church, Kuro not being sure if he should go or not just watched her go. "Are you coming or not?"

Nodding his head Kuro followed behind as she called the kids in for lunch, when everyone entered she started filling bowls and passed them towards the kids.

Kuro stood to the side watching, not knowing what else to do he joined in which earned him a smile. "Theresa"

He turned his head towards her confusingly, the old woman saw this and let out a chuckle before clarifying what she meant. "That's my name, Theresa"

Kuro gave a small smile and nodded while handing out the last of the bowls. "Nice to meet you Theresa, is there anything else I should do for you while I'm here?"

"No, I believe that's all, thank you for the help Kuro, how much would that be?"

"A thousand yule"

Theresa immediately started coughing as she tried her best to glare at him which Kuro chuckled at. "I'm kidding, just take it, I enjoyed seeing the kids over here enjoying themselves considering everything that happened in their lives, I'm sure Rebecca and the owner will understand"

Theresa calmed down but not after sending him another glare. "I understand but I should pay for the food."

Kuro shook his head and said jokingly with a wink. "Just take it, if you want to pay then just shoot some magic at me"

As he stated those words the temperature started to rise around him. "W-Wai.." Not being able to finish his sentence a small fireball hit him in the head which his grimoire in return greedily ate.

Knowing he couldn't even be upset since he asked for it he let out a silent sigh.

Kuro didn't have anything else to do today so he started getting to know the kids and Theresa, apparently, she used to work as a magic knight but after seeing children suffer and die she decided to become a nun to take care of them. Kuro started to respect her more knowing this.

There was also this blonde haired girl that made his senses scream to stay away from her but he decided to ignore it, what's the worse that could happen? Turned out her name was Marie, what a sweet thing.

After finishing his business he made his way towards the tallest building and opened his grimoire to see if that fire spell did anything. 'Nothing but an empty page, maybe I need more fire?'

"I guess I can try teleporting, aka void dash." Kuro walked towards the edge of a building and looked down for a minute or so before deciding to jump in an assassins' creed manner. 'Focus!'

His pupils dilated, the ground got closer and closer, and when his body was about to go splat he felt a foreign energy in his body while his eyes started to glow slightly. 'Is this void energy?'

Before he could come to any more conclusions his body disappeared into nothing only leaving particles behind in his place, they started moving at an extremely fast pace towards the restaurant.

After 12 meters his body martialized outside the restaurant. Feeling dizzy he stumbled in pushing his body onto the wall. "I'll have to get used to that"

Minutes of feeling dizzy, Kuro finally stood up straight. He waved towards the group of redheads and made his way upstairs to his room.

He summoned Garuda to study a bit more, never once did he try her on but could sense small burst of bloodlust even though he wasn't placing his hands on her, also that crow has been gone for a while which made Kuro nervous yet relieved that he wasn't going to be watched by that bird all day and night anymore.

Time started to pass by as Kuro continued his work, while studying Garuda and Excalibur in his free time, he didn't learn anything of course but he could see their bodies moving up and down sometimes as if they were breathing but that was an extremely rare case, as the day flew by the magic knights' exam was here before he even knew it.

I could have done better this chapter, hoped you enjoyed anyways

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