
Black Clover: Tenno

Through a twist of fate a 16 year old boy is reincarnated into the world he admires most, Black Clover.

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Knight Squad

After that incident more fights passed, the 4 leaf clover kid called Yuno came up to fight his opponen with some random noble.

And the nobles, well being nobles underestimated him, Though Yuno completely dominated in his fight without even taking a single step.

Asta and Yuno had Kuro's attention since Mori kept telling him how he's going destroy them to his annoyance.

Soon Kuro's fight was here, so not wanting to waste time he and Cucklord stepped onto the stage.

Kuro got into his position and stared at the Hooked nose noble with a bored expression, never in all his life did Kuro think he'd be wasting his time on such a guy named Cucklord.

The referee swiped his hands down through the air when he saw the fighters ready. "Start!"

"I'll wipe that expression off your face soon!" Cucklord pulled out his grimoire with a yell.

[Stone Creation Magic: Onix Snake!]

The ground started to quake, rocks started to uproot themselves from the floor and slowly they came together forming a rock like snake creature with a fin on its head. "I'll end this in one blow!"

"Poor chap"


"That commoner is gonna die at this rate"

The crowd started throwing praises at Cucklord which fed his ego more, it seemed to have made the spell stronger.

Kuro chuckled. "This won't be as boring as I thought it would, you're weak, undoubtedly so. But I might as well try to get a warframe out of you while I'm here" The mana around started pulse and fluctuate madly which drew the captain's attention.

Even with this happening the noble still showed a cocky smile, not caring to hear what he said. "I don't care what an insect like you has to say, now die!"

The Onix let out a mighty roar before charging toward Kuro, destroying the ground under it.

Kuro stood there going in deep thought unfazed by the giant snake creature charging towards him.

'I could finish this with just a blood dagger but mother said to never waste time in battle with those weaker than you, I already messed up once with those dumb bandits, plus the judges did say to show them what I got..'

Coming up with an idea Kuro formed a blood dagger that made the judge's eyes open wide while some had a chill run down their spine, they all seemed to come down to the same conclusion. "Witch Queen"

Looking at each other Jack decided to speak. "Let's think this through, this could just be a coincidence"

Yami nodded his head. "That old hag would have killed the kid if he stepped anywhere near her forest"

The other captains agreed to his words and continued to watch the fight.

Kuro took a step back and gripped his dagger tightly, pulling his arm back as if it was a spear he quickly threw, it started whistling through the wind and soon the dagger and Onix collided.


The noble started laughing with the idea he won. "This is why you should have groveled when you had the ch-"

He was interrupted an alien looking creature ran out from the dust holding a white and red blade in hand, his eyes widened in fear and without thinking he started to rapid fire boulders which were cut through like butter as the creature shredded through them.

"Stay the hell away from me!" "Do you know who I am?" "I will not die here!" with each sentence his spells continued to get stronger but it was all for nothing when the creature pointed the end of its blade at the noble's neck and spoke in a language nobody understood.

"Yutsip.." the creature was Kuro in Excalibur, during the battle he was surprised that he was able to cut through magic, it wasn't on the same level as Asta but more of a low level version of it.

The noble's grimoire dropped to the ground, the noble himself dropped down with his head against the ground. Seeing this filled Kuro with a strange satisfaction.

The crowd and Captains looked at Kuro stunned, Jack decided to break the ice again by asking the captains a question everyone had in mind. "What the hell is that?"

"I was just about to ask that you damn bug" Yami spoke

"Looks like armor" Fuegoleon threw in.

"..." Dorothy mumbled something that barely came close to english.

"Are you sure about that Dorothy?" Charlotte asked.

After the captains talked and Kuro's matched ended, a few more happened but they weren't as great as the previous ones, when the last match ended William got up from his seat to speak. "That concludes the exam, when your number is called please step forward to learn your results"

Charlotte stood from her seat and looked down at the crowd. "If the captain wants you on his or her squad they will raise a hand, that means you're in, if you do not wish to join that squad you can of course decline. If you are admitted into one or more squads it is up to you to decide in which you would join"

"However if no squad wants you, you will not be a magic knight" Fuegoleon added.

"And you must leave at once" Nozel ended it off with no hint of hesitation.

After the speech to remind them of what's going to happen, the selection began, most that came up had not a single of the captains choose them but a lucky few were chosen.

Time started to go by quickly and Yuno's turn came, and as Kuro expected everyone raised their hands which made the people below break into shock, he ended up joining the Golden Dawn.

"Number 165!" the counter called.

Asta stepped up and like last time the counter asked if anyone had any hands, no one raised their hands making Asta sweat. "Number 165..No hands"

He stood there with his hair covering his eyes muttering some gibberish. The people behind started complaining so the counter continued even with Asta sitting there.

"Number 166!"

"Looks like its your turn Kuro, knock em dead"

Kuro let out a chuckle as he walked up towards the center past Asta. 'if I do that then you'll have more work on your shoulders.'

"Do we have any hands?"

Kuro looked up at the captains who held clear hesitation in their eyes, Quickly they started to remember that Kuro held the best results out of all the examinees, even that 4 leaf clover kid, Yuno.

With that thought in mind, the captains one by one started raising their hands making the crowd break into another uproar.


"Lucky bastards!"

William clapped his hands to silence them then proceeded to stand from his seat. "Kuro, was it?" the captain of the Golden Dawn saw Kuro nod and continued what he was saying. "You showed the best results out of everyone here. Magic power, control, and battle prowess, As the captain of the Golden Dawn I ask you to join my squad"

The other captains looked towards William with slightly raised eyes but before Kuro could respond Asta started speaking out with a frustrated expression. "I'm not done.. not yet, I.. I.. I'm no-"

"It's no real surprise is it?" a voice spoke, Kuro looked up towards Yami to see him staring down at Asta with that cigarette sitting between his lips. "No, matter how good your skill in battle might be no one wants to touch a power that mysterious, people aren't fawned of the unknown" Yami paused for a second and turned towards Kuro.

"The same goes for that kid"

Everyone stayed silent as Asta, Kuro, and Yami looked at each other.

"It boils down to this, what the captains here are looking for is magic power that simple" Yami released his magic power that made the ground start to tremble, Asta himself took a step back and quickly tried to stand his ground.

The people who could sense it started to sweat heavily while others were on the brink of fainting, Kuro didn't escape its grasp either as his eyes widened and a bit of sweat came down from his head pissing the goddess of death off who was watching everything happen.

Yami hopped down from his seat then treaded his way towards Asta giving him the death stare. "What would anyone want with someone like you? A kid with zero magic."

Yami stopped in front of Asta with his death stare becoming stronger.

"You might as well face the facts. What you said before, that you took the exam because you want to become the wizard king? You get what that means right? If that's really your goal then you're going have to prove you're better than all 9 magic knight captains"

"And now standing her magicless and pathetic can you really say you have what it takes? That you're strong enough to be the wizard king?"

The whole arena went silent again, Kuro who was looking at Asta waited for his response. 'I swear if he backs away from this I'm going to slap him for making me take this path for nothing!'

Asta tightened his fist looking down at the floor. "Yeah, fine. So maybe I won't join a magic knight squad today but no matter what anyone says, and no matter how many times I might stumble. I won't give up! I will become the wizard king!"

Saying those words full of determination he threw away his fear and looked straight into Yami's eyes.

The man looked down and after a few seconds the pressure dispersed causing everyone to let out a break of relief, Yami chuckled and broke out into laughter. "You know kid, I like you! Come join our crew-"

Before Yami could finish, a large burst of mana erupted out of Kuro's body with an arm coming out of his chest holding a giant scythe. "YOU DAMN GANGSTER WANNABE, GO TO HELL!"

The arm threw the scythe towards Yami who with difficulty sidestepped it and looked back towards Kuro with surprise as the arm went back inside his body before anyone could notice. 'DAMNIT MORI WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!'

"He rubbed me the wrong way, where did he get the audacity to act that way!?"

'He's a magic knight captain, we'd be lucky if I'm not executed for some type of treason'

Yami walked up to Kuro and grabbed him by the head. "Did you just attack me, kid? You got some balls don't you?"

Yami squeezed Kuro's head more as he tried his best to respond. "I-"

"Shut up, did I give you permission to talk? What kind of magic you use anyways?"

Kuro started to think it over but it was difficult when his head being squeezed. 'Damn, If I don't give an answer I'm going to die here! Think Kuro think!'

"You're running out of time kiddo hurry up!"


"Void magic, my magic is Void Magic!"

Yami looked into his eyes and clicked his tongue. "Void Magic? Well whatever you're on my squad now"

Yami turned towards the other captains and dropped Kuro. "I hope you don't mind, not like I care if you do or not"

Yutsip is submit in corpus if anyone is wondering, I decided to fall his magic Void magic since I really had nothing and mind, also the fact that Tenno got their power from the void if my memory serves me right.

Also I got Titania prime building so I might just go for Octavia!

0BlackRabbit0creators' thoughts