
Black Clover: Tenno

Through a twist of fate a 16 year old boy is reincarnated into the world he admires most, Black Clover.

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Black Bulls

"I hope you don't mind, not like I care if you do"

Kuro's eyes opened in surprise hearing Yami's words. "I didn't agree to-"

"You attacked a Magic Knight Captain, you would have been executed or held behind bars all your life, be glad I'm giving you another shot at life" Yami grinned looking at the expressions of the other Captains.

Kuro sighed and stood up. 'At least I'll get Ordis and an orbiter out of this'

While this was going on Asta came up to Kuro with a smile on his face. "Nice to meet you I'm Asta, and you?"

"Just Asta?"

"Yep, just Asta!"

"Well alright, Just Asta, I'm Kuro Usagi"

"Weird name"



"You got a lot of nerve making me wait like that newbie, just how long was this dump you took anyway?" Yami stood at the exit of the the the the colosseum with Kuro, Finral, and Gordon.

"Man, captain you wouldn't believe it, seriously!" Asta started spreading his hands apart to gesture how long it was only for Yami to grab him by the head.

"Asta I don't think that's what he meant by how long" Kuro threw in.

"Exactly" Yami turned towards Finral who held his grimoire in hand. "Go on Finral"

"Okay!" Finral pointed at the area in front of him and executed a spell, soon space twisted until it was replaced with a blob of grey static.

"WOW SO COOL, WHAT IS THAT?!" Asta was struggling to speak with Yami's grasp on his head.

'Maybe I could get Limbo from that, that noble was useless after all" Kuro mumbled to himself. 'Hey Mori, when is Ordis coming?'

"He'll be here in a bit, don't worry so much but I think you should hurry"

'Wh-" Kuro saw Yami throw Asta through the portal and was making his way towards him.

"Captain if you could, please hurry" Kuro could hear Finral struggling to keep it open.

Yami grabbed Kuro by his hair and threw him into the portal. "Suck it up, dig deep, and push your limits"


Coming through the portal Kuro hurriedly maneuvered himself in the air and landed onto his feet. 'Mori this is why you don't attack people on a whim!'

All Kuro could hear was a snort. He let out another sigh and looked around at his surroundings, other than the amazed Asta on the ground, all around him were woods and a huge place that looks like it's been played with like Jenga.

Kuro looked down at Asta and helped him up. "You alright?"

"Y-Yeah thanks" Asta brushed himself off and smiled at the misshaped building. "My first step to becoming the wizard king"

"Nice, huh? We got a snazzy place" Yami walked up between Asta and Kuro with a grin on his face.

"It's so cool!" Asta hurriedly made his way towards the gate with Kuro in tow.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all' Kuro thought while Asta did his small introduction without anyone there to listen and just when he was about to knock on the door it combusted into flames. "Ast-AHHHH!"

Kuro watched as Asta was launched back then whistled when he flew behind Yami next to Finral and Gordon.

"Yep, this place is insane" Kuro stared listlessly at Asta still sitting in the flames, he didn't need to worry as his grimoire was greedily eating them, until suddenly it started to shine.

[Ember: Radiant starfire light our worlds ablaze. Igneous as the burning sun, Ember's fiery rage engulfs her foes and scatters their cinders in the solar wind. Empress of elemental flame, scorch the land with her wildfires. Control her fury or fuel the heat to unleash destructive incineration, leaving charred corpses and ashes adrift in her scarlet sea.]

"Someone gonna put him out?"

"He'll push past his limits and will grow immune" Yami simply said.

Kuro stared helplessly towards his new captain. 'Yami, I don't think that's how that works..'

"What's with that look punk?" Yami grabbed Kuro by the head.

"Nothing, Nothing!"

Yami dropped Kuro on the ground and stood in front of the flames. "Welcome to the black bulls, the worst of the worst Magic Knights squad"

After getting his bearings Kuro felt excited looking at Yami's figure standing in front of the flames until suddenly Asta started running.

"No! I'm not done yet!" Asta stood up and started running into the flames only for a fireball to come out and blast him away.

Kuro walked past with Yami, Finral, and Gordon, and what came next completely blown his expectations, it was a circus of mayhem.


"Nope, not really but let's go!"

"AHHHHH" with a yell fireballs started flying through the building heading towards a blue light moving around quickly.

"Hahahahahaha, woah!"

"Ughh why is it so loud in here?"

"Mm *Homf* *Mofp*"

"My precious Marie, my dear sister, my love. Enough shut up damn you!"

Kuro just continued to watch until Finral broke the ice in the group. "Looks like they're at it again.."


"You'll get used to it"

Asta started to yell out his introduction again but everyone wasn't paying attention.

Kuro saw a sheep bringing food to a short girl with black hair, his eyes lit up and he disappeared from his spot.

"Could I have some?"

Kuro saw her eyes ice over. "Who the hell are you and why are you asking for my food? Get your own grub!"

He felt a chill go down his spine and hurriedly tried to introduce himself. "I'm Kuro, Kuro Usagi, just joined the Black Bulls!"

Hearing what Kuro said the girl went back to her carefree expression and let out a sigh of relief. "Whew, thought you were going to steal my food, you can have this!" she took a cupcake and split it in half then passed it towards Kuro.

Kuro was just about to eat it until he heard Yami yell and a wall being destroyed the wall. "QUIT BREAKING STUFF ALREADY!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and slowly turned their heads towards the source only to see their beloved captain standing there with a pissed off expression, they all immediately started to run towards him and welcome him home, of course Kuro was still at the table staring at the floor.

"My cupcake... my poor cupcake.." his cupcake fell on the floor, icing first, he couldn't even be upset at Yami since he was his captain.

Yami started to laugh. "I'm glad to know you all missed me.. now shut up will ya?"

"Sorry sir!" They all dropped to their knees.

"I'd like you to meet our new uh, where the hell are they?"

"H-Here-" Asta could be seen getting sat on by a giant guy in a block robe smoking from the mouth.

"I'm over here captain.." Kuro called out still looking at the floor.

"Quit messing around"


"Now like I was saying these shrimps here is our other new members" Yami looked down at the rest of the group then spoke to Asta and Kuro. "Go on, tell them your name or something"

"Asta you can go first" Kuro suggested.

"You sure? Well okay.. My name's Asta from Hage village it's really nice to meet you all!"

After Asta finished his little speech everyone turned their heads to Kuro who only let out a sigh before speaking. "My name is Kuro Usagi, I come from the wi- Nairn, I come from Nairn"

"Captain I thought we were only getting two recruits" a woman asked.

"That was the plan but due to this idiot here we got two for the price of one, you should have seen the other captain's expressions when I took him!" Yami chuckle answering the question.

Yami stared at Kuro for a few seconds and nodded his head. "Finral, introduce everyone"

Finral only nodded and started naming off everyone. "Gordon Agrippa, has difficulty speaking with folks but he's good people, next we have Vanessa Enoteca, tends to pick fights when she's drunk but she's good people"

Vanessa started flirting and teasing the two but then out of nowhere started puking.

Vanessa was a tall young woman with wavy mid-back length pink hair that was kept loose in a lob hairstyle with bangs swept to the left side, she also had purple eyes, full lips and a voluptuous figure.

She wore nothing on except her robe, bra, and panties which everyone ignored as if it was normal.

'Vanessa? I think I heard mother talking about someone with that name once..' Kuro remembered his mother yelling someone's name but decided to forget it.

"Luck Voltia, a battle freak who's addicted to fighting but he's good people" Luck was a young man of short stature with blue eyes and medium-length messy blond hair. His hair was long enough to cover both his ears and forehead. "Hey want to fight? C'mon, let's go!"

Luck kept running circles around Kuro until he was interrupted by a tall, slender-built guy with light skin and shaggy light brown hair that drapes over his forehead and left eye, he had brown eyes as well. "Hey, you see here?" "My sister Marie, she's my little angel" he held up a picture of a young girl who Kuro quickly recognized.

Kuro stared at the picture of the young girl with short blonde hair and red pink eyes. "You lay a finger on her then you die!"

'What the fuck?!, is that why my instincts kept yelling at me?!' Kuro and Asta nodded their heads though Kuro took a step back.

"Gauche Adlai, loves his sister a tad too much but he's good people"

Finral then turned towards a petite girl with shoulder-length black hair and green eyes who was stuffing her face with a muffin. "This here is Charmy Pappitson, she's a big eater but she's good people"

Charmy pumped her fist into the air and yelled a muffled nice to meetcha.

Kuro walked next to Charmy and whispered something to her, after a few moments she passed him two cupcakes. "Thanks charmy" Charmy nodded her head and went back to eating.

Everyone stared for a moment but Finral went back towards his introductions. "And this is Grey, I don't get him but he's good people!" He was an extremely large, heavy-set man with slicked-back black hair, and sphere earrings with links that connect to other small spheres that hang, and glowing eyes.

"And then there's Magna Swing, a street punk but he's good people" Magna had a lean build and two different colored hair, a light grey hair at the top, black hair at the sides. He also sports a black mohawk, he had a straight line mark surrounded by three pairs of dots on his left forehead.

Magna looked up towards Kuro who was enjoying the cupcakes and Asta standing around looking nervously at everyone and sneered.

"And finally we have the Black Bulls fearless leader, the great captain Yami Sukehiro!" A tall man with a very muscular build. He has grey eyes and black hair of medium length that is messily combed backward, making it stick outwards. He sports a stubble mustache and beard.

"What? No he's good people?" Asta asked which no one answered.

'So, Mori, what do you think of this place so far? I feel like I could benefit a lot here, like from Luck, I think he uses lightning magic so if I asked him to shoot lightning at me I could probably learn the spell to summon Volt' Kuro sat on the floor and continued to watch everyone.

Mori hummed and threw in her thoughts. "Though the captain made me upset and the place is full of crazies, I can't say you're not wrong, but I can't help but feel like the Golden Dawn would have been nice as well"

Kuro sighed. "Yea that would have been nice.."

"Think you can play nice with them newbies?" Yami looked towards the two.

"Yes sir, we're going to get along so well!" Asta started yelling his introduction for the hundredth time of the day while Kuro simply nodded his head.

"Alright gang lets go, give them a nice workout but try not to kill em"

Magna stood up with the common thug face and started to smack talk them, Kuro ignored this to talk with Mori while Asta started to shake next to him, eventually,, Magna said something that caught his attention.

"Wow, you're really excited but first you need to earn the approval of Yami's chief subordinate, Me, Men of among men Magna Swing. This marks your entrance into the Black Bulls, A true baptism by fire!"

Magna Swing is so satisfying to say, hope you enjoyed.

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