
Black Clover: Tenno

Through a twist of fate a 16 year old boy is reincarnated into the world he admires most, Black Clover.

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Baptism by sheep

"A true baptism by fire!"


Everyone could be seen outside sitting or standing around the couch, Asta and Kuro were going through their baptism at the moment which looked liked some hardcore idiotic stuff, Magna was putting them through the wringer.

When the physical prowess was done Magna moved on to the main event.

"Using any skills at your disposal, either magical or ordinary" Pausing for a brief moment Magna activated a spell to make a fireball in his hand. "You must dodge or defend yourself against my attack magic, if you can manage that you will pass, you may consider yourselves Black Bulls and I will give y-"

Magna turned around to see who was interrupting him only to see a sheep carrying charmy on its shoulders. "I'll take that one from here" she said pointing towards Kuro.

"Me?" Kuro pointed towards himself with a confused face.

"Yep, I will test you from this point on!" Charmy raised her fist into the air and before Magna or Kuro could retaliate the sheep was already dragging Kuro off to the side.

"Ah that's not fair, I was going to do that!" Kuro looked up to see Luck yelling from the couch.

"You can have him next if he's up for it!"


Soon the two arrived at a table that was towered with food making Kuro go wide eyed. "You will face me in an eating competition, if you win and survive a punch from me then you're in, if you lose I'll send you to Luck"

Kuro swallowed the saliva in his mouth and sat behind the table. "Got it"

Charmy nodded her head then sat across from Kuro. "3, 2, 1 , Go!"

And they were off, stuffing their faces madly with pure bliss clearly being shown while Magna's fireballs flying by in the background.

"I will win!" Kuro roared with passion looking across the table at Charmy.

"No you won't, I am undefeated!"


After Asta sent Magna's attack back towards him the two had some small bonding time and came over towards the rest of the squad.

"Congrats kiddo"

"Yea, good job Asta now we can fight!"

"Shut up will you? You battle crazy idiot!"

The group continued to welcome and congratulate Asta, suddenly Yami looked towards the eating competition.

"Wow, he's actually managing to keep up" Vanessa spoke turning back towards the eating contest.

The wind started to pick up and head towards Kuro who seemed to be in a trance.


'Damnit, I'm getting full!'

Charmy was still going in strong in the lead, she didn't seem to slow down at all and grinned at Kuro stuffing her face with cake. "Whatcha waiting for? C'mon take a bite!"

Kuro pushed his back against his seat, letting out a sigh and closed his eyes. 'I'm not going to win this, how can she eat this much for someone so small?!'

Suddenly his vision shifted, standing in the middle of nowhere Kuro could see someone or something in the distance. It turned around to stare at him and soon the wind started picking up heading in the direction of the thing he saw.

[Grendel Ability: Feast!]

Outside the vision Kuro's body passively started to eat faster and suck in everything in its path until all the food on the plate was completely gone.

When he snapped back to reality everyone was staring at him with wide eyes, the exception was Yami who just had a grin on his face.

"That was amazing!" Charmy yelled, she took her last bite and stood up from her chair.

"Aha, thanks" Kuro scratched the back of his head.

"Well let's move on to the final part!" Charmy pulled out her grimoire, a serious air suddenly surrounded her removing the carefree vibe she gave off.

[Cotton Creation Magic: Sleeping Sheep Strike]

Cotton started to spawn around her, moving towards each other and soon forming what looked like a giant menacing ram looking down at him, and without any warning, it launched its fist at Kuro.

Immediately Kuro summoned Ember leaving a slender white figure with flame marks running down it's body where he once stood, Ember raised her arm and the temperature around them started to rise without falter.

The Black Bullz stared at Ember with surprised looks as she shot out a wave of flames that surrounded the cotton sheep.


The two attacks collided causing a mini explosion which made cotton be blown in the surrounding area.

"What is that?!" Charmy backed up raising her small arms.

"Don't worry it's me" Kuro exited from Ember and as usual the warframe fell on its knees.

"I-I see, well you pass the trail or baptism of sheep!"

"Baptism of sheep?"

Charmy just answered by throwing a robe at him with the Black Bull's insignia on it. "Welcome!"

Vanessa, Yami, and others came over looking at Ember's immobilized body.

"That's so cool!" Asta's eyes had stars in them as he ran around Ember. "Can I touch it?!"

Kuro didn't get the chance to answer because Asta moved towards Ember reaching out to touch her helmet, Ember made the temperature rise around Asta who retracted his hand as fast as he could. "Why'd it do that?!"

"She's not an it, it's a she, and her name is Ember, Asta" Kuro walked over towards Ember and picked her up which made the heat instantly disappear as if it was never there, Kuro let out a sigh speaking to Ember. "First Garuda, now you. Sometimes you guys confuse me"

The others just watched the interaction until Kuro decided to make her go away.

The group smiled at the newbies while Yami stood in the back putting out his cigarette. "Okay, okay we still got some business to take care of" Finral clapped his hands to get their attention.

"Aw boring!"

Vanessa smiled and used her thread magic to put the robes onto Kuro and Asta.

"It's official now, you're one of us, you're a member of the Black Bulls. Don't do anything that would bring shame to Yami or to the Black Bulls" Magna had a huge smile on his face as he spoke these words to the two.

"Understood, I'm so glad to be apart of this team!"

"So am I, I'm glad to be part of this team even if I was forced to be here"

Asta started victory screaming until Yami told him to shut up.

Kuro smiled looking at everyone. 'I made it!'

He turned his head towards the top of the Black Bulls hideout to see a figure who stumbled a bit looking down at them.

Have to give this novel some love, might right another chapter for demon slayer later

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