
Black Clover: Copy Mage

In the world of Black Clover, a third child was left with Yuno and Asta. But due to certain circumstances, the orphanage could not take all three. Luckily for the third child, a kind magic knight and his wife that lived in the same village were able to take the child in. As Lokk grows up, his powers grow in leaps and bounds, causing him to become an outcast amongst the children his age. A tremendous loss occurs, and Lokk swears to fix the world. But not as a magic knight, he will do it on his own terms. There will be sexual content included.

PheonixRebirth · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


"Despair, Humans," The man covered in white fur says as he lunges at an incredible speed. Tira lets out a scream. "Captain, take Tira out of here. She has no capabilities. The rest of us can handle things here." Aron says as he intercepts the monster of a man in front of him. Captain Nottelle picks up Tira in a princess carry and rushes out of the room. Right before he reaches the entrance, the mystery man appears in front of him and tries to strike down the two of them. Captain Nottelle dodges and the man's attack causes a crater where he had been.

He looks up and gets ready to attack again. Before he can do so, Aron smashes him into a wall with a sword strike. "Go, go, go. Get out of here as quick as possible. Bring only the elites with you, the rest would only be in the way!" Nottelle sprints out of the room before the mystery man could stop him again. "Ah! You let my prey get away from me. I'll just have to get rid of you before I head after them." The man growls. The pressure from his mana intensifies.

Aron activates his Phoenix Cloak to counter the pressure. A long regal robe made of flames roles down his back. The flames take the form of feathers. He counters the pressure with his own, allowing his allies to catch their breath. The man's grin became even more sinister. "It looks like you can entertain me after all."

The two powerhouses charge each other. The rest of them can barely keep their eyes on the battle as they wait for a moment to strike. Aron's long sword clashes with the man's claws. "Flame Breaker!" Aron casts a spell. Flames appear on the sword and run the length. The next time the two clash, the flame blows the man into a pillar in the room. The dust settles and the man walks out without a scratch.

While the man is stationary, Rollick casts a spell. "Mind breaker!" He uses his mental powers to cause pain from the enemy's brain. After looking having a concentrated look on his face for a few seconds, he collapses with blood coming out of his ears. "It's like looking into the mind of a demon, pure darkness and hatred." He says before collapsing.

The man's grin has turned into a sneer. He rushes towards Aron with more speed than before. Aron gets ready to defend. The last moment before the attack was going to hit. The man disappeared before appearing before Rollick. "Watch out!" Aron roars. But he is too late. The man stabs his hand through Rollick's chest. Killing him on the spot. Aron appears before him before he can take out the other three men. "Spread out so he can't take out all of us at once," Aron yells at the rest of them. They all take places around the room to avoid being wiped all at once.

Rast sees a moment when he can attack. The man shows an evil smile when he sees the flame spell heading towards him. He conjures claws made of mana. The claws grab the spell and fling it back at Rast. He manages to dodge out of the way before the spell hits where he was. The explosion of it throws him around, but he only ends up with a few bruises. His red eyes glint with frustration.

The man seems to get faster and faster with every strike. As the fight goes on, Aron can barely keep up with him.

Fin, who is the second-fastest member of the group, fires a lightning spell at the man. It lands and leaves a small mark on his arm. The mystery man roars in pain. He charges at the small man with murder in his eyes. Bira summons an earth wall to stop the man. It stops the man's first strike, but the man's power did not lack compare to his speed. He throws hit after hit so fast Aron was the only one who could see his blows. In a few moments, the wall is broken down.

The man uses his mana claw to grab a large rock from the wall and fling it at Fin. It hits its mark and soon all that you see of the small man is a smear on the floor. Aron flies into a rage. "NO MORE!!!" He shouts. "Phoenix Avatar!" He summons his aura and surrounds himself in a concentrated red aura. His speed doubles and his strength explodes. The aura takes the shape of an ancient warrior with the head of a Phoenix. Aron starts running circles around the man. He is going so fast he is leaving after images that the man is hit. The other members of the squad are awestruck at the power and ferocity shown by Aron. Not long after he summoned the avatar, the man is bleeding from cuts all over his body. The mystery man starts coughing up blood. Aron takes the chance while his guard is down. His sword had concentrated mana throughout the battle and had started glowing red. With a roar, he unleashes his finishing move. "Phoenix's Requiem!" He slashes down the man's body from his right shoulder to his left waist. He falls onto the ground with blank eyes.

Aron lands on the ground. His aura disappears and he trips. Rast catches him and puts his arm around his shoulders. Rast walks him over to Bira. They all rest for a few minutes. "Tough bastard." Aron says, "That was meant to separate his body in half." They all solemnly mourn for their lost comrades, their dear friends.

Aron shakes with a sudden chill. An insane amount of mana starts filling the room, coming from the mystery man. Everyone looks over to see what is happening. The man is getting up as mana explodes from him. It throws everyone against the wall, holding them in place. Aron looks with eyes full of fear at the man he thought he had killed. His body, that was previously covered in wounds, was all healed except for a large scar from Aron's final attack. The only other major difference to the man was a third eye in the middle of his forehead. "Damn human," The man growls as he runs his hand across the scar. "My regeneration can't even heal this."

His face turns into a ferocious scowl. He disappears from their view. Rast, who was behind Aron, lets out a scream of pain. Aron turns around to find Rast with the man's hand coming through his chest. A faintly beating heart in the man's hand. The man pulls his hand out from his back, causing blood to spurt everywhere from the still-warm corpse. The man crushes the heart in his hand.

He vanishes again, and Aron feels an impending doom coming from behind him. He turns around to find the man behind him about to thrust his hand through his body. His life flashes before his eyes. When seemingly out of nowhere, Bira appears in the way covered in a hard layer of earth infused with a multitude of mana. It successfully blocks the attack.

The mana-fused shell of earth falls away from his body. Bira turns towards Aron, his face turning gray. Blood covers his entire front. Three giant slashes go from the top of his chest, all the way down to his waist. He whispers to Aron, "Thanks for insuring that Tira, my kid sister, made it out safely. I'll see you in the next life, Boss." The last breath leaves his body and his corpse collapses to the ground.

Aron fills with rage. He turns his hate-filled eyes towards the monster in front of him. "Yes filthy human. Feel the despair of losing all your comrades." The man laughs evilly. Aron summons his Phoenix's cloak. They exchange a few more blows, but Aron is completely overwhelmed by the speed and power which had grown even more since the third eye opened. A hit from the man sends him flying into a wall. Aron coughs of blood and the man grins evilly. He rushes forward and starts throwing punches so fast that Aron can do nothing but try to block his head and chest.

The man keeps punching. He grabs Aron and flings him across the room into another wall. Aron is covered in blood and is so bruised and beat up, you can hardly recognize him. The man appears in front of him again. He stabs through his chest. Aron barely dodges so that the man misses his heart. He is stabbed through the stomach instead. His Phoenix's cloak dissipates, and he finally collapses on the ground.

A black portal appears next to the man. A head appears out of it. The face is a man's face that is completely pale except for some vertical black markings. "What happened here, Vetto? Do you have what we need? Your aura disappeared for a minute and I got worried." The man asked the monster of a man who caused all the destruction in the room. Vetto smiles and holds up a pink gem. "I'm just finishing up with my fun here." He looks down at Aron, who is heavily bleeding out on the floor.

"Leviathon's Fury!" A large water spell shaped like a water dragon spears toward Vetto. Captain Nottelle and twenty elite Magic knights had just walked into the room. Before the spell can hit Vetto, the black portal covers him and leaves no trace of the two people. "Bring a healer!" The captain yells at the people who stare at the traces of the ferocious battle that had happened in the large room. A healer runs up and starts healing the man that turns paler with each passing second.

Aron waves the captain closer. "It's too late. Please take care of my family. Lokk will become the strongest magic user ever seen. Make sure he walks down a path of hope and love. Keep him from going to the dark. And remember the name Vetto. He was the one that caused the destruction here."

With these final words, Aron breathed his final breath and his eyes went dark.

In the town of Hage, Lokk feels a tear run down his cheek and feels an intense sadness enter his heart. A downpour comes where there had been clear sky moments before.

After the disaster of a mission, Captain Nottelle of the Silver Eagles declared his retirement effective immediately. A funeral was held in each of the Magic Knights that had fallen hometowns. In the village of Hage, the rain did not stop for three days. On the third day, a funeral was held for Aron. Only five people came except for the villagers of the town. The five were Tira, Nottelle, a tall regal man with short blonde hair known as Julius Novachrono, a rough-looking foreigner with dark hair and eyes known as Yami Sukehiro, and a regal-looking man with intense eyes and red hair known as Fuegoleon Vermillion. Lokk was presented with his father's Magic Knight robe.

After the funeral, Nottelle pulled Bella aside and talked to her for a few minutes. She nodded her head to what he said.

A few days, Aron and his mom were all packed and headed to the capital to live with Nottelle who had never married or had children. Asta, Yuno, and April all walked up to the soon to be empty home. April walked up to the boy she had a crush on and hugged him. "I swear to become a magic knight and find you at the capital." She kisses him on the cheek and runs away with a blush on her face. Asta and Yuno walk up to say goodbye. "We'll see you when we come for the magic knight exams. Make sure you show up." The two walk away after crossing arms with Lokk to make it a promise. They wave off their friend as he steps off to the capital through a portal.

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoy reading it.

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