
Black Clover: Copy Mage

In the world of Black Clover, a third child was left with Yuno and Asta. But due to certain circumstances, the orphanage could not take all three. Luckily for the third child, a kind magic knight and his wife that lived in the same village were able to take the child in. As Lokk grows up, his powers grow in leaps and bounds, causing him to become an outcast amongst the children his age. A tremendous loss occurs, and Lokk swears to fix the world. But not as a magic knight, he will do it on his own terms. There will be sexual content included.

PheonixRebirth · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Dungeon Exploration

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location in the Clover Kingdom...

"Captain Nottelle, we have reports from the scouts. There are signs of others in the dungeon. What are your orders?" A random knight reports to the Captain of the Silver Eagles. "Have everyone on stand by. I'll take a group of elite knights to see check the situation." Captain Nottelle dismisses the knight. "Aron, what do you say to this situation?"

Aron steps out of the shadows. "We don't know who is inside the dungeon. It is far enough from the border to remove the thought of the Diamond Kingdom. No other squads have arrived at the location. We should head in with caution. I'll get a small squad that I trust to head in." Nottelle shakes his head. "I'll head in with you. I'll be retiring soon and my nephew will be taking over for me. This will also be a good time to test his command capabilities."

"You're giving command up to Nozel soon? He is your first choice?" Aron asks incredulously. "No, but my first choice refuses any positions of authority. Isn't that right Aron?" Nottelle says with a sigh. Aron bursts out in laughter. "I wouldn't make a good captain. Let alone vice-captain. I don't have the right temperament. Besides, the Wizard King wouldn't accept me as one. You know that my father considers me a disappointment."

"Your old man won't last much longer as the Wizard King. Julius Novochrono will be taking over as Wizard King any day. That kid is a monster if I have ever seen one." Nottelle says. The two talk until Aron leaves to get his comrades to enter the dungeon...

Aron walks through the camp of the magic knights. Until he reaches a group of five rowdy men that have an air of experience to them. He slips in behind the largest man of the group. "Have you guys heard the news that the Outcast Prince is back?" A man with wild red hair says. "Don't call him that. You know his name is Aron. We all know you're excited to fight him for the strongest flame user of the squad, Rast." A tall, thin man with blue hair says. Aron slips behind the man called Rast. "Fight him for it? I could beat him if I one hand stuck behind my back." The blue-haired man winks at Aron. "You heard that, Boss?"

Rast jumps as he hears the man talk to someone behind him. Aron grabs Rast by the wrist and holds it up to his back in an uncomfortable position. "Let's see it, Rast. Try to beat me now." Aron puts his other hand on the back of Rast's head. He slams it down into the ground. "Oh, thanks for so graciously giving me your seat." The six of them burst into laughter as Aron let up Rast.

"Welcome back, Boss." Everyone says to him. He looks at the smiles surrounding him, familiar comrades and friends. There is Rast, the trouble child of the group. Rollick, the tall lanky man who talked to Rast earlier. Bira, a large man both in height and weight. Tira, A quiet younger woman with black hair and purple eyes. Aron did not recognize her, as she was a newer recruit. Fin, a short man that always seems to be messing with small spells in between his fingers.

"You all ready to hunt? We've got a new prey in the dungeon. I need you for what's going to be going down tonight."

A short time later, seven Magic Knights run into the entrance of the dungeon without a sound. "Tira, use your sensory magic to keep an eye for any enemies." Aron orders. "Rollick, establish communication with your mind magic." The group heads further into the dungeon. After a while, Tira informs everyone of the smell of blood. "I only sense one person alive. But it seems like there had been a battle up ahead." "Ok everyone, get ready for a fight. Whether it be human or a monster from the dungeon." Aron orders the group.

The group runs into a large room. In the middle of the room stands a man. This man is covered in white fur. He has sharp teeth and eyes like a wolf. He is standing over a man with a silver cloak. It was the man who reported the situation to Nottelle earlier!

"It seems like you have a mole in your ranks, filthy humans." The man says with a gravelly voice. "This man just came and told me that you would be here any minute. And it seemed like he was doing it under someone's order." He starts smiling with an evil glint in his eyes. "Not that any of you will make it out of here with that information."

The man's mana explodes, causing everyone except Nottelle and Aron to freeze from the bloodlust in his mana. He laughs as he lunges toward the frozen knights.

I wanted to try out a cliff hanger.

I don't know if I did it right.

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