
Black Clover: Copy Mage

In the world of Black Clover, a third child was left with Yuno and Asta. But due to certain circumstances, the orphanage could not take all three. Luckily for the third child, a kind magic knight and his wife that lived in the same village were able to take the child in. As Lokk grows up, his powers grow in leaps and bounds, causing him to become an outcast amongst the children his age. A tremendous loss occurs, and Lokk swears to fix the world. But not as a magic knight, he will do it on his own terms. There will be sexual content included.

PheonixRebirth · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Capital

I'm going to make the timeline a bit different. Everyone gets their Grimoire at the age of 12. The magic knights' exam will happen at the same time as the story when the main character is 15. And the main storyline will be slower than in the anime. The reason being, I don't see it wise to send teenagers with little to no battle experience against extreme magical threats. So, there will be a 3-year training period. During the said period, Rookies will only be allowed simple missions. The exams will only happen every 3 years. Also, the Wizard King will take on 3 apprentices during the 3 years.

Also for images of my original characters

Lokk: Lancer from fate. Except with golden-brown hair and blue eyes

Aron: Soma's dad from Shokugeki no soma. With a thicker beard and thicker build.

Bella: Onedera's mom from Nisekoi

April: White from Blood Blockade Battlefront


Lokk walks through the portal to the Capital. His eyes fill with wonder at the building and all the people. People are flying around on brooms. Vendors are trying to catch anyone's attention to sell their goods. Lokk smells something amazing coming from a nearby shop. Nottelle sees his eyes light up from the smell. He goes and buys some crepes from the man selling them.

When Nottelle hands Lokk the crepe, the boy immediately takes a bite. Nottelle smiles at the boy's enthusiasm as he devours the treat. Lokk smiles for the first time since the funeral. "Thanks for the food, Uncle Nottelle."

After checking out the market for a little longer, the group headed to the house that Nottelle had ready for them. The house was on his property and a short walk through the gardens from Nottelle's own home. As they walk through the gates of the house, a young girl with the silver-hair common among the Silva family.

"Uncle Nottelle! Welcome home. Who are these people?" The young girl asks."Hey there, little Noelle. This is Lokk and his mother. His father saved my life, so I decided to make sure his family got everything they needed. He is new to the area, so why don't you show him around and play with him?" Nottelle grabs the young boy's hand and pulls him to the field on the grounds.

A year and a half later...

Lokk runs through the streets as he is late to probably the most important event in his life. Today is the day all the 12 year-olds get their Grimoires. He sprints on top of the rooftops to get to the large tower next to the school he would be going to for the next three years. He slips into the crowd of excited young children that were gathering into the hall. Before he slips in through the doors, a hand grabs his collar. It is the small hand of Noelle. "You are late. We agreed to get here earlier together." She scolds him. Lokk laughs sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I was distracted helping a kitten." Noelle rolls her eyes. She turns away and walks through the door. "I wish you would worry more about me than some kitten." She whispers.

The ceremony started soon after that. The old monk in charge of the tower started calling names. As each person walked into the middle of the room, a book would fly off the shelf and gently land in the person's hand. Most of the names were people Lokk didn't know or care about. After a while, the old monk called "Lokk Phoenix." Lokk walks out to the middle of the floor. He holds out his hands and releases some mana. There is a pause where nothing happens. A boy with reddish-brown hair starts laughing. "Of course the fake Phoenix would not get a Grimoire." As the boy finished saying the insult, a golden glow came from high up the tower. A clear grimoire floats down to softly land in Lokk's hand. On the book lies the mark of the four-leaf clover.

The room erupts in quiet whispering. The monk looks at the young boy standing in the middle of the floor with a look of awe. The boy who had spoken out earlier stands with his mouth open and eyes full of shock. "A four-leaf grimoire. A rare sight that very few get to see." The monk says in reverence. The monk calms himself as there are still many more children who need to get their grimoires. "Mhmm... Zorian Phoenix." He calls out.

The young boy who had tried to humiliate Look walks out to the floor. He calls out for his grimoire. A beautiful book with a golden trim land in his hands. He walks to his friends with a smug look on his face. As he walks past Lokk he gives him a look of disapproval. "Humph... You always feel the need to show off, don't you?" Noelle says to Lokk. He laughs. "I don't mean to Elle." Noelle blushes at the pet name. After a while longer, the monk calls Noelle's name. She walks to the middle of the room. Almost immediately, an intricate blue and silver book flies down to her. She walks over to Lokk triumphantly. "It's so pretty!" She gushes over her grimoire. The names after are just ones that Lokk doesn't pay any mind to. Until one. "Mimosa Vermillion." A cute little girl with light brown hair walks into the middle of the floor. Lokk stares at her with a blush on his face. "So cute," he says quietly to himself. Noelle hears him. "Idiot." She says as she hits him on the arm before walking away into the crowd with an angry expression on her face.

After the ceremony, Lokk was walking home. As he slips down an alley that is a short cut to his house, Zorian stands in his way. Two of his lackeys walk in behind Lokk. "I'll show you that your nothing compared to a real member of the Phoenix family," Zorian says while bringing out his grimoire. He summons a small spell. "Phoenix flames." A small ball of fire flows towards Lokk. Lokk brings out his grimoire and dodges the flames using a spell, "wind steps." He quickly looks through his spells surprised to only see three. The first one looks completely useless at the moment. It was called 'aura sense'. The second was the 'wind steps' he used earlier. The final spell he has is 'Phoenix's Cloak'. The spell made his eyes tear up. This was a spell his dad often used. It made the user faster, stronger, slowly heal and be flame resistant to weaker flames.

He uses the spell and a regal robe seems to fall on his shoulders. Zorian sees the spell and his eyes fill with rage. "How dare you use that spell with your dirty blood?! He throws as many 'Phoenix Flames' as he can. They just land on the cloak and fizzle out. "How do you expect such weak flames to do anything?" Lokk says with a condensing tone.

He disappears from in front of their eyes. One of Zorian's lackeys calls out, "Boss, behind you!" Zorian starts to turn around only to feel a pain in his neck and he passes out. Zorian talks to the two other boys. "You better take him home, or else his daddy might get mad." He says this as condescending as possible before walking out of the alley. The two boys pick up Zorian and take him home.

The walk past a girl with light brown hair and green eyes. If Lokk had seen who it was, he would have exploded in embarrassment. The girl was Mimosa Vermillion. She had eyes full of amazement. She had seen the whole fight happen. "So cool," she says as she watches the handsome boy walk away. The robe made of flames slowly disappearing from his back into the wind.

Sorry I didn't post earlier. I had a migraine and it only went away recently.

For now, I will be posting Monday-Friday.

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