
Black Clover: Copy Mage

In the world of Black Clover, a third child was left with Yuno and Asta. But due to certain circumstances, the orphanage could not take all three. Luckily for the third child, a kind magic knight and his wife that lived in the same village were able to take the child in. As Lokk grows up, his powers grow in leaps and bounds, causing him to become an outcast amongst the children his age. A tremendous loss occurs, and Lokk swears to fix the world. But not as a magic knight, he will do it on his own terms. There will be sexual content included.

PheonixRebirth · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


A few months later...

Lokk is waiting outside the orphanage for Asta and Yuno. Unknown to Lokk, a girl with blonde hair and green eyes is watching him from behind a tree a couple of houses down. She watches as Asta and Yuno approach the handsome boy with golden-brown hair.

Yo, Lokk. You ready for some more training today!" Asta yells as he usually does. "Yeah, but you don't need to yell." Lokk replies while giving him a chop on his head. The three boys start walking down the road. Lokk stops for a minute and looks back at a tree. "I thought I sensed someone over there." He thinks for a second before Asta yells at him to catch up.

Behind that tree was the girl with blonde hair. She has her hands over her chest and a blush on her face. "His name is Lokk." She starts to giggle cutely.

A few hours later...

The three boys head back to the church. They are drenched in sweat, except for Yuno who hadn't done any physical exercise. As they reach the church, Asta yells in frustration. "I forgot about it. A family moved into the village a few houses down. I saw a girl our age with them too. She looked cute, but she couldn't hold a candle to my Sister Lily!" Lokk shakes his head. "You still planning to marry her after you become the Wizard King?" Asta yells, "Of course!"

"Don't plan on it too much Asta," Yuno tells him. "I'm gonna become the Wizard King before you." Asta takes his challenge on. "Just you wait. Once I get my magic, I'll be too strong. I'm so fired up I think I can summon a spell right now!" Asta starts yelling while holding his hand out. Suddenly, a small flame appears above it. Asta starts freaking out and goes to show the flame on his hand to his two friends. Only for it to stay in the same spot and to go out. Asta looks to his friends to find them rolling on the floor laughing. "Not cool Lokk." Asta grumbles. "We will all make it into the Magic Knights together!" Lokk says excitedly. They all cross arms to seal the vow. The three friends wave goodbye before Lokk heads home.

The next morning...

Lokk is waiting outside the orphanage like he does every morning. Something felt off like someone was watching him. He felt the same way yesterday. He looks around and notices that it seems to be coming from the tree he noticed. When Asta and Yuno come out, he asks them, "Who lives at the house there, just a couple down?" Asta replies, "That's the family the just moved into town. Why do you ask?"

"I feel like someone is watching me from the tree in front of their home. Shall we go say hi? Maybe see if their daughter would like to play with us today?" Lokk wonders. Yuno and Asta nod in agreement. The blonde girl hiding behind the tree sees them walking over and starts panicking. "I can't let them find out that I was watching them."

She runs inside before they reach her house. "Mom, some people are heading over to the house!" The girl's mom calls back. "Thank's for letting me know, April. I'll be right there."

The boys walk up to the door and knock. After a few seconds, a beautiful woman with blonde hair and a kind smile on her face open's the door. "Hello, boys, what brings you to our house today?"

Asta whispers to Lokk, "Sister Lily is still much more beautiful." Yuno looks at him with annoyance. "You know she could hear that." He gives him a thunk on the head. Asta whines, "What was that for?" Lokk bows in apology. "I'm sorry for my friend's rude behavior." The woman laughs at the interaction between the three boys.

"My name is Lokk and these two are Asta and Yuno. We came over because we heard you moved into the village recently. We also heard you had a daughter our age and was wondering if she would like to come play with us today." Lokk informs her. "That sounds like a great thing to do. You boys are so nice." The woman says with a smile. "I am Rachel and my daughter is April. I will send her out in a few minutes."

The boys waited outside the house until April came out of the house with her mother. Rachel smiled at April being so shy in front of the boys. The boys each came up to April to introduce themselves. When Lokk came up to introduce himself, Rachel noticed that April blushed when he shook her hand. She took a mental note to tease her about that later. "Remember to take care of my daughter." She said this to all three but gave a wink to Lokk. This confused Lokk as the four ran off to play for the day."

Surprise! Double Release today.

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