
Black Clover: Copy Mage

In the world of Black Clover, a third child was left with Yuno and Asta. But due to certain circumstances, the orphanage could not take all three. Luckily for the third child, a kind magic knight and his wife that lived in the same village were able to take the child in. As Lokk grows up, his powers grow in leaps and bounds, causing him to become an outcast amongst the children his age. A tremendous loss occurs, and Lokk swears to fix the world. But not as a magic knight, he will do it on his own terms. There will be sexual content included.

PheonixRebirth · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


While Lokk was in the bath...

Aron walks into the living room of the home to find the Captian of the Silver Eagles. The Captain was an older man with the long silver hair common with the Silva family. Aron salutes the man. "Captain Nottelle, what brings you to my humble home?" Nottelle gives him a look. "I still don't understand why you gave up your life of luxury and status to be with this commoner woman. You chose her over the title of the House of Phoenix." "Captain, I can tell you came here to talk about something more urgent. Let's move on to the important topic here." Aron says with a look of annoyance. "Very well." Captain Nottelle ignores the look. "We need you to come back from your leave of absence. The kingdom is dire need of all of the magic knights. It is an emergency, and you have always been one of the best."

"It is around the time I come back. Give me 3 days to get my affairs in order and I will meet you at Headquarters." Aron reluctantly agrees with a sigh. "I also have talked to your brother, he has agreed to give your adoptive son the support of the family when he turns 15 since you are coming back to the Magic Knights," Nottelle informs Aron. "My own niece, Noelle, is around his age and we might even be able to talk her into an arranged marriage since she will likely not become a knight." Aron shakes his head. "I will let Lokk make the decision on who he marries, but there is no harm in letting them meet in time."

"Very well, I await your arrival in 3 days." Nottelle stands up. Aron leads him out of the house just as Lokk sprints out of the house. Nottelle walks out of the house with a smile on his face. As he flies off on his broom he chuckles. "Oh, the joys of youth"

2 days later...

"Son, come here. I need to talk to you about something." Aron talks to Lokk after their daily training. "What's up with the serious look, Pops?" Lokk asks. "You know how I talk about being a Magic Knight?" Aron asks. "Yeah" "Well, I have taken a leave for the past 10 years to be here to grow up with you. My captain came the other day to ask me to come back and help. I am leaving tomorrow morning and I won't be able to come home for a while. So I will be counting on you to take care of your mom and the house until I am back."

"Don't worry about Pops. I can handle things around here. You go save the people in need." Lokk assures his dad. "You're a good son." Aron ruffles his son's hair. "Let's party tonight and make it a good night.

The party lasted late into the night. Lokk had fallen asleep on his dad's lap. Bella offered to take him to bed, but Aron refused, saying, "I don't know when the next time I will see the boy again. Let me enjoy these last few moments." They stayed like this until Aron had to leave.

"Goodbye, young one. I know you'll grow big and strong by the time I see you next." Aron said the last few parting words to the sleeping boy. He walked out the door and departed on his magic broom. Little Lokk shivers in his sleep. A tear crawls down his cheek.

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I'm slowly working on making the chapters longer. My goal by the end of the week is 1k words per chapter.

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