
Black Clover: Copy Mage

In the world of Black Clover, a third child was left with Yuno and Asta. But due to certain circumstances, the orphanage could not take all three. Luckily for the third child, a kind magic knight and his wife that lived in the same village were able to take the child in. As Lokk grows up, his powers grow in leaps and bounds, causing him to become an outcast amongst the children his age. A tremendous loss occurs, and Lokk swears to fix the world. But not as a magic knight, he will do it on his own terms. There will be sexual content included.

PheonixRebirth · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Growing up

10 years later...

A loud clunk sounds through a small courtyard. Two wooden swords slap together again and again. If you look inside the courtyard, you would see a muscular man with brown hair and a beard sparring with a young boy with golden hair.

The boy flips through the air while striking down towards the man's head. The man leisurely blocks with his sword behind his head. He lets out a joyful laugh. He turns to the young boy who is now drenched in sweat. "Come on, Lokk. You can do better than that. How are you gonna make it into the Silver Eagles with those skills?" The man teases the boy.

A fierce glint appears in Lokk's eyes. He summons some wind magic around himself. His speed increases and he is now speeding around the man. "How do you like this move, Pops? I took this one from Yuno." Lokk chooses a moment when it seems like his dad is distracted to strike. He aims at his sword arm and it looks as if the strike is going to land. At the moment before the sword hits flesh, Lokk's target disappears right of his eyes. A sudden pain appears in his back before he is thrown into the ground leaving a small imprint of his body. When he looks up at his dad, he sees him holding his hand in a chop position in the air where he had been.

Lokk's old man starts laughing again. "That is more like it, my boy. You almost actually got me that time." "Sure, Dad, say what you want. We both know I won't be able to beat you anytime soon." Lokk says as his dad helps him up.

A voice calls out to the two of them from a nearby house. "Aron! Are you done beating up our son? You have a visitor." "On our way Bella. We just finished up." Lokk's father Aron yells back. As they run back to the house, Bella sees Lokk all beat up and dirty. She glares at Aron and says "You could have gone easier on him. I mean look at all these bruises. And you even gave him a cut on his arm."

Lokk and Aron give each other a look of pity. Feeling sorry for what each was about to go through. Bella sees this and starts scolding them more and more until her words just start mixing and you can't even tell what she says.

After 5 minutes of scolding, Aron heads into the living room to meet his guest. Bella pulls Lokk to the bathroom to wash him. She quickly undressing him despite his complaints. "Mom, I can wash on my own now." She gives him a humph."You are growing too fast for your own good." Luckily for Lokk, she decides to let him do it himself.

After he bathed, Lokk slips into clothes and runs out the door. He calls out, "I'm headin' over to Asta's and Yuno's. I'll be home for dinner!" As he sprints off into the distance, Bella stares off at him while shaking her head. "That boy has too much energy."

Thanks for reading! I never imagined that so many people would show interest already.

This is my first story that I am actually putting out to the internet.

Some people are already asking about whether I will be making a harem. I'm not quite sure yet(probably), but there will be some romance.

Please enjoy!


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