
Black Clover: Copy Mage

In the world of Black Clover, a third child was left with Yuno and Asta. But due to certain circumstances, the orphanage could not take all three. Luckily for the third child, a kind magic knight and his wife that lived in the same village were able to take the child in. As Lokk grows up, his powers grow in leaps and bounds, causing him to become an outcast amongst the children his age. A tremendous loss occurs, and Lokk swears to fix the world. But not as a magic knight, he will do it on his own terms. There will be sexual content included.

PheonixRebirth · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Left on the steps...

In the small town of Hage, at the small church that serves as an orphanage, three baby boys were left at the steps. That morning they were found by Old Man Orsi. The three boys were lying there without a clue to where they came from. Orsi looked around and saw no one around, so he decided to see what he would have to take care of from now on.

Each child was different in his own way. One could almost be certain that they could not be blood related. On the left lay a screaming baby. This baby had grey hair and was thrashing around with clenched fists. Around his neck lay a silver pendant with a black onyx gem. Inscribed on the pendant is the name 'Asta.'

The child in the middle was a calm sleeping baby with black hair. He seemed to block everything else out and just sleep through it all. The pendant around his neck was golden with small green emeralds. It was shaped to look like fairy wings. On this pendant was inscribed with the name 'Yuno.'

The third and final child was laying calmly in his basket. The old man thought this baby was also asleep until he looked over the edge of the basket. This baby was wide awake and looking around with intrigue filled eyes. This child had golden brown hair and sharp blue eyes. This child's pendant was made of a shiny silver-like metal and an unusual milky white diamond. The name inscribed on this pendant is 'Lokk.'

As the Old Man was starting to take in Asta and Yuno, a man was walking past the entrance of the church. This man had dark brown hair and a matching beard. He was a very gruff looking man, covered in beat up armor and a silver cape with the insignia of an eagle. When Lokk saw this man, he started to smile and coo. This caught the attention of the man.

"He seems to have taking a liking to you, Aron." Old Man Orsi says to the man. "Well, he is a cute little bugger. Bella and I have been wanting a child the last few years without much luck." Aron tells the head of the orphanage. "Let me talk to her tonight and I'll give you an answer tomorrow." Aron walks away while waving his hand. "See you tomorrow!" Calls out Orsi.

Later that night...

There is a knock on the door of the church. Orsi opens up the door to find Bella and Aron. "Where is this beautiful child my husband has told me about?" Bella asks while charging into the church. Orsi looks to Aron. "What happened to tomorrow?" He says while laughing. "She said it couldn't wait." Aron responds with a shrug.

"Right this way." Orsi leads them to the baby. "He's way too cute," Bella says when she sees little Lokk. She looks to Aron. "He is perfect."