
Black Clover - True Beginning

I dont own black clover or anything at all really. I will use imagines off of other animes and peoples own designs that i find one the internet. I am just writing this for fun

LOL_BIGGY · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Black Bulls

——Black Bulls Base——

3rd Person

Asta opens the door the base just to see utter chaos. Two people were fighting, others were drinking and eating. It was a group of complete weirdos.

Asta: 'They're scary.'

Daven: 'What have I gotten myself into.'

Asta tried introducing himself but that didn't go well at all. Everybody was in their own worlds not paying attention at all. The group was dysfunctional to the core. A stray spell came flying and hit Asta causing him to fall.

Yami: "All of you… Stop breaking everything!"

Yami coated his hand mana and smashed the wall with angry.

Daven: 'He caused as much damage as them. Am I really gonna survive this mess?'

It was now time for introductions. Since Asta and I are the newest squad members we had to go first.

Asta: "I'm Asta from Hage Village! ITS NICE TO MEET ALL OF YOU!"

Daven: "I'm Daven. It's nice to meet all of you."

Captain Yami asked Finral to introduce everybody to us. There was Gordon, Vanessa, Luck, Gauche, Charmy, Grey, Magna, Finral, and finally Captain Yami. Each one has there quirks. One was quiet, liked to drink, fight, a sister lover, one who ate too much food, a huge weirdo, a delinquent, and finally a pervert. This was the Black Bulls the worst of the worst.

Asta: "Thank you for having me!"

Daven just ignored everything going around him and continued to look at his new team members. Which's one were reliable and which ones weren't. Suddenly Luck approached him.

Luck: "Hey wanna fight!"

Daven: "Sure."

This might have been a little out of character for Daven but he had to show his worth. He wanted to improve his status among the squad and gain a little respect by beating Luck.

Yami: "Alright guys these are our new squad members. Put them to work. Oh and try to not the kill them."

Magma: "You guys want these Magic Knight robes!"

Asta: "YES PLEASE!!"

Daven: ….

Magma: "Hey man you think your too cool to talk? You think your better than me? If you want these robes you gotta convince me! It's time for your initiation."

Outside the Black Bulls hideout, Asta and preparing for their initiation rituals. Magma was going to fight Asta and Daven, Luck was stopped by Captain Yami from fighting Daven.

Magma: "You have to block or doge my magic attack. If you can do that, you will get your robes!"

Asta: "So cool. I WANT IT!"

Asta went first and prepared himself for Magma's spell by pulling out his sword. Magma starting to shoot loads of fireballs towards Asta. Which he was was dodging with ease. This caught the eye of Magma so he decided to use a different spell.

Magma: [Flame Magic: Exploding Fireball]

Asta saw the incoming attack and starting to panic. He had no way of dodging or cutting this spell. He couldn't even see the attack. His brain shut down but his body didn't. And he pushed pasted his limits. Asta instinctively swung his sword and hit the spell with the flat end, reflecting the spell right back at Magma. This caught him off guard and he had to use the rest of his magic in defense.

Asta: 'WAS HE TRYING TO KILL ME… wait is he dead?'

Magma: "You're not half bad! Hahaha, I like you shrimpsta! But now it's your turn pretty boy."

Luck: "Captain please let me fight him, please please!"

Yami: "Okay fine."

Daven and Luck squared off with each ready for each person spell. Luck starting shooting lightning while Daven was just reflecting it. Both of them were not using their grimoires and just testing the others power.

Luck: [Lightning Magic: Lightning God Boots]

Luck activated the spell and he immediately got faster. Daven responded to this by pulling out his grimoire. But he still couldn't keep out with Lucks speed.

Daven: [White Magic: Soulsand]

A white light spread amongst the ground and transforming it. Whenever luck touched the ground he would be slowed down and made a much easier target.

Luck: "Hahah, this is fun! [Lightning Magic: Thunderclap Crumbling Orb]"

Luck couldn't get close to Daven so he started shooting orbs of lightning at him while changing directions rapidly. Not only that but he found away around Daven's earlier spell since it had a major weakness. All Luck has to do was stay above the ground and use the trees. It was a barrage of attacks from Luck both physical and magical. Daven was being overwhelmed, he was counter most of the magical attacks with his spell [White Magic: Judgment Orbs] which is very similar to Lucks spell but this is more for defense. It only really cancels out magic attacks and stuns the enemy.

Daven: 'I need to land a hit, when he comes in close. That speed is a problem and that power. I will not lose, losing is for the weak. I AM NOT WEAK!'

Finral: "Captain should we help me?"

Yami: "No, that brat is about to push past his limits."

Suddenly Daven's grimoire glowed and a new spell was inscribed on it. Luckily it came in as Luck was about to finish of Daven was a punch to the temple. It was instinctive to Daven to use his new power. An immense amount of mana condensed around Daven, an amount surpassing the average royal.

Daven: [White Magic: Zeus's Blessing]

A tattoo of white thunderbolt appear on Daven's forehead and just like that the world slowed down. No, Daven just got faster and his perception of the world changed. He could see it, the attack coming from Luck, the look of surprise and horror on his face. Dodging Lucks attack, Daven threw uppercut right in Lucks jaw. Boom… Luck was sent flying and crashing to the ground, and only got up after a couple of seconds.

Luck: "Now this is starting to get fun!"

Hearing that Daven smiled, he was having fun. Enjoying his time with these outcasts, these nobodies. Perhaps this was meant to be his home all along. This is where he was meant to be, he himself was an outcast.

Daven: 'I can't believe I'm having fun….But this…. I want to win! I want to give it everything I have and beat him!"

Daven and Luck got back into position ready to keep going at it.


Luck: "Hahah, let's fight again your amazing!"

Magma: "Yeah no kidding. You even got a 4 leaf grimoire!"

After receiving praise from everyone Asta and Daven were accepted into the Black Bulls and given their robes. Unknown to them a girl with sliver hair was watching them closely…


Shit school started so posting might be random I'll try to do 1 a week. Maybe 2. Also would you guys want a love interest? Honestly Noelle or Rebecca or Vanessa or none at all that's what I'm thinking.