
Black Clover - True Beginning

I dont own black clover or anything at all really. I will use imagines off of other animes and peoples own designs that i find one the internet. I am just writing this for fun

LOL_BIGGY · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Magic Knight

——6 Months Later——

Royal Capital

3rd Person POV

Clerk: "Next!"

Daven: "Daven from Hage."

Daven takes out his grimoire and shows it to the clerk so he can be registered.

Clerk: "WH-WHATTT another 4 leaf-clover. Okay you'll be #166."

Daven walked away heading in the direction of Yuno and Asta. Ignoring the looks and voices that were directed some his. Heading inside the stadium was the trio from Hage. As soon as they each started to walk around separately. Anti-birds started to flock to all the participants. The weaker your mana the more birds come towards you.

Random: "Hey look over there those 2 don't have any birds around them!"

This caused the others to look at these two figures as well. Some were gazes of jealousy and hatred. While others had infatuation and awe on their faces. The two people receiving the looks didn't care at all, in fact looked more uninterested than anything else. These two people were Daven and Yuno. I'm stark contrast to them Asta was having a hard time.


Random: "He must have no mana at all, look at all those birds."

Random 2: "What a loser. Look at home run"

The birds finally flew off when Asta bump into the captain of the Black Bull, Yami Sukehiro. (the scene played out like in canon I just don't wanna write all that.)

All the Anti-birds in the stadium took off into the air. The Magic Knight captains are finally making their appearance!(Im not gonna introduce them since we all know who they are)

William: "Candidates. Sorry to keep you waiting. I will conducting this exam. [Magic Tree: descend] (New way of spells being used)

The sky above the arena got dark and huge wind gust swept through. A tree descended and each branch individual formed into a broom. Each broom was giving to a participant.

Yuno & Asta: 'So this man is the closest to becoming Wizard King.'

William: "We will now bring the Magic Knights Entrance Exam. We will now have you all take several tests. These tests will help us evaluate you as future mages. The first test is to see if you can fly on the broom. If you can't even do that you shouldn't be here. Now begin!"

Most of contestants struggled at first but soon got the hang of it. Some could only float slightly above the ground, while others could go higher. The ones that tried to push their limits fell off and crashed on the ground. Asta couldn't even get his off the ground. Daven and Yuno excelled at this. Flying higher than everybody else. Tests like this continued where Yuno and Daven were the best by miles and Asta coming in dead last.

William: "The next test will be the finally one. You will engage in actual combat."

Fuegoleon: "You will pair off and fight your partner. You may use your grimoires to attack."

After the captions got down explaining, and the crowd settle down everybody scrambled to pick a partner. Many wanted the weakest person, whom many thought was Asta. Everybody avoided Daven and Yuno.

Sekke: "Asta I'll be your partner."

Asta: "Really thanks, you'd fight a loser like me!! You are so kind!"

Ref: "First combatants, step forward!"

Asta and Sekke walk forward while everybody else clears out. People already thought the fight was over before it even started. Asta was easily the weakest, so many people were angry at Sekke for taking the opponent they wanted. Sekke whisper something into Asta ear and stepped back ready to fight.

Ref: "Begin!"

Sekke: "No holding back, all right? Let's do this, Asta! Bah-ha!" [Bronze Creation Magic: Sekke Magnum Cannonball!!"]

Asta dashed forward at break neck speeds that most people there couldn't even see. Taking out his sword in the process. Reaching Sekke in a blink of an eye, Asta cuts through Sekke's creation magic slamming Sekke into the ground, creating a massive crater. Daven and Yuno who see this aren't surprised in the least, in fact they expected it.

Asta: "I'm not joking the Magic Knights so I can have a good time and avoid working hard. Im here to work my butt off and become the Wizard King!"


Ref: "Next combatants, please!"

Daven and some arrogant that challenged him walk to the front. A little while ago Yuno defeated a noble in a single move, it was a crushing defeat to the nobles pride. I don't think he will ever become a magic knight. Now, Daven is looking to do the same.

Noble(Ark): "You think your all that, just because you have the 4 leaf clover. You're not anything special. I'm a noble, I will become a magic knight! You stupid peasant."

Daven: "You need to shut up."

Daven and Ark are 10 ft apart. Both are ready to rip each other apart.

Ref: "Start!"

Ark: "I'm gonna kill you!" [Fire Magic: Flame Spiral Canon]

Daven stood there with a cold face ready to counter the attack and end it with one blow.

Daven: [White Magic: Whiteout]

(Coming up with spells is hard, but I stole this from fairy tail, also took the fact that in fairy tail white magic is consider a sort of "dark magic" it's forbidden and usually used by dark guilds)

Once Daven's spell was cast a white light took encompassing his Ark and his magic.

Daven: "Attack yourself."

With those simple words it looked like Daven took control of Ark's body and magic because the spell Ark casted went back at him. Hitting him and knocking him out. Everybody stared on in awe except Yuno and Asta since they have seen his magic before. Some even had terrifying expressions on their faces.

The captains were all wondering what type of magic he used. None of them could truly figure out his magic but they all thought the same thing.

Captains: 'His magic is dangerous and mysterious.'


William: "This concludes the exam. Now… candidates whose numbers are called, please step forward. If a squad chooses you, you will join that squad. If more than 1 chooses you, you will have a choice."


Ref: "166, step forward."

Asta and Yuno have already step forward. Asta joined the Black Bulls, while Yuno join the Golden Dawn. Now it's time for Daven to be evaluated. With his performance all the captains should want him. Daven steps in front of all the captains and waits.

Ref: "All those who want to offer, please raise your hand."

A face of utter shock appeared on Daven's face. No not just his but everybody else's as well. Only 1 Captain raised their hand. That was Yami Sukehiro. Looking at his face the Captain of the Silver Eagles spoke out.

Nozel: "While you are strong and talented with great potential, you are a danger. Your attitude is a danger and so is your magic. Nobody has every heard of white magic, it's mysterious and dangerous nobody wants to mess with a power like that. Other than the foreigner."

Yami: "Shut up braided bangs."

Looking at this interaction, Daven was pissed he believed he should have had all the hands raised. Not the worst of the worst. But he knew this isn't a time for a outburst so he quietly accepted his fate. At least he can be with Asta.

Ref: "#166 to the Black Bulls, next!"

Asta: "Heyyyy Daven were on the same squad! Are you excited"

Daven: "Yeah I guess."


Yami: "What took you guys so long? Got some nerve to make me wait."

Asta: "I was taking a huge du-Oh! Why did you hit me Daven."

Daven: "I don't think he needs to know about your shit."

Yami: "Let's go, Finral."

Finral creates a portal with his spatial magic to the hideout. Yami unexpectedly grabs Asta by the head and throws him into the portal. Then gives Daven a glare. Not wanting to be treated like Asta he hurriedly walks through the portal.

Daven: 'How much more can my pride take." He mentally signed.

Walking through the portal the scene changes to that of forest with a large house in the middle. Asta after figuring out what happened started walking towards the front door. Right as he opens the door he gets blown away from a fire spell. Which caused Daven to form a slight smile on his face.

Yami: "Welcome to the absolute worst Magic Knights Squad, the Black Bulls."


You guys like white magic, like the chapter? Give me suggestions please. Also criticism will be nice as well.