
Black Clover - True Beginning

I dont own black clover or anything at all really. I will use imagines off of other animes and peoples own designs that i find one the internet. I am just writing this for fun

LOL_BIGGY · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


——Black Bulls Base—-

3rd person

After the ceremony was over Asta and Daven were offered a tour around the base by Magma. He first decided to show them their rooms. Asta was happy to finally get his own room even though it looked like someone died in it, Daven wasn't as pleased but still grateful to have his own room.

Asta: "WOOOO I've never had my own room!"

Asta screamed with excitement.

Magma: "Wow your actually excited? Well whenever you guys are done cleaning your rooms I'll show you the rest. Oh don't forget to right letters home."

Asta: "Right!"

Daven: "Okay."

Magma: "If you need anything come and find me."

Asta: "Thanks!"

Daven just nods his head and walks towards his room. It was getting late and because of the fight he was pretty tired so was Asta. But both of them stayed up to write letters back to the Church in Hage.

Asta: 'I will become Wizard King and I won't lose to you Yuno! Daven I won't lose to you either.'

Daven: 'I'll stand at the top. Yuno, Asta don't worry I'll protect everybody.'

—-Golden Dawn—-

3rd Person

Yuno was getting a tour of his new home. It was much more clean and lavish. It was close to a real castle. The people there were professional and had a proper chain of command. Although it was filled mostly with royals and nobles so everybody looked down on Yuno because of his commoner background. Right now Yuno was getting a lecture from his superior. Like Daven and Asta, Yuno was glad he got his own room. Before going to bed he wrote a letter back to Hage as well.

(I decided to skip the letter part because who cares it's boring)

——Black Bulls Base——

Daven POV

Waking up in the morning felt entirely different. It was peaceful and relaxing. After putting on my clothes I walk out of my and turn to see Asta running into a wall.

Daven: 'That wall wasn't there before and Asta really is stupid can't even watch where he is going.'

Magma: "Hey newbies did you sleep well?"

Asta: "Was this wall here last time?"

Magma: "Don't worry about it the base changes itself all the time. I'll show you guys around the base."

During the tour we happened to bump into a member that I had never see before. Asta tries to introduce himself to her but just ends up getting rejected.

Noelle: "My name is Noelle Silva. I belong to the royal family of this kingdom."

Me: "Even if you are royalty, we are apart of the same squad. We are equals here, there's no point in looking down on us."

I dislike being looked down upon. But she's royalty why is she even here? This squad is full of losers and misfits, it isn't a place for someone like her. While these thoughts were running through Daven's head Asta and Magma were arguing with.

Noelle: "I'll just show you the difference between us then."

Noelle charged up her magic and fired a water ball point blank at Asta. But it veered and hit Magma.

Magma: "Hey what was that for!"

Me: 'How did she miss that close? Can she not control her magic?'

I watch as she blames Magma and throws her robe to the ground while walking away.


3rd Person POV

Daven is walking around outside when he hears something in the forest. Walking towards the sound he spots Noelle practicing magic. She's trying to hit targets with her water magic. But every time she misses.

Walking out from the bushes Daven makes his presence known.

Daven: "Hey, looks like your having trouble. Need help?"

Noelle: "How long how you been there? N.."

Noelle freaks out and tries using her magic. She prepares to fire a spell a Daven but since magic responds to felling sit goes completely wrong. Noelles is in a state of panic and dread, so he magic goes completely out of control.

Daven: 'I didn't expect this. I figured she couldn't control here magic but this is inanse.'

He thought while looking at the massive water ball in the sky.

Daven: 'But she does have some power.'

The Black Bulls all come out of the base to look at what's going on.

Yami: "If only we had someone who can nullify magic."

Yami turns his head and looks at Asta. Walking over to him and picking him up Yami tells him.

Yami: "Hey kid surpass your limits."

Asta is then thrown into the air right at the giant ball. However Asta understand immediately what he needs to do. In one quick motion Asta takes out his sword and cuts through the massive amount of mana. This caused him and Noelle to start falling rapidly towards the ground. But before they could hit Finral creates a portal underneath both of them landing them safely on the ground.

Daven walks up to Noelle and looks at her. She looks up at him in a scared manner expected to be ridiculed.

Daven: "Hey you, you have some strong magic. A little practice and you'll have everything under control. I'm sure you can become strong in the future."

Daven reaches out his hand to her.

Asta: "Yeah your amazing! I'm so jealous!"

Noelle: "Daven.. Asta right."

Magma: "Who cares if you can't control it. We will help you. After all we are the Black Bulls we are all failures!"

Everybody else started to give words of advice to Noelle.

Daven: "Come on take my hand."

Asta: "Let's do our best!"

Noelle reaches up with tears in her eyes and takes Daven's hand.

Noelle: "It's a pleasure to work with you."


School is starting and honestly writing fan fics is boring. So I might drop don't know. Also if I don't drop I'll probably make Noelle female lead and love interest since she isn't useless.