

Years past and the children grew up into teenagers. All of them were beautiful and intelligent. Their physical appearance looked like normal people but their mantality was way for than any man on the planet. All the brothers became the masters of archery, swordmanship,hunting and horse riding. Adam's favourite hobby was painting. He was a peaceful guy with bright blue eyes and Brownish hairs. He used to make paintings by crushing and extracting paint from barriers and different flowers.

George on the other hand was famous for hunting at it was his hobby. He was a gorgeous boy with black eyes and black hair. He likes to go to the forest for hunting. He brings back many animals home for dinner.

Finn the kind hearted boy with dark brownish eyes and brownish black hairs often go to the mountains to see the beauty of nature.

Edward the boy who often remain lost in his own world had light greenish eyes and black hair. His favourite hobby was sword fighting.

Bella and Ezze were almost identical to each other. They had hazel eyes and blond hairs. While Tatia was almost similar to George in appearance.

All them were identical to each other in appearance except a few factors like eyes and hairs.

All of them were living a normal life but all of them misses their mother. Often they condole each other.

"It had been ten years since mother died." said George.

"Yes, I really misses her." nodded Ezze.

( George and Ezze were talking about their mother when they were crossing the forest and saw an old lady coming towards them)

"Look! an old lady is coming towards us."said Ezze pointing towards the old lady.

"Hello! Dear ones.", said the old lady."Do you know where is the black oak tree?I want to meet a man named Kol.

" Yes, we know.He is our father." Ezze told the old lady.

"We will take you there."Said George.

"Oh! That would be so sweet of you." said old lady.

On reaching home Ezze told her father about the old lady.Kol looked at the old lady and said surprisely:

" Aunt Gwen! You are here."

All of them looked surprised after hearing the word aunt from there fathers mouth.

"Come sit with me. My Aunt.", said Kol."How was your journey.

"My children meet my mother's sister.My aunt Gwen.," said Kol.

"Hello Aunt! Nice to meet you" said Adam.

"Why don't you tell us before that you are our father's aunt When we have told you about him? said George.

"I want your father to tell you that" replied Aunt Gwen.

All of the children gathered around Aunt Gwen and started asking her about their father's childhood.

Aunt Gwen was a kind of witch although a he can't do magic but knew a lot about demons and can tell the truth hidden in the deepest of memories. Actually she married a demon and was there for a reason. She had the same dream as of Kol's wife.Yet she didn't knew it was about Kol's children.

At night when all the siblings went to sleep Kol and Aunt Gwen started talking about Amara.

"I feel sorry for Amara." said Aunt Gwen.

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know." said Kol."She was sick when our children were about to born and after which she was never fully cured."

Kol told Aunt Gwen the whole story of the parasitic plant when he was about to tell the dream of Amara. He caught the glimpse of Adam hearing them from behind the wall.

"What are you doing here?" asked Adam furiously."Are you spying on us?"

"No!Father, I was feeling thirsty. I just came to drink water."

The next day Adam told the conversation between their father and Aunt Gwen to his siblings. Their curiosity increased and they became more determined to know the cause of their's mother's death.

"I think father is hiding something from us." said George.

"He was going to tell something about a dream. But father accidently saw me." said Adam.

"He must have been angry on you?" inquired Finn.

"Yes, he was. But I said that I was thirsty and wanted to drink some water." replied Adam.

"We'll find out the truth." said Edward.

"We'll." said all of them.

All of them made a strong determination their find out the truth hidden.

What could the truth be? They don't know it was about them and that it will change their lives.

One night Kol saw a strange person in his dream.

"Who are you?" asked Kol.

"I am just a messanger. I am here to deliver a message. (An evilish laugh appears o his face)"replied the strange looking creatures.

"What message? Who are you? What's your name? Kol asked in an offensive tone.

"My name is Ra's al Ghul." replied the strange looking creature.

"Yo-you ar-are the demon King." said Kol. ( sweat began to pop from his head and he started to tremble)

"I'm here to tell something about your children." replied the demon king.

"What is it?" Kol asked curiosly in a shaking voice.

"Your children are a disaster to this world. I told your wife before." replied the demon king.

"A disaster."Kol's voice began to tremble as he said,"It is due to you my wife died."

"No! Your wife died due to the curse. The source of the curse was eaten by her but a portion of the curse remains in your children.

Your children are cursed to be the monsters.

It will be there dentiny destroy the world." said the demon king.

Kol's head began to burst with pain and fear. He was shocked. The demon King continued,"I know it is terrible to hear but you'll have to kill them to save your kind."

Kol said,"What are you saying? They are my children. How could a father kill his own lineage?"

"Demons wouldn't interfere if it wasn't related to them.", shouted the Demon king." They are a threat to demons. They will become superior than us. We can't tolerate that. Even their birth killed the most powerful demon of all times Etrigon. If you can't kill them we'll do it gladly."( Ra's al Ghul began to laugh again)

Kol woke up. Sweat was dripping from his head. He was trembling. The demon's words left him completely stunned.

"What to do? What to do?" he asked himself.

Millions of thought began to came to his mind. He thought that it was the demon's way of ending his lineage. He remembered his promise to his wife."I will protect my children." he said to himself.

As the day dawned he went to see his childrens which were talking to his Aunt Gwen. The demon had put him in a doubt. When the siblings had gone Aunt Gwen told Kol something strange. she said:

"Last night! I saw a weird dream,my boy. I saw monsters. They were cruel. They were seven reckless beasts. They were recklessly killing people. Everywhere I saw there was blood and dead bodies. Some eaten. Some whose heart were pulled from their chest. Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Children and even animals were toren into bits and pieces."

At the same time Kol also explained his and Amara's dream to his aunt.

" There must be a connection between your kids and those dreams. They have a meaning." said Aunt Gwen.

" The demons are my family's swore enemies.

May be they just want to end my family's lineage. May be they are lying to us." said Kol.

"My boy! Demons never lie. My husband was a demon I know that. There must be something going on between them." said Aunt Gwen.

" What type of monsters you saw?" asked Kol.

" A blood sucking beast. I don't know what to call it" said Aunt Gwen

Suddenly Ra's al Ghul appeared there " They are called vampires." He said.

Kol and Aunt Gwen looked at the demon king with surprise.

Ra's al Ghul said,"The monsters you saw are:

A vampire (blood sucking beast.

A ware-wolf ( boy who can turn into a wolf)

A witch

A mage ( who controls animals)

A phoenix."

After saying this Ra's al Ghul vanishes in the air.

" He was right. These were the monsters I saw. but he didn't tell one. He was the strongest of them all. He possessed an enormous power." said Aunt Gwen.

"There must be something wrong." said Kol.

His concerns began to change into reality.

Kol and Aunt Gwen started thinking about it.

The Kolsons didn't knew what is coming for them. Their life was about to change or was about to be ruined.