
Birth and Death

Long ago, there lived a man with his wife in a small hut near a black oak tree. The love between the husband and wife was enormous and famous among the people of that place. People told stories about the enormous love of the those two.The man named Kol was the greatest hunter in that area. No one can match his hunting skills. The two love birds used to sit under the shade of a black oak and talk about their future.The wife was expecting a child. but as good days never lasts forever. An evil eye became jealous of their love and cursed the wife to die along with the child to be born. The wife became sick and ao as the child to be born.

Kol became worried about his wife and child. He did everything he could do in his effort to break the curse but could do nothing. All hope was lost.On her deathbed, she asked her husband to take her to the black oak tree one last time. A parasitic plant had grow near the trunk of the black oak tree. When Amara felt hungry, she accidently ate that parasitic plant. She felt great and thought the disease was cured. But she don't know what is coming next for them.

After a period of two days she gave birth to seven childrens, four sons and three daughters. Kol named his children Adam, Edward, George, Bella, Tatia, Finn and Ezze.

Timed passed and they grew up. The mother had lost her ability to reproduce. Their father taught them everything he knew. Soon they became the master of hunting and swordsmanship.



"What are you doing, Finn?" asked Bella.

Finn replied," Trying to hunt a dove for mother. You know she is sick. I thought Dove soup might help her fell better."

"Have you hunt any?" asked bella.

" Yeah, a bunch of doves." He showed them to his sister.

"Wow" Her sister was amazed. "Let's go home, Finn." said bella. Mother and Father will be waiting for us.

"Alright Bella," let's go home.

" Where have the two of you been?" asked Kol their father.

Finn replied," I was hunting doves for my mother. Bella was with me."

"Have you hunt any?" asked Kol.

"Yes! Father, a lot of." Saying this Finn handed the doves to his Father Kol.

"Alright, I will cook dinner for all of us",said Kol.

(Adam, Edward and Ezze appeared with herbs)

" Look Father, we brought some herbs for mother. It will help her cure faster.",said Ezze.

"Where did you find these? My children." asked their mother.

"Mother! How are you now?" All of them asked at once.

"I am feeling better now." replied their mother Amara.

"We found these herbs near the bank of the river." said Adam.

(Tatia and George comes in with a necklace)

"Mother! Why are you off bed? You need to take rest." said George.

"Yes! Mother, Brother is right. You should take some rest." said Tatia.

"I am fine, My children." Answered Amara.

"See Mother, We made you a necklace." said George and Tatia.

"It is beautiful, My children."

"Sit down all of you.I will make dinner for all of you." said Kol.

( All the children gather around the fire.)

After dinner, Their parents went to sleep and the children gather around to talk with each other.

" I hope Mother will recover soon." said Adam.

"Yeah, I hope too" Replied Tatia.

"Mother had not recovered completely since our birth." said George.

" You are right, George." Ezze nodded.

"What can we do to cure her?" asked Edward.

" I don't know." replied Finn and tears came out of his eyes.

"Don't cry Finn. Mother is going to be fine soon. Father is taking care of her."said Edward.

"Look outside! How brightly the stars are glowing!,said Adam.

"Marvalous.",said all of them at once.

"The moon is also shinning brightly tonight."said Bella.

"Indeed it is! Dear sister." replied Adam.

" We should probably sleep now or else Father is going to be angry." said Edward.

"You are right, brother." answered Tatia.

"Alright then, Good Night all of you." said Finn.

"Good Night.",said all of them one by one.

The next day dawned. All of them woke up and had breakfast. After which they inquired about their mother's health. Their father told them that she is fine and taking some rest. After breakfast all of them went to the training ground to train with their father. The brothers started training.

" I wonder if father will teach us a new technique.", wished Adam.

"May be he will teach us some defence techniques.",said Edward.

"I don't know. Probably he will ask us to practice the previous move.", said Finn.

On the other hand the sisters started to practice archery. Their father came to the ground in a rush and told them that there mother fainted several times.She wanted to see you. Come with me. All of them rushed at once to see their mother.

"Mother!Mother! What happened?" Adam shouted.

"Yes, What happened to you." asked all of them.

Their aunt nethlie was looking after their mother.

"Dear aunt, What happened to my mother?" asked Edward.

"I can't tell. She try to get out of this room but accidentally faded it. Since then she was crying with pain.Now she is not even opening her eyes.", replied their aunt.

Mother! Open your eyes. look at me its Finn.

But she didn't open her eyes. Kol came here and comfort his children. The children were very depressed because of their mother. For days their mother didn't wake up. Their father tried to comfort them but all of his efforts were in vain. All of them were missing Amara. After several days Amara opened his eyes but was unable to talk. After sometime only a few words came out of her mouth.

"Water! water." she said.

Adam gave him some water to drink. After she had drunk water Kol ask her what happened.

"What happened to you dear?", asked Kol.

" I was just going to prepare myself a breakfast when a strange voice began to shutter my heart.", Amara replied. "I want to tell you something in private."

Kol nodded his children to go out of the room.

"What is it Amara?" Tell me said Kol.

"The voice that shuttered my head left me unconscious." Amara replied.

"I saw a strange dream A demon in my dream.He was telling something about our children." said Amara.

Suddenly she went short of breath. Sweat poped out of her body. And she couldn't talk anymore.

After a while she again said:

" The demon was saying something weird. He was talking about the plant I had eaten when I was sick during pregnancy. He said that I was cursed by the demons of he'll to death. I asked "Why?" said Amara."

"What did he reply?" asked Kol.

He told me," Jealousy ". "He said that A demon was jealous of your love. He was an enemy of your husband. He couldn't see him happy." said Amara.

"Did he tell you the demon's name?" asked Kol.

"Yes, Etrigon." Replied Amara.

"Etrigon." Kol was surprised to hear this name.

"I thought he was dead." said Kol.

"You know him?" asked Amara.

"Yes, My Grandfather killed his Grandfather in a conquests a long time ago." replied Kol.

"His Family became our enemy. My father got rid of them But now they are back." said Kol.

"No, they aren't." said Amara.

"What do you mean?" asked Kol.

"The demon told me he died when our children were born." replied Amara.

"Anyhow What did the demon tell you about our children." asked Kol.

"He told me that our children are a threat to this world." said Amara.

"How?" recounted Kol.

"I don't know. He said That parasiticplant had turned our children's into some sort of monster or supernaturals." replied Amara.

Amara again ran out of breath. she began to suffocate.

"Relax Amara. It was just a dream." said Kol.

" Do something." cried Amara. "Protect our children kol. Promise me You will do what is necessary when the time comes. Promise me Kol. Promise me." she shouted.

"I promise." calm down Amara.

Amara began to tremble.

Their children came in after hearing the cry of their mother.

"Mother! Mother! What happened? What happened father? Why mother was shouting?" they asked.

"Nothing dear ones, Nothing." replied Kol.

Amara was unconscious again. After that whenever she opened her eyes and looks at her children she remembers her dream. Her health began to break. She began to die from inside.

At last she died due to her illusion. Her last words to Kol were "keep your promise."

After her death the children became lonely. They were curious to know the cause of their mother's death.

Their father also started thinking about his wife's dream.

Time passed and the children grew up