
The First warewolf

Days passed. Kol remained worried about their children. He was double minded whether he should kill his childrens or not. Sometimes he thought what if my children are actually monsters? What if the demon was right? What if he was just lying to me? He couldn't think of a possible solution of his problem. The Kolsons noticed that their father was worried. They asked him many times but Kol never replied or told anything to them.

One day a group of robbers came to their village. They started looting and killing people recklessly.

One night when the moon was full, the robbers tried to loot the Kolsons family. When they tried to did so Kol caught them. They were twenty in number. A severe fight took place in them. Kol and his children started to kill them. It was thus moment that when George kills a real person for the first time. Under the moonlight a terrible thing happened and a terrible sound echoed in the air. The villagers heard a terrible noise like a monster roaring in the meadows.

Kol noticed that George was yelling with pain. It seems like George was turning into a sort of monster.

"Help me. Father" he cried many times.

His eye colour began to change. Long and sharp teeth began to grow from his mouth. He started to break his born. First his arm turned back and twisted then the rest of the body bones began to break. His eyes first turned Golden-yellow and then turn red like blood. Fur began to grow on his whole body. His clothes began to tore apart. He was groaning from pain.

" My Brother! What is happening to you?" said Tatia crying.

George began to growl. He lost control. He can't even recognise his siblings.

Adam tried to help his brother but in the meantime Kol stopped him and told his children to get behind his back. He thought that it was just George who is gonna turn tonight. But his illusions about his childrens were becoming true. He said to himself," They are monsters."

When George was in transition a moment later Adam began to growl too.

First of all his leg broke and turned like the leg of a wolf and then the rest of the body began to turn.

Both of them were groaning from pain. Their eyes turned red( alpha ).

"Father! What is happening to our brother." asked bella. ( Her voice was shaking.)

"I don't know." replied Kol.

Aunt Gwen appeared at the scene so as Ra's Al Ghul.

" I told you before." said the demon king.

Aunt Gwen after seeing Adam and George said," Oh! my God, The-y-y are like what I saw in my dream."

All of them were terrified even the robbers. They can't even move from fear.

Adam and George have almost completed their transition.

Only they were moaning like wolfs. In the moonlight they turned into wolfs. They lost their consciousness and started attacking everyone around. George attacked the robbers and Adam attached his family.

"No, No, Don't come closer to us." said one of the robbers.

Growling and moaning George attacked and started to kill them. He ripped off one's head. The others tried to run but couldn't. Adam on the other hand attached his father. But Kol protected himself from him and gained upper hand over him. But soon Kol lose control over him. Suddenly Aunt Gwen fired an arrow which his Adam on his left leg and he ran into the forest.

In the meantime George had killed all the robbers and followed Adam into the forest.

Crossing the forest they entered the village and started to kill people recklessly. Kol after leaving the rest of his family home toon his arrows and bow and a sword along with Ra's al Ghul rushed after his children. When they reached their village they saw dead bodies all around.

A group of people were hiding and some were hunting the wolves.

All of them were worried because no wolf have ever showed himself in the village.

Some people were chasing the wolves.

Kol took a shorter path and reach his sons earlier. George attacked Kol many times but he survived while Ra's al Ghul pierced his stones through Adam's heart. Adam fell down dead. Same did Kol with George with a cold heart. Both wolves were dead. People gathered around.

All of them applauded at Kol's bravery but they don't know that the wolves were Kol's own sons. Only Kol knew what was going on his heart. When people had gone Kol and Ra's al Ghul took the bodies of the wolves and returned back home.

Tatia after seeing the wolves bodies ran to his Father and said with her crying voice.

" What did you do to them? They are your children. Your sons. How could you do it to them" He was crying. In the dimlighr of moon her tears looked likes pearls harnessed from a deep cave.

All of the siblings gathered around their brother's bodies.

As soon as the moon disappeared, the wolves started to turn back into humans. All of the grieved souls were surprised to see them turning back into humans.

After a few minutes both of them opened their eyes. The wounds in the matter of seconds healed. They were looking even stronger than before.

" How could this be possible? You both were dead." said Kol surprisely. "Our sword pierced through your heart." Saying this he fell to the ground unconscious and Ra's al Ghul disappeared.

After sometime when Kol woke up he asked trembling.

" How are you my sons?" His voice was shaking. Tears were in his eyes. He was hating and loving at the same time. He hated them because of the monsters they have become. But a father's affection is everlasting.

Tatia asked them what happened to you them.

" You turned into wolves" said Tatia.

At first George said that he remembered nothing but after a while he said," When I killed that robber. I felt a shocking pain in me body. My bones started to break and my body started to twist. I lost my consciousness and when I woke up again I was here. I remember nothing what happened in between."

" The same thing happened to me. I lost control over me." Said Adam.

Kol hugged both of them and went to the black oak tree, Ra's al Ghul appeared there and said," Now Do you believe me? I told you before they are a disaster to this world."

"Yes! I do believe know? But how they survived we pierce their hearts?" asked Kol.

"That's why I am here. I looked into my family bookhouse and I found something." replied the demon king.

" What is it? Tell me." Kol said curiosly.

( Ra's al Ghul showed Kol his ancestral book)

" The book explains the wolves. But I can't translate it. But see these pictures." said Ra's al Ghul.

Aunt Gwen joined the conversation

"What are you looking at?" said Aunt Gwen

Kol said surprisely," Oh! it you my Aunt."

" We are looking for what happened last night in my ancestral book." replied Ra's al Ghul.

"Did you find something yet? recountered Aunt Gwen.

"Not Yet. These pictures explains the wolves but the language is not native." replied Kol.

"Can I take a look?" asked Aunt Gwen.

"Sure!" said Ra's al Ghul.

"It's the old demon language. Hoe old is thus book? For me it must me a thousand year old." said Aunt Gwen.

"Yes, It's my ancestral book. How did you know about the old demon language? asked Ra's al Ghul with curoiusty.

" Well! My husband was a demon and he told me a lot about old demon language." replied Aunt Gwen.

"So, Can you translate it?" asked Kol.

"No, I can't." replied Aunt Gwen.

" That means we are at the beginning again. This language is a thousand years old not even I can translate it." said Ra's al Ghul in dismay.

"I will try thrusting my sword in their heart one more time tonight. May be they didn't die because they were wolves at that time but know they are humans I think.I will give them a some sleeping juice.",said Kol.

"What about the rest of your children. They are supernaturals too. Shouldn't you kill them first. They have not awaken their powers yet."

said Ra's al Ghul.

" You don't understand if I kill them now Adam and George will turn against me. First we need to find a way to kill them. Then we'll think about the rest of them.",said Kol.

" Alright! then. I will come back at night." Saying this the demon king vanished in the air.

Kol started to weep in the lap of Aunt Gwen."How am I gonna do it?" he said." They are my children, My kin, My own blood."

His emotions began to flow like a river flowing with his full might.

" I can understand you, My Boy." Said Aunt Gwen.

"How?", asked Kol.

"I'll tell you when the time comes." replied Aunt Gwen.

" I promised Amara that I would protect them at any cost. Now I have to kill them." He said.

"How are the villagers now?" He enquired.

" A lot of people are dead. Adam and George slaughtered a lot of people, last night." replied Aunt Gwen.

"What should I do?" Kol asked Aunt Gwen.

" Do what you think is right." replied Aunt Gwen.

On the other hand all the Kolsons were sitting near the fire talking about what happened last night.

" Both of you scared us Adam and George. You were groaning and moaning very loudly. Then you turned into wolves." said Bella.

"We don't know what happened to us. We lost our control." replied both brothers.

"Will you turn again." asked Edward.

" We don't know." replied Adam and George.

The day passes and so as the funeral of the ones killed by wolves.

At night, Kol was worried if Adam and George would turn again. but as the night passed hus fear began to alleviate. Adam ans George along with everyone in the house were sleeping. Ra's al Ghul appeared with a sword in his hands. They both entered their rooms.

Kol placed a stone on his heart and with tears he thrusted hus sword into Adam's heart. While Ra's al Ghul put down George to permanent sleep by plunging his sword into his heart. Both of them thought that Adam and George ate dead. They waited there till the sun rise to see weather they are alive or are permanently dead.

The day dawned and Ra's al Ghul and Kol were sitting near George and Adam when suddenly their wound started to heal again and in a mattet of facts it was recovered with no mark like it was never there before.

In a few seconds both of them wake up.

"Father! What are you doing here?" asked Adam.

"Nothing! (Hiding his sword he said) I saw a blood stain on your cloth. What happened to you?"

" I don't know." replied Adam.

On the other hand George came in and said:

" Father! There is a blood stain on my cloth."

" Your's too." Kol looked surprised to them so that they don't doubt him.

Near the oak tree Kol was telling a Aunt Gwen the last night story. Suddenly Ra's al Ghul appeared there.

"Where did you go?" asked Kol.

" After seeing that they were healed again I went to find answers." replied Ra's al Ghul.

" So did you find any." asked Aunt Gwen.

"Yes, I found an old demon who knows the old language a little bit. He translated a perk of my ancestral book after an effort of a whole day." said Ra's al Ghul.

"What did it says?"said Kol.

"It says that this phenomenon through which Adam and George had gone is called

ware-wolfism. It is a curse. My ancestors thought that it was just a fiction so they didn't care about it. The curse activates only when you kill someone only to supernaturals." said Ra's al Ghul.

"So, You mean that As my children were already cursed to be supernaturals, killing people or a person triggered the curse." asked Kol.

" Yes! But the book says it is only for those ware-wolves which have inherited the curse." replied Ra's al Ghul.

" But Adam and George didn't inherit it." said kol.

"Adam and George are special. There curse was triggered when they killed that robber under the moonlight. Now if they procreate, their children will trigger the curse when they kill someone whether they are under the moonlight or not. Plus they will be mortals, you can easily kill them easily." replied Ra's al Ghul.

" That mean's Adam and George are immortals." said Kol.

" Nothing is immortal. Not even we demons." replied Ra's al Ghul.

"We tried to kill them. But can't." said Ra's al Ghul.

"There must be a way and we need to find it." replied the demon king.

"Alright! We will." said Kol." One more thing they will again turn into wolves under the next fullmoon." said Ra's al Ghul and was gone.

" Kol was tensed. They were his children. How could he kill what he raised so many years with love and care. He decided to give them a chance again. He thought he could teach them to control their form. For their next turning he started to prepare. He built an underground room and forges metal chains and a strong metal door and placed it in that room.

On the night of the next fullmoon he took Adam and George to that room and said to them:

"You will turn into wolves again today. I will teach you how to control that form.

"What! We are gonna turn again. What are we gonna do?" They asked.

Kol explained his plan to them and then tied them with chains and closed the metal door. The moon appeared and they began to turn into wolves again. They were groaning and moaning. There bones started to break again. Eyes turned red (alpha). Big and horrific teeth began to grow and they turned into wolves. First they broke their chains and than began to smash the door with their full might. But the door withstood in their way. Kol striked an arrow in Adam's heart and than in George's heart one by one and they fell down.

Ra's al Ghul appeared there and said," You have managed them alone this time."

"Yes, I'll not kill them. I'll try to teach them how to control their form. I'll change them into good again." said Kol.

"Are you mad? You know now how dangerous they are. Did you forgot what they did to the villagers last time? said Ra's al Ghul furiously.

"No, I didn't forgot nor do I are mad. They are my children. I can't kill them." replied Kol.

"You can't kill them. They are unkillable at the moment." Ra's al Ghul scoffed at Kol.

The next day when they turned into humans their wounds healed.

Since then at ever fullmoon Kol did the same. He tried his best to let them control their form but couldn't able to achieve his mission.

" He was dealing with one problem

when another one was going to

appear soon. "