
billionaire secret enemy

billionaire Andrew is a cold and ruthless politician and businessman. At a certain point, his business was collapsing and he wanted a boost so he decided to frame Jack, Mike’s father, arresting him for stealing a necklace that he didn't have. Mike’s father was persecuted, with the help of Officer Reynold as a witness and later on, Mike’s father died in prison. Mike thought of his revenge every day, and that incident made him an orphan. Years later, he found that billionaire Andrew was auctioning the necklace, he accused his father of stealing and he executed his revenge by exposing Andrew's evil deeds. Will he be successful in his conquest? Check out “Billionaire's Secret Enemy” a story based on revenge, trust, friendship, and betrayal

Ebenezer_Promise · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: The confession

Chapter Seventeen: The Confession.

"How is he going to escape?" Manson asked. Manson sat on the couch, and he thought about Mike's escape.

Inspector Eric and Officer Joe were called to the scene. "What happened here?" Officer Joe asked.

"I don't know, the commissioner just followed a strange man, which he said was from internal affairs," one of the officers replied.

"Call the internal affairs department and ask if they sent anyone here?" Inspector Eric said.

"We have already done that," Officer Ruby replied. Officer Ruby came from behind and replied to Inspector Eric's order, holding the same file she was holding earlier.

"And what did they say?" Inspector Eric asked. Inspector Eric looked at Ruby with curiosity while Officer Joe stood watching them. And other officers walked around gathering any information they could get from the police station.

"They said, umm. That they didn't send any of their personnel here," Officer Ruby said. She looked at the inspector with disappointment in her eyes.

"What!" officer Joe exclaimed

"What!" Inspector Eric exclaimed.

"So was that?" Inspector Eric asked. Inspector Eric was surprised because of what he just heard.

"I don't know, nobody knows (she pointed at every uniformed man and woman), I think he is the imposter in question," Officer Ruby said.

"You think? He is an imposter and a threat to security and you are saying you think," Inspector Eric said, mimicking Officer Ruby's statement.

Inspector Eric was angry and frustrated and he said "Can you imagine that," Inspector Eric thought of something, and immediately he snapped his fingers, showing that he got an idea.

Officer Joe and Officer Ruby noticed the snapping of fingers and became curious about the brilliant idea that Inspector Eric had.

"Okay listen, someone should do the forensics, just check if there is anything, anything at all, like fingerprints, piece of clothing, hair, just anything that can give us a lead in this investigation," Inspector Eric said, urging the officers to commence forensic testing within the police station.

"We have already done that Sir," one of the policemen said.

"And what do you find?" Inspector Eric asked curiously. Inspector Eric was expecting information that would give him a lead in the investigation.

"Nothing Sir, absolutely nothing, the suspect in question, is like a ghost," the officer said.

The inspector was furious, "How, but did you see where the commissioner took it?" inspector Eric asked, he was still curious for a lead in the investigation.

Officer Ruby, Joe and other officers looked at each other, in a confused way and officer Ruby looked at inspector Eric, who was curiously looking for an answer and said "No, we didn't see where he went,"

Inspector Eric was furious because this situation was very embarrassing to him and to anyone outside who heard the story, "so you're telling me that the imposter in question, walked past the gates (he pointed towards the direction of the gates) and also walked passed all of you (he pointed at all the police officers around him, including officer Ruby and officer Joe) and he nabbed the commissioner, the police commissioner for that matter and now the public will see us like a joke, because if someone can nab the police commissioner in the police station, so what are we doing here?" inspector Eric said, expressing his frustration.

No one answered his question, he continued "I can't think straight right now, I am very pissed off, I will be in my office, in case any of you have a lead or idea that will help us in this case, come to my office," inspector Eric said. Inspector Eric, after his long speech, he went to his office.

Meanwhile, Manson tried to call Mike but it didn't go through, he tried several times but it was the same.

Meanwhile, Pearl sat down on the couch, thinking about the decision she was about to make. Pearl held the divorce papers in her left hand and a pen in her left hand.

Pearl remembered the words of her son, Roy, and how he would feel if she signed the papers. "Am I doing the right thing?" Pearl asked herself out loud. Pearl picked up her phone and called her therapist and she was invited over for a counseling session.

Pearl got to the therapist's office that afternoon as fast as she could. Pearl was ushered in by one of the staff. Pearl met the therapist, they sat down and discussed.

Pearl explained everything that happened and showed her the divorce papers and started her assumed reason why she wanted a divorce.

"So is that all?" the therapist asked.

"Yes," Pearl replied, feeling emotional.

"It seems that you still love him?" the therapist asked, looking straight into Pearl's eyes.

"Yes, I think I do," Pearl replied.

"And how long have you known him?" the therapist asked.

"About… let me just say more than 20 years now, because we have known each other since high school until we got married," Pearl replied. Pearl wiped her eyes a little bit.

"I see, I suggest that you guys sit down and talk about this and tell him to change his ways and stop keeping secrets from you, and if he agrees, don't sign the divorce paper but if he doesn't agree to change his ways, you know what to do," the therapist said. The therapist advised Pearl to take action if Mike refuses to change.

"Thank you, very much," Pearl said. Pearl appreciated the therapist for her advice and left the office.

Pearl got outside the therapist's office and she decided to try what the therapist said. Pearl brought her phone and called Mike but it did not go through, she tried again but the same thing happened.

Meanwhile, back at the police station. The police officers walked tirelessly looking for a lead to the investigation while Officer Joe sat down on a chair contemplating something.

Officer Ruby walked up to him and said "There is no time to sit down, get up and do something,"

"I am doing something," Officer Joe replied. He pointed at the way he sat down.

"Yeah, right? At least go and say something to the press, they have been disturbing since," Officer Ruby.

"Don't worry, public affairs will handle it," Officer Joe replied, still seated on the chair.

"Really?" Officer Ruby asked, in a sarcastic, surprised voice tone.

"Yeah, besides, I think that this imposter is the same jewelry thief,"

"And why do you think so?" Officer Ruby asked.

"Because all the attacks are well planned and they are started on a certain chain of persons," Officer Joe said.

"Please stop being silly and help me out," Officer Ruby said. She discarded Officer Joe's narrative immediately without a second thought.

Officer Joe stood up Swiftly, snapped his fingers, and said, "Come with me,". Officer Ruby was confused but she followed him.

They both went to Inspector Eric's office and Officer Joe saluted him and said "Sir, I think I have a lead,". Inspector Eric's attention was captured by those words.

"I am listening," Inspector Eric said. Waiting for the information.

"Sir, we forgot to check the security cameras, sir," Officer Joe said.

"Oh, it is true. Come with me," Inspector Eric said. Inspector Eric went to the security surveillance room with Officer Joe and Ruby.

They got to the surveillance room, and they decided to replay the security footage. They saw Mike but he was not well seen. officer Joe brought out the piece of paper, the same paper he drew Mike on it.

They replayed the security voltage and he saw Mike leaving the building with a six-foot-tall box he carried it into a van and zoomed off

"So how are we going to arrest and rescue the commissioner? Officer Ruby asked.

"We are going to track this phone and we will get him." Officer Joe said

"But, his phone is switched off, how are you going to find him?

"Trust me," I have a plan.