
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

"Unveiling the Path of Legends"

"Unveiling the Path of Legends"

The soft tones of the izakaya had been overshadowed by the shadow of uncertainty as Tsunade, the legendary Sannin, rose to leave, ready to dismiss young Kiyoshi without a second thought. "I'll leave the bill to you, Hiashi," she declared, clear disdain in her voice echoing against the bamboo walls of the establishment.

However, before she could take a step beyond the table, Kiyoshi, armed with a cold and distant expression, spoke. "Are you afraid to accept me because of your hematophobia?" The simple question cut through the izakaya like a sharp blade, silencing the murmurs of conversation around and drawing all eyes to the standing figure. "Don't worry, I assure you that even with just your theoretical lessons on medicine and physical training, I'll be perfect. Leave the medical theory part to me."

The air felt heavy. The crowd watched in anticipated silence, their eyes shifting from Tsunade's stunned face to Kiyoshi's impassive one, waiting to see how the Sannin would respond to such audacity.

However, the young Hyuga was far from relaxed. Waves of tension swirled in his chest, and he found himself questioning if he had gone too far. "Did I misjudge the situation? Where is that clichéd scene where she would say she appreciates my courage and everything turns out fine in the end?" The blonde remained motionless; she was Tsunade, after all, a woman who could crush him like an ant if she so desired. He swallowed hard, uncertainty bubbling in his chest.

Yet, there was a resilient glimmer in his eyes, for Kiyoshi was ready to face whatever came next. His heart was pounding fiercely, his thoughts in a whirlwind of strategies and calculations, each beat a reminder that he was in a high-stakes game.

Tsunade, still frozen at the edge of the table, narrowed her eyes, studying the young and audacious figure before her. He had crossed a line, touched a wound that few dared to acknowledge.

Tsunade paused, Kiyoshi's challenge weighing on her ears. The question reverberated, creating echoes of shadows within her heart, the words resonating with a audacity that made her want to laugh and punch the boy at the same time. Her hand clenched into a fist by her side, her knuckles whitening as she struggled to control the sudden surge of emotions.

The crowd's reaction was palpable; a heavy cloak of shock and apprehension spread throughout the izakaya. Silence filled the air, punctuated only by the dull thud of Kiyoshi's heartbeat in his ears. He could feel Tsunade's gaze, cold and penetrating, sweeping over him from head to toe, as if trying to decipher the intent behind his words.

Finally, Tsunade opened her mouth to respond. The accumulated tension seemed to snap like electricity as everyone awaited her words. She looked at Kiyoshi, her blonde eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise, frustration, and... curiosity? The atmosphere was charged with expectation as she finally spoke.

"Do you dare to question my fear, brat?" She asked, her voice as cold as ice. "Do you think you know enough about me to make that judgment?" The rawness of her words seemed to cut through the thick silence like a sharp knife.

Yet, there was something in her eyes that didn't quite match her words. There was a dancing flame there, a spark that Kiyoshi had never seen before. Was it admiration? Respect? Or perhaps it was something deeper, a glimmer of hope that he, for some reason, had ignited?

The question now was whether that spark would be enough to convince Tsunade to accept him as her disciple. Kiyoshi swallowed hard, insecurity taking hold of him once again. Perhaps he had gone too far. Perhaps he had just sealed his own fate. But it no longer mattered. He had rolled the dice, and now he could only wait to see where they would fall.

The words hung in the air, teetering on the thin line between challenge and insult. No one dared to breathe, time seemingly frozen in that moment of pure, primal confrontation.

Kiyoshi remained motionless, his eyes fixed on Tsunade, a perfect mirror of his own determination. The boy had made his move; now he could only hope that his audacity had caused the desired impact.

In turn, Tsunade appeared impenetrable, a statue of ivory bathed in the soft light of the surroundings. The light danced in her eyes, revealing a complex mixture of emotions. Yet, as fierce as her words were, there was a quality in her gaze that suggested more than the initial coldness.

Slowly and deliberately, she took a sip of sake, allowing the prolonged silence to heighten the suspense. The liquid went down, the light reflecting on the white porcelain and creating a mosaic of shadows and gleams.

Finally, Tsunade broke the silence with a short, humorless laugh. "Tsk! What a bold brat," she said, her eyes meeting Kiyoshi's. "You do have courage, I'll give you that."

Kiyoshi stood firm, despite the relief that began to wash over him. Tsunade then walked toward the exit. The izakaya seemed to collectively hold its breath as she moved, her natural authority silencing any conversation.

Then, at the very last moment, she turned around, a challenging glint in her eyes. "Be at my house tomorrow at six in the morning, Kiyoshi. Let's see if you have what it takes to be my disciple."

With those final words, she left, leaving behind a stunned izakaya and a shocked Kiyoshi, but with a victorious smile blooming on his lips. The stakes had been high, but it seemed that he had succeeded. Tsunade, the legendary Sannin, would be his mentor.

Amidst the impressed silence, Kiyoshi felt a wave of adrenaline rush through his veins, a mix of euphoria and panic. He had done it. He had challenged one of Konoha's Legends and somehow come out on top.

His mind was ablaze, possibilities unfolding before him. The training, the knowledge, the chance to learn from one of the greatest ninja medics in history—it was all within his reach now.

But at the same time, a shadow of doubt lurked in the depths of his mind. He had provoked Tsunade, and even though she had accepted his challenge, the danger of provocation still lingered. He was stepping into unknown territory, and despite all his knowledge of the Naruto universe, Kiyoshi wasn't sure what to expect.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama," he murmured, more to himself than anyone else. His father was looking at him, but Kiyoshi was too caught up in his own thoughts to truly notice them.

Suddenly, the izakaya came back to life, conversations picking up where they had left off. The world kept spinning, despite the confrontation that had just occurred. Kiyoshi remained seated, his eyes fixed on the spot where Tsunade had been just moments before.

Hiashi was the first to break the silence. "Well, that was unexpected," he said, his face transforming into an expression of disbelief. "Kiyoshi, you certainly know how to play your cards."

Tokuma nodded, still dazed. The turn of events had been so sudden, so dramatic, that they were still trying to absorb it all.

However, amidst the confusion, Kiyoshi stood firm. He had made a risky move and won. Now, all that remained was to reap the rewards of his audacity and face the consequences, whatever they may be.

Tomorrow would be a new day, a new challenge. And Kiyoshi was more than ready to face it. After all, he was on the verge of becoming the disciple of Tsunade, the Living Legend of Konoha. And he couldn't wait to see where this path would lead him.

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