
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 20: The Unyielding Determination

Chapter 20: The Unyielding Determination

In the heart of the intense training center, a circle of young prodigies was deeply engaged in their refinement practices. Every breath, every movement, every energy fluctuation was the essence of their relentless focus. The group of four, Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, and Kiyoshi, continued to pursue their passion for enhancing their ninja skills.

Over the past year, Kiyoshi's evolution had been notably significant. His ability to control chakra had reached new heights, and his unique technique, Kokoro no Kyomei, was now more sophisticated than ever. Neji, who was a crucial member of the group, had also perfected the technique over the nearly two years since its introduction. However, his recent inclusion in Guy's team, alongside Rock Lee and Tenten, meant that his time for training with the group was now quite limited.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata, on the other hand, were making the most of the opportunity to refine themselves. Hinata, the young heir of the Hyūga Clan, was increasingly adapting to the rigorous pace of training and showcasing her innate ability for chakra control. Sasuke, the talented young Uchiha, had finally started to engage more deeply with the group and showed signs of impressive potential.

Naruto, on the other hand, was a true surprise. The density of his chakra was such that Kiyoshi couldn't help but compare it to the level of a Kage. Kiyoshi's technique seemed tailor-made for the Uzumaki clan, and considering that Naruto was the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails, this would only continue to grow. What was even more astonishing was that Kiyoshi realized his Kokoro no Kyomei technique was somehow resonating with the bond between Naruto and Kurama. Although he didn't pay much attention to it at the time, it was an indication that Naruto's abilities could be even deeper than they seemed.

The ninja school, which was once a challenge, now felt more like a playground for these young individuals. Their eyes shone with determination as they continued to perfect their skills.

The sun hung high in the sky as Kiyoshi found himself sitting in the shade of a tree, watching his friends train. As he observed Neji, Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata moving with agility and dexterity, Kiyoshi felt a tug in his stomach. It was the familiar taste of dissatisfaction, a feeling he knew he had to address.

He knew his taijutsu was the weakest in the group. Neji, with his smooth fighting style, was nearly untouchable. Sasuke, with his precise and methodical combat style, was constantly honing his skills. Naruto, with his unwavering determination, always surprised with his improvised tactics. Even Hinata, the gentlest among them, possessed a strength in her gentle fighting style that could bring down an opponent when necessary.

Kiyoshi stood up, brushed the leaves off his ninja uniform, and walked to the center of the training field. He joined the training, but his mind was focused elsewhere. He was conducting a thorough analysis of his abilities and deficiencies. Yes, he was good at analyzing situations, a result of his past life as a scholar, but he knew that this advantage would dissipate as challenges became more complex.

"I can't allow this to happen," Kiyoshi thought. "I need to improve. I need to strengthen myself."

With the decision made, Kiyoshi sought out his father, Tokuma, and the Hyuga clan patriarch, Hiashi. With a firm and determined voice, he asked them to arrange a meeting with the legendary Sannin, Tsunade.

In his past life, Kiyoshi was a biomedical researcher. He spent years studying and researching the intricacies of the human body. He knew that becoming Tsunade's disciple, the legendary ninja medic, was the right path for him. He wanted to learn Tsunade's Kongōken technique to compensate for his lack of physical strength. He believed that if he could combine that technique with the Hyuga's Jūken, it would create a unique fighting style that would suit him perfectly.

Aware of his plan, Kiyoshi felt motivated. He had a goal and was determined to achieve it.

In a hidden izakaya in a corner of Konoha, soft lights illuminated the dark wooden table where four figures sat. The low murmur of conversations and the rich smell of food permeated the air. On one side of the table, Tsunade, the legendary Sannin, had another sake jug in hand. Her expression was resolute, her brows slightly furrowed as she refused to yield.

Tokuma, with a serious countenance, tried once more, "Tsunade-sama, Kiyoshi has great potential and unwavering determination. He just needs the right guidance."

Hiashi, usually reserved, added, "He has already mastered the basic Hyuga fighting style. With proper training, I believe he could go far beyond that."

But despite their arguments, Tsunade remained unconvinced. "I'm not looking for a disciple," she replied curtly, pouring another shot of sake.

The situation seemed hopeless, but Kiyoshi, the child in their midst, was not ready to give up. He had analyzed the situation and knew he needed to offer something Tsunade couldn't refuse.

With a determined look in his eyes, Kiyoshi unrolled a scroll that he had kept in his ninja pouch. His fingers moved over the scroll, revealing the intricate inscriptions of a unique technique, the Kokoro no Kyomei. He extended it to Tsunade, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Tsunade-sama, if I teach you this, would you accept me as your disciple?" he asked.

The atmosphere fell silent, all eyes turned to Tsunade as she looked at the scroll. The ambiance in the izakaya grew heavier as Tsunade threw her words like a well-aimed shuriken. "A mere brat wants to be my disciple and has the audacity to say he can teach me something?" she grumbled, skepticism as sharp as the sake she was drinking.

She turned to Tokuma, her gaze inquisitive and direct. Then, her attention shifted to Hiashi, her voice growing colder. "Leaving such a complex technique in the hands of a child would be disastrous. You, as a father and clan leader, should know better than anyone."

Hiashi, taken aback by Tsunade's reprimand, momentarily lost his usual impeccable composure. He squirmed in his seat, his serious expression breaking to show discomfort. In an almost inaudible voice, he spoke, "Actually, Tsunade-sama, it was Kiyoshi who developed the technique... and gifted it to our clan."

The environment seemed to freeze for a moment. Hiashi's words echoed in the silence, and Tsunade's expression went from skepticism to surprise. Her eyes widened slightly, disbelief replaced by a renewed spark of interest.

She looked at Kiyoshi again, this time with a more thoughtful gaze. A child who not only wanted to become her disciple but also created such a complex and valuable technique, a technique that could challenge even some of the most experienced jōnin. She couldn't help but wonder how this was possible. Her thoughts swirled around the possibilities, angles, and implications of what she had just heard.

Kiyoshi remained silent, observing the changes in Tsunade's expression, hoping that his display of ability would convince her to accept him as her disciple. As the tension lingered, everyone at the table eagerly awaited the legendary Sannin's response.

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