
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

The Looming Shadows

The Looming Shadows

The day had barely dawned when Kiyoshi found himself in front of Tsunade's house. The village of Konoha was still immersed in a tranquil morning silence, the first lights of dawn gently coloring the roofs and trees with a golden glow. Kiyoshi felt a bit unsure, despite his usual calm demeanor. Today was the day. The day he would officially begin his journey as a disciple of one of the legendary Sannin.

He took a moment to take a deep breath, inhaling the fresh morning air, before firmly knocking on Tsunade's door. He heard hurried footsteps from the other side, and soon the door opened to reveal Tsunade, already dressed in her training attire.

"Hmph. You're late, brat," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. She was teasing, and Kiyoshi knew it. It was five in the morning, and he was exactly an hour early.

"I apologize if I made you wait, Tsunade-sama," he respectfully replied, bowing his head as a sign of deference.

She looked at him for a moment before sighing and waving for him to follow. "Come on, we have a lot of work to do."

The day was tough and demanding. Tsunade didn't give Kiyoshi a moment of rest. They trained relentlessly, from sunrise well into the night. Tsunade was determined to see what the boy was made of, pushing him mercilessly beyond his limits.

Kiyoshi was exhausted, his body aching in ways he never thought possible. But still, he persevered. With each fall, he got up. With each failure, he tried again. With each critique from Tsunade, he strived to become better.

At the end of the day, as the moon rose in the sky and the village of Konoha prepared for the night, Tsunade turned to Kiyoshi, her eyes assessing him carefully.

"You're tougher than you look, brat," she remarked, her voice carrying a note of approval. "Not everyone can withstand a day of training with me."

Kiyoshi simply smiled, despite his exhaustion. "It's an honor to learn from you, Tsunade-sama. I'll do whatever it takes now that you've accepted me as your disciple."

They stood beneath the thick canopy of trees in the forest surrounding Konoha, the moonlight filtering through the leaves to bathe the area in a soft, silver glow. Tsunade, with her arms crossed over her chest, studied Kiyoshi with an analytical gaze.

"If you're thinking that flattery will make me go easier on you, you can forget it," she began, her voice cutting through the silence of the forest.

Kiyoshi, despite his tired and sore body, simply smiled in response. "I never imagined it would be any different, Tsunade-sama."

She nodded, a faint smile curving the corners of her lips. "Good. Because this isn't a game, Kiyoshi. Every day after the ninja academy, you'll come to me for your training. For now, it will be an exchange of favors, as you said before."

The Sannin started walking, passing by him. Kiyoshi turned to watch her, observing as she stopped in front of a massive rock, her hands already enveloped in a bright and powerful energy—the manifestation of her Kongōken.

"You'll teach me how you developed such a complex technique like Kokoro no Kyomei," she said, the rock in front of her shattering into thousands of fragments under the force of her punch. "And I'll train you with my Kongōken and in medical ninjutsu."

Kiyoshi nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "I understand, Tsunade-sama. I'll do my best."

At that very moment, while Tsunade and Kiyoshi concluded their first day of training with sweat and determination, four shadows hidden among the dense foliage of the forest around Konoha plotted in the darkness. The moonlight barely penetrated the canopy above, leaving most of the surroundings in a dense darkness.

In the center of this quartet, a figure had eyes that gleamed with an unmistakable red light—the Uchiha's Sharingan. His gaze was stern, the flames of unwavering resolve dancing in his iris.

"It's as I suspected," he said, his voice low but full of authority. "Even with the clan being pushed to the limit for so long, Fugaku intends to become Konoha's lapdog. The Uchiha should fear no one. Konoha is weak with the old dog Hiruzen as Hokage."

One of the men, a remnant of ROOT who remained loyal to Danzo's ideals, agreed with the Uchiha. "We must establish a new government in Konoha," he said, conviction strong in his voice.

Another member of the group, also wearing the traditional white mask of ROOT, joined the discussion, removing his own mask to reveal a face marked by old scars. "Danzo-sama was right," he murmured, frustration evident in his voice. "Hiruzen weakens Konoha with each passing day. The other villages will see our weakness and wipe us out."

A second Uchiha interrupted, the tone of his voice denoting simmering anger. "Danzo was a cowardly old man who plotted against the Uchiha out of fear of our power!"

The words sparked a heated argument among the four men, tensions rising as the argument escalated. It was the first man, the Uchiha with the active Sharingan, who put an end to the confrontation.

"That's enough," he said, his voice rising above the others. "Danzo, Fugaku, Hiruzen... They're all fools who don't deserve the power they've been given. It's time to change that."

One of the ex-ROOT members, a burly man with a scar running across his face, turned to the Uchiha. His tone was filled with skepticism and a trace of desperation. "And how do you think we can do something? We have few men and few resources!"

The Uchiha laughed. It was not a sound of joy but a raw, harsh sound like stone scraping against stone. "When the Uchiha clan planned to take control of Konoha," he said, his red eyes gleaming with a dangerous light in the darkness of the forest, "do you think we were just playing around? I was in charge of procuring ninja tools and managing the clan's background. I can mobilize mercenaries and some resources. The rest we'll have to gather over time."

A second ex-ROOT, thinner and younger than the first, added, "That's very good. I've been in contact with one of Orochimaru's subordinates. The Snake Sannin will enjoy plotting with us." His voice was high-pitched and sharp but carried a confidence that threatened to unbalance the group's tension.

The four men looked at each other, a new energy charging the air between them. This was the beginning of a new plan, one that could shake the foundations of Konoha if successful. And each of them was willing to risk everything to make it happen.

In the Hokage's building, Tsunade leaned over the desk, her golden eyes fixed on the scroll spread out on the polished wooden surface. The light streaming in through the window illuminated the concern on her features, but she kept her voice firm and respectful. "What do you think, sensei?" she asked.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, sat in the chair behind the desk, carefully examining the scroll that described the Kokoro no Kyomei technique. His strong, aged hands caressed the paper, feeling the touch of chakra imprinted in the text. "The complexity of how chakra molds itself, solidifying a core at the last chakra gate and taking on the cellular role of controlling and accumulating chakra... it's simply..." He paused, lost in thought, finding the words inadequate to describe the technique.

Jiraiya, sitting next to Tsunade, scratched his beard as he tried to grasp the complexity of the jutsu. His blue eyes were slightly clouded with confusion. "Sensei, is this even possible?" he asked, scratching his head. "From what I can see, this technique requires so much effort that..."

Hiruzen raised his hand, interrupting Jiraiya. He closed the scroll and leaned back in his chair, looking out the window at the village of Konoha. "This is something we should keep an eye on," he finally said. "Tsunade, it might be good for you to have someone like him under your tutelage. He has great potential, and we need to ensure he is guided in the right way. Keep an eye on the Hyuga boy."

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