
Ben 10/MCU

The year is 2023 Ben Stewart is a genius orphan, who at the age of ten finished high school, and spent the better part of 8 years in college. Earning several degrees in engineering, he also been practicing martial arts for the better part of 8 years. Finally entering into the workforce he finds himself unhappy. For the most part about the type of people he has to deal with daily. Coming back from work after having another stressful day at work. He couldn't help but say to himself " Please if there is someone out there who could take me away from all this madness I'm dealing with. Please do it now otherwise..." As he said these words Ben didn't realize that this would be the being of his journey through another universe. " What is that Iron Man?" " Why do all the heroes and villains look like celebrities? And why do I suddenly have the Omnitrix? Character Bio NAME: Benjamin Alexander Stewart (Formerly) Benjamin Stewart Tennyson HOME WORLD Earth 5554 (Formerly) Earth 2000089 RESIDENTS: New York Manhattan AGE: 18 (time of story) HEIGHT 6 foot 1(1,88 meters) OCCUPATION Superhero/ Vigilante Mechanical Engineer/Civil engineering Programmer (self-taught) Entrepreneur ABILITIES Enhanced Eidetic Memory Freestyle Hand-To-Hand Combatant Advance Marksmanship With Throwing Weapons Spontaneous Learning/Understanding EQUIPMENT Omnitrix (restored prototype)

Shane_Delgado_03 · Movies
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Revenge/Loki First Encounter

On a quinjet flying across the Pacific Ocean Ben, Steve, and Natasha along with another pilot help. " So how did you're meeting with Fury go?" Steve suddenly asked now dressed in his blue and red uniform.

With all the colors of the U.S. flag, now looks like the Star Spangled Avenger from the comic. "Oh... It is just how I expect it to go in all honesty. " I said with a mischievous smile on my face.

" Really? You seem quite happy. I'm glad to hear that. " Steve said as he petted Ben on the shoulder. Steve who joined the military at a young age understood the pressure one went through when meeting with a superior privately.

He had worried that the private talk with Fury might have. " There's no need to worry about it, I think me and Fury have an understanding with one another. I even left him a gift back on the carrier. "

I could see Steve's expression change instantly at me from surprise to genuine curiosity and amusement. Which is the first time I've seen him have an expression other than loneliness in his eyes.

Which is something I could relate to to some extent, I mean as much as I hated the state of my world before I was transmigrated here. I still had a few friends and acquaintances I enjoyed spending time with.

In the pilot seat Natasha in her combat suit, also heard Ben and Steve's conversation. Queries at what exactly kind of gift Ben left for Fury back at the helicarrier.

Meanwhile Back inside the helicarrier Fury and Hill walked side by side towards Fury's office room on the carrier. " Sir many on the Council think it's a better idea to incorporate Shield trained operatives on a mission like this. "

Hill explained as she held a tablet that had some strong words from members of the WORLD SECURITY COUNCIL. " Well, you can tell the Council agent Romanoff is assigned to that task. Might I remind you that agent Romanoff..."

" With all due respect sir, agent Natasha Romanoff's past as being a..." Hill who had just interrupted Fury, suddenly court of width of something fowl smelling.

Fury caught a width of a little earlier, which from the looks of it is coming from his office room. Fury walked unhurriedly towards the fowl odor Hill following close behind him towards the odor.

Finally reaching his office door, Fury unlocked the door with his thumb. Sliding the door opened as soon as it opened up a sludge of mud dripped from the edges of the door frame.

A distinct smell of swamp field Fury's and Hill's nostrils. A fiery red plant stood out on his desk as mud covered nearly the whole room. Hill tried hard not to smile or chuckle at this moment quickly figuring out who the culprit of this incident was.

Fury however didn't care about Hill's current expression as he stared intensely with his signal eye at a few words now written on his wall. PAYBACK A BICTH.

" Agent Hill called the cleaning crew over to clean up this trash. " Fury said in a cold voice before turning around to leave the room. Hill turning to look back quickly snapped a picture of this incident and also left the room quickly.

The smell was very unpleasant before she made a call to the cleaning department on the helicarrier to clean up the mass.

Hours later in Germany Loki appeared, at a party where he proceeded to gouge out the eye of one of the attendees. Before proceeding to calmly work outside where he did the same speech he made in the movie.

Before Captain America came in to stop him from killing an old man. The two fought for a cap throwing his S.H.I.E.L.D at Loki who blocked it. Hitting it to the ground with his scepter leaving having to try to fight hand to hand.

At this time at a distance, Ben, Steve, and Natasha quickly caught sight of Loki who had forced a group of citizens to kneel on the ground. " Cap this isn't good," Natasha spoke in a worried tone at this situation.

" I know?" Steve replied looking at this familiar situation of one man lording over others. "Okay, Ben you're with me on the ground. We need to take down without any civilian casualties." Steve said before turning to look at me.

" You want me to clear out the civilian fast while you distract Loki," I said with a knowing smile at Steve's look. " You read my mind, alright Romanoff don't move any we don't want to spook the target before I get close."

" Whatever you say, Captain. " Black Widow replied now keeping her distance away from Loki.

"Not to men like you." The old man spoke up as he stood up to confront Loki.

"There are no men like me," Loki replied with a cheeky smile on his face he stared at the old man with interest and some respect for his bravery.

"There are always men like you." The old man said finally with determination as he stood straight facing Loki.

"Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example." Loki is about to execute him with his scepter as the light glows blue. Just as the energy beam shoots out, Captain America jumps in. Just in time and blocks the blast with his Shield.

Which heads towards Loki who uses the back side of the scepter to redirect the beam. That shot back at him after being deflected back at by Caps Shield.

"You know, the last time I was in

Germany and saw a man standing above

everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Steve spoke as distracted Loki I on the other hand couldn't help but have an itching feeling at the back of my mind.

It was as if I had seen this scene play out before somewhere. " Tennyson it's now or never." Widow's voice rings in my eyes breaking out of my thoughts.

" Right? " I spoke in my now altered voice due to my new transformation.

Steve and Loki now began to fight. Steve throwing a quick right hand towards Loki's head. Upon making connect with Loki's face, who didn't even flinch slightly at the hit.

Only revealing an amused smile on his face which surprised Steve. At receiving his punch which seems to have done little.

At that moment Ben appeared as Diamondhead lumping into the air. Firing multiple crystal shards projectiles around the two. Aimed towards the ground.

In circular shape around the two as I landed between the two, Loki looked at me with curiosity not recognizing my form.

However, I did care and simply used my Crystallokinesis to create a crystal wall trap 12 meters high.

After, I then slammed on the Omnitrix symbol now located on my green blet. Quickly transforming into Xlr8, " I'll clear the civilians hold him off as long as possible. " I said to Steve before vanishing in the blink of an eye leaving the two inside.

As I am able to ran over the wall with my speed. Steve was even more surprised by what Ben had just done. However, he quickly shook those thoughts away for now. And paid more attention to Loki who at this moment seemed a little gazed.

However, soon a mischievous smile appeared on Loki's face. Steve didn't waste any time and threw his Shield towards Loki. Who reacted quickly using the scepter in his hands to deflect Caps Shield.

Before launching his attack towards Steve, firing two a blue energy beam at Steve. Rolling to the ground Steve managed barely dodge the two beams aimed at him.

As he ran towards his shield lying on the ground. Loki was about to fire more beams of energy at Steve before a run of bullet suddenly landed on him. Widow with the help her co-pilot now revealed themselves, firing a torrent of bullet down on Loki.

With no fear of accidentally hitting civilians thanks to the crystal circular barrier surrounding Loki and Steve. As Ben on the outside clears the surrounding civilians on the square.

At this time Loki fired a beam of energy towards the quinjet, Natasha narrowly evading the attack in the air. As the heavy artillery bullet seems to be nothing more than a nuisance to Loki.

As they simply bounced of him as if they were rubber bullets. "Cap use your Shield to attack Loki when you throw your punches. With your strength and the shield's indestructibility, it should be able to hurt him. " Natasha said in the quinjet hoping she was right.

Steve at this time already had a general grasp of Loki's physical strength, which was slightly stronger than his. Steve then rushed Loki whose attention had been drawn towards the quinjet.

As Loki fired another energy blot at Cap who re-directed the energy blasts towards Loki. Who seems to have teleported away before the beam of energy made contact with him.

Appearing behind Steve's back, who instinctively swings his right arm holding his shield back. Spinning his entire body back connecting with Loki's scepter in the process.

Loki at this time hadn't teleported away but, simply used an illusion to distract Steve's attention.

Who knew this old fool's battle instinct was this acute to his surroundings. Meanwhile, outside the crystal circular barrier Ben as Xlr8 had nearly finished evacuating the civilians around the area.

The reason why it was taken him so long is simply because if Ben moved at his fastest speed. He would simply tear the civilians apart at that speed.

Using his visor Ben could accurately determine the fastest speed he could move at with each individual without hurting them.

All of this only took him less than two minutes before finally clear the area of civilians. Ben finally ran back to the crystal circular barrier surrounding Loki and Steve.

He created with Diamondhead to keep the fight contain and away from the civilians. That had still been in the square.

I simply ran over the barrier only to find Steve and Loki going at it. As Xlr8 the whole battle seemed to be in slow motion in my perspective.

Which left me confused at this moment ' Isn't Loki a magician? Why would he fight a melee battle with Steve in the first place or is he just toying with him?' I thought to myself.

As I was still in the air, I decided to go for the attack once a hit the ground. Aiming at Loki with my sharp claws.

With my current speed and momentum my blow show do some significant damage. However, as I approach closer a bright light suddenly attacks my vision. Causing me to lose my balance and missing my target.

As I felt myself slamming into the crytal wall I had just created. " Tennyson move out! don't just stand there." I suddenly heard Steve shout as metal clashed.

" Huh... What was that just? " I said my head feeling a little dazed at the moment. Suddenly realizing that I had just been standing in place and hadn't hit any crystal wall, which would have been embarrassing. Since I was the one who constructed them in the first place.

Shaking my head I decided to change my strategy. " Well, I see you're little Changeling friend has finally decided to join us." Loki spoke with a mischievous smile on his face. As Cap and I now stood side-by-side facing Loki ready for another round.

" Stay sharp soldier. " Cap order I was about to instinctively say I not in the military. As Loki prepared to make a move at this moment inside the quinjet.

Natasha who hadn't been able to get a clear shot at Loki. Suddenly found her coms began to scramble before a familiar voice came through the quinjet speakers.

" Hey, Agent Romanoff did you miss." Tony voice came through the quinjet speaker A.C/D.C began to loudly blast through the square. Distracting Loki who looked up to see a figure in the night rocketing at him at high speed.

Cap and Ben also turned to look back up to the sky. As the figure rockets toward the scene before firing light beams from his hands.

Throwing Loki back a few meters. As the figure of Iron Man landed on the ground. In a superhero landing to the music, of AC/DC played in the background. Making Ben a little jealous at how cool that entry was just now.

Loki now on the ground stared at Iron Man now standing. Before revealing a variety of weapons from his shoulders, four arms, and hands.

" Make a move reindeer games." Tony spoke in a slightly robotic voice due to the Iron Man helmet face plate he had on. As Captain America holding his shield approached to stand beside Iron Man.

I also slid my visor back revealing my blue face which Loki looked at me with disdain as Iooked at. Before slowly raising his hand as part of his Asgard Ian's armor vanished. " Good move, " Tony said before lowering his hands as his weapon retracted back into his armor.

" Mr Stark. "

" Captain" Tony and Steve greeted each Steve taking deep breathes. Tony turned to look at me I then tapped on the Omnitrix symbol reverting to my human form.

" Stark, " I greeted now in my human form, my green helmet covering my face, my voice a little altered by it.










Crystalline Humanoid


7'5" (2.43 Meters)



Energy Redirection

Enhanced Physiology

Weapon Manifestation

Update the fight hope it's a little easier to follow now. I'll also be posting the Aliens design in the comments section so just remember to check when a new Aliens appears

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