
Ben 10/MCU

The year is 2023 Ben Stewart is a genius orphan, who at the age of ten finished high school, and spent the better part of 8 years in college. Earning several degrees in engineering, he also been practicing martial arts for the better part of 8 years. Finally entering into the workforce he finds himself unhappy. For the most part about the type of people he has to deal with daily. Coming back from work after having another stressful day at work. He couldn't help but say to himself " Please if there is someone out there who could take me away from all this madness I'm dealing with. Please do it now otherwise..." As he said these words Ben didn't realize that this would be the being of his journey through another universe. " What is that Iron Man?" " Why do all the heroes and villains look like celebrities? And why do I suddenly have the Omnitrix? Character Bio NAME: Benjamin Alexander Stewart (Formerly) Benjamin Stewart Tennyson HOME WORLD Earth 5554 (Formerly) Earth 2000089 RESIDENTS: New York Manhattan AGE: 18 (time of story) HEIGHT 6 foot 1(1,88 meters) OCCUPATION Superhero/ Vigilante Mechanical Engineer/Civil engineering Programmer (self-taught) Entrepreneur ABILITIES Enhanced Eidetic Memory Freestyle Hand-To-Hand Combatant Advance Marksmanship With Throwing Weapons Spontaneous Learning/Understanding EQUIPMENT Omnitrix (restored prototype)

Shane_Delgado_03 · Movies
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Meeting Thor

" Alright don't try anything funny." I said nasaly as I began to wrap Loki upper waist tightly. Now turn into Swampfire one of my favorite aliens. Already, in my blossom form which thankfully is nothing similar to that in Omniverse.

My appreance was still quite similar to how Ben first appeared. Only difference being the black and green seems to act as sort of clothing for me. With two long, red petals coming out of his shoulders that resemble flames. A green and yellow collar, resembling a blossoming flower. Green eyes a red frills sticking out of the side and his head, and a yellow frill on top of his forehead. Along, with root like feet.

" Alright, be honest with. Your a shape-shifting alien?"

" Correction, I'm a human shape-shifting into aliens. " I corrected Tony as we escorted the now tied Loki to the Quinjet. Which had landed in the square, Widow standing on the quinjet landing ramp.

Steve looked at Loki with suspension as he followed behind us into the Quinjet, I shoved Loki onto the cabin seat. At which point Widow took out a pair of handcuffs. " Just how strong are your vines?"

" They can with stand 3000 Newton give or take. " I answered honestly, at Widow question as she finished cuffing Loki hands to the seat.

Giving Loki a menacing star as she did so, which only seemed to amuse the Asgard Ian as he put on his mischievous smirk. " Alright, that enough let's get him to base." Steve spoke up as walked pass the two of them, as they had a stare off.

" Tennyson, That crystal wall in the square. Are you just going to leave it there? " Steve asked me as I watched Loki closely, still in my Swampfire form. " Well, I usually just leave them like that. But. " I than hit the Omnitrix symbol on my chest transformation into Diamondhead once again.

" I Guess it's best to not leave unnecessary structure around." I finished in my now altered voice once again this time resonating.

A few minutes later the Quinjet flew over a forest Natasha and a co-pilot flying us black to the helicarrier. Inside the Quinjet Fury speaks over Natasha headset. "Has he said anything?"

"Not a word," Widow replied turning to look at Loki who was now wrapped in green vines of Swampfire. Along with a pair of custom Shields handcuffed.

" Just get him back here. He'll take." Fury said finally before his voice faded away. Me, Tony, and Steve stood close to the deck flight watching Loki at a distance." This doesn't feel right. "

" What, Rock of ages give up so easily." Tony replied back nonchalantly. " Cap's, right he wanted to be caught. " I add Tony and Steve than turned to look at me. At this time I had been staring at a new transformation, acquired during fight with Loki.

" So, how do you do it? I assume it has something to do with you're watch there." He asked pointing to the Omnitrix on my wrist."You know I'd love to take a look at it sometime. If you don't mind." Tony asked ignoring my early words more interested in the Omnitrix capabilities.

" Do you really think this is really the time for this? " Steve question Tony serious. Which I mentally nodded my head to, I didn't want to discuss the in and outs of my or the Omnitrix abilities.

Especially, when Loki is sitting only a few meters away. " Oh, I'm sorry, what do you want me to do interrogated him. Buying him a lollipop hope it makes him happy, so he can tell where he hid the Tesseract. Is that want you went. "

Tony replied now facing Steve who is left a little bewildered at Tony quipy remarks at him. " Okey, I appreciate the interest in my abilities but, this isn't the time ot the place." I quickly said trying to ease the tension between the two.

This situation is quite similar to how the two relationships was like in the comics. I was never really a serious comic book reader, so this is I just what came to mind at this moment.

Natasha who wass flying the Quinjet, shook her as she let out sigh. Suddenly thunder and lightning appeared as a storm clouds enveloped the Quinjet.

" Well, you're no fun. But seriously let's have a chat we get to the helicarrier." Tony said finally. " Sure, if we get there." I replied my attention now drawn to the sudden storm.

At this point Steve and Tony also noticed the sudden storm of lighting and thunder. " What you think it could be him." Widow asked upon hearing my comment.

At this time the Omnitrix suddenly began beeping. While Loki seated tied up also began staring outside at the storm. " Unknown new lifeform detected beginning capture mode activated beginning scan." Everyone inside the heard my robotic sounding voice coming from the Omnitrix.

" Tennyson? " Steve said but paused as I suddenly raised my life wrist. Which now had the appearance of sonar on its face plate, as Tony and Steve looked at the now red dot approaching rapidly us.

Before finally heavily landing on the top of the Quinjet, causing the whole jet to shack slightly at this time.

" Tennyson, what doing on. Tell me something. " Widow asked who also heard the robotic voice of Ben that seemed to coming from the watch on his wrist.

" Looks like we have a new part guest." I said, " New DNA sample acquired. " My robotic voice rang from the Omnitrix. As a sudden impact occurs, causing the Quinjet to shack as we all flet a heavy JOLT on board.

However, I was able to remain steady due all by balance training I'd been doing. But, I still felt the impact of just what happened in my gut. Natasha speed up the Quinjet. I quickly grabbed my green helmet, Tony doing the same thing as we both put on our helmet that attaches themselves.

Steve had also wore his cowl the three of us ready for a fight. Turning on my detective, I looked to the ceiling finding a figure now holding onto the roof of the Quinjet. " Tony, what are you doing. "

Tony had just opened the ramp of the jet at this time. " It's either that or our friend forces his way inside." I comment, taking my eyes of the ceiling as the figure, I assume to be Thor the god of thunder himself.

Just lumped of the roof as Tony opened the ramp. I moved to stand beside the bound Loki who seemed a little nerved at this time. " Scared?" I asked noticing his expression, " I'm not particularly fond of what happens next."

Before I could process those familiar sounding words. Tony was suddenly flung back narrow crashing into me as I dodged to the ground.

Sliding to the opposite side from where I was standing. Only to catch a glimpse of Loki being grabbed and flown out of the Jet. By who I recognized as Thor, as he escaped with Loki.

" Well, I guess he isn't here to talk. " I said as I got up from the ground. " Yeah, we figured that out too mister obvious." Tony remarked, as he got off Steve who he landed on.

" Another Asgard Ian? " Natasha's spoke at this time as she piloted the Quinjet. " That guy a friendly. " Cap stated at this time. "Doesn't matter if he kills or frees Loki the Tesseract lost." Natasha explained still piloting the plan.

Why do I feel that lines a little misplaced. I couldn't help think to himself as I dusted myself off. Thor wouldn't kill Loki at this time hence I wasn't too concerned for Loki safety.

If their relationship hadn't completed been destroyed at this time. I stepped up to the ramp along with Tony at this moment. " Hey, we need a plan of attack. " Cap spoke up at this moment, " Don't really have the time for that right now, we'll see you Captain. "

I said before lumping of the Quinjet, Tony still standing on the ramp feel, as if is moment had been stolen just now. " Well, like the kid said we need to move fast. " He said before finally launching off into the stormy sky.

Outside the Quinjet I fell through the sky, feeling very badass at this moment. " Hey, I thought you could fly. " Tony suddenly said before speeding pass me rocketing in the sky.

" Huh, show off." I spoke under my helmet seeing the ground fast approaching I pulled out the Omnitrix. And began dialing my flyer, before slamming down my body quickly transforming.

" Jetray!!" I yelled out before going after Tony who at this point, had tackled Thor quite a distance away. Living Loki all alone seeing this I decided to find a clear vintage point, of Loki as well as Thor and Star in the distance.

Landing on a tall tree brunch I reverted back into my human form. By tapping the Omnitrix symbol located on my chest, I turned on thermal detection. Just to make sure this Loki isn't an illusion.

He isn't even attempting to flee? This guy definitely up to something. Loki was no longer restrained at this moment. I couldn't figure out what Loki is after as I kept track of the battle that just started on the ground.

Making sure Tony wasn't in danger of getting killed. I was actually surprised at how well he is doing, or it's just that Thor wasn't going for the kill in this fight.

Tony on the ground who was just flung once again couldn't help but ask himself where Ben was at this moment. " Sir, don't forget Loki currently free at the moment. " Jarvis reminded Tony who voiced out his complaints.

" Oh, right. " Tony now said realizing he almost forgetting about Loki who could have ran free by now as he fought Thor. Meanwhile, Ben is just enjoying the battle at this moment while keeping an eye Loki.

The fight lasted for three minutes, as Steve came to stop the fight. Not before having to block off Thor hammer Mjolnir with his Shield. Ben was ready to save Steve at that time with Jetray but, didn't need to.

As Cap Shield was strong enough to with stand Thor hammer Mjolnir attack. In the end the battle ended with no one getting seriously hurt. I than decided to turn into Swampfire and wrap Loki up once again, who didn't resist at all.

This made me even more suspicious at this, guy was definitely planning something. We finally returned to the helicarrier with not only Loki but, Thor as well.

Who looked an awful lot like the actor Chris Hemsworth. Which at this point didn't surprise me it's basically a guarantee at this point that most of the heroes and most super villains likely all resemble famous individuals.

And the reason for this I had no idea. It's likely just how things in this universe were set up. Loki was promptly escorted by several Shield agents to a glass cell.

" I heard you did well in this mission. Steve seems to really like you. " At this time Hill suddenly approached my seat in the cafeteria as was having a meal.

Sitting down on the opposite seat in front of me. " Is this about Fury office and the tech departments work room. " I asked after swallowing down my food as a I stared at Hill.

" Ah, Yes and no. How exactly do we get rid of those plants. And why isn't that my work terminal is only now playing old Godzilla movies." She asked while grabbing a slice of carrot from my food tray.

The two plants set up by me as Swampfire were semi sentient plant life with a specific purpose. Keep spraying swamp mud all of Fury and the tech division office space. And would attack in self defense when trying to be forcefully removed by others.

" Still haven't managed to get rid off them I see." I said before putting a spoon full of white rice in my mouth. The food here wasn't bad at all I had to admit. " Well, you're retaliation is quite annoying I have to admit. "

Hill said with a pretty smile again while grabbing another slice of carrot from my tray. A small vain pot on my face at this. If there is one thing I hated the most is sharing my food. I know it's wrong to have that feeling but, hey it's something I didn't like doing.

As Hill was about to grab another slice of carrot from my tray I smacked her hand away. " Ow!" She yelled softly as she gently rubbed her hand.

" Please, don't act dumb with me. The minute I step over the line with my retaliation. I'll have the whole US force on my back constantly. I don't have any plans on abandoning everything have built for myself during the past two years to just go to waste. "

I explained sarcastically as I place another spoon of rice into my mouth. I currently have around three hundred special forces from the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Military Special forces and Shield constantly monitoring me 24/7.

Hey, when you're a person with a powerful ability comparable to the Hulk and Thor, with a yet undetermined upper limit. As well as suspicious of there possible of being a extraterrestrial. There also was barely any real physical evidence of your existence before three years ago. No one person, to prove that you actually had a life before two and half years ago.

Yeah, there a reason to have so many eyes on you. That didn't just go for himself personally, his company as well is constantly under heavy scrutiny by the US government. Mainly those with high enough clearance level to now his real identity.

His company is constantly blocked into certain fields like the medical industry. Due to all the suspicious around him, his situation can be even said to be worse than Bruce.

As perfect as Brainstorm can create a seemingly perfect identity on paper. It didn't help that there's basically not even one person having knowledge of him before being sent here. Even being an orphan the Shield and other agencies should at least find some sort physical proof of him before that time.

" Alright, let's just be completely honest with each other here." Hill spoke leaning forward as we looked at each others eyes. " Oh, please we both now that a lie. Just ask me what you want. You're ruining my meal with all this back and forth. " I said with a smirk, if there were people you can never trust it's a spy.

Even if they tell you the truth it's likely a trap. Hill easy going expression suddenly changed at this moment. Becoming serious as she not only stared at me but, at the Omnitrix on my wrist as well.

" Alright, than I won't beat around the bush any longer than. On the quinjet Agent Romanoff said she heard, what seemed to be a robotic voice that sounded a lot like you'res, coming from you're watch over there. About acquiring a new DNA samples after making connect with Thor. Which Captain Steve Rogers also confirmed. "

Hill spoke in detail, as I now understood what she is here for which I didn't like where this was going. "So, what I'm trying to asked here is. Are you or let me put it this why is watch collecting DNA of various species?"

For the love of fu*k, things seem to have now gotten a lot worse for me. I couldn't help but to curse internally as Hill and I stared each other down at this moment. Her clear blue eyes piercing Right Through Me.








Humanoid Plant


7'0" (2.13 meters)





Seed Generation

Root Control

Mud Generation

Sleeping Spores


Thorn Generation

Enhanced Strength

Body Alteration

Swampfire appearance in comment section. Also Ben Tennyson character appearance. As well as an update of story synopsis.

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