
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

The feasting and hunting

{ Storm's End. The Stormlands}.

It has been a week since the funeral, 10 days since I came to this world, I settled in a routine.

I wake up early Like before dawn early, I go to the library read up for two hours, then go back to my chamber wake Mary up, fuck her or have her suck me of, then I will take a bath and change to a fresh clothes, eat breakfast with Stannis, Cressen and The castellan my father Appointed Ser Herbert, we discuss what we will do today and of they go and I will go to the train yard I will do 2 hours of lifting weight ( I had the blacksmith make me dumbbells and dumbbars) then 2 hours of weapon training , then take a bucket shower.

At noon I will eat Lunch and then see to my duties for the day, since Stannis and Ser Herbert are helping me lighten the load, I usually don't have much to do, but there are some paperwork to be done, after that I have lessons with Cressen on language.

Late afternoon to about sunset is for spring, I started training with short sword and a glaive, Stannis will join me later and we will spar for a bit and then we will practice jousting, Stannis has a better form and he is the better jouster but I became stronger since coming here and he will break many lances but I always hold.

My relationship with Stannis has improved, and I sometimes see him at the gods wood praying.

After sunset I will eat dinner in the main hall, chat with people and drink but I found out that I can't get drunk, which is a plus for me, then I will go with Cressen to see if there is any letters that I have and do more paperwork.

I will go to my chamber around 10 at night take a quick bath fuck Mary as much as I can then sleep.

I think that I can keep this routine for now before things become more complicated.

The news of my parents death should have reached everywhere except the North , raven can travel 100 miles per day and the Winterfell is around 1600 miles from here. so another week tell they get the news, King's landing should have got the news four days ago so I will get letters from them tomorrow.

{The Red keep, King's Landing}

Tywin Lannister sat in his chamber with his daughter Cersei and son Jamie, the last three days has been hectic in the Red Keep, with the death of his childhood friend Stephon Baratheon and his wife, he has less people to count on, he have heard of his friend's son and by all accounts the boy is wild and immature.

He looked at his children "today I spoke with the king about marriage again, he has agreed to marry Rhaegar to you Cersei, but itwill not be announced till next year " .

Cersei spoke " why father you should make him announce it now so he can't go back on his word" , Jamie looked conflicted, he loved his sister and didn't want her to be married but couldn't say that now , Tywin looked at his daughter with a bit of a disappointment and he mistook the look on his son face for him being able to see the flaw on his sister argument.

" A lord Paramounts and his wife just died while returning from a trip that the king ordered,if the king announce the betrothal now, its like spitting on his cousin face and we will be with him, the stormlands will take it as a slap on their faces " Cersei cut him off " but the lion doesn't concerns himself with the sheep " .

Tywin stared down at her, not only did she not understand what was he saying but she dared to cut him off.

Cersei instantly knew that she spock out of turn and apologized immediately not wanting to face her father wrath.

And Jamie still thinking about hiw to stay with his sister, he loves her she is his other half, he can't imagine her married to someone else.

Tywin dismissed his children and sat thinking about the events that happened, he new that the king is going mad but he can't kill him just yet, it has to be until couple of years after the wedding and his daughter gives birth to an heir.

{ The Eyrie, The Vale of Arryn}.

Ned Stark sat in his room thinking about last week, he had a weird dream about his bestfriend, he thought that it was just that a dream, but today's letter about the death of the lord and lady of Storm's End, he knew that it was not , he couldn't talk about the dream to anyone, but the message was clear the old gods have a plan and he has a part to play.

Earlier when Jon Arryn told him what happened he was stunned for a moment then saddened for his friend fate, John told him that Robert was not coming back to continue his fostering, and has handed him a letter from Robert, after reading it he asked if he could go to be with Robert for a few months, John said that he will think about it.

Ned wrote to his father telling him that he wanted to go to Robert and be with him in his time of need. He knew that John will let him go but only after his father has been informed, so he won't be able to be with his friend for a month and a half to two months.

{Sunspear, Dorne}.

The Martell siblings sat together with a letter from Storm's End between them. Oberyn started the talk " so this is how it begins, now we know that we are not going mad and that the old gods and the white walker are real, the young stag will be needed for that war, but by that time he will be king stag , so how is that going to happen?"

Elia was the next to speak " I will marry Robert in the future, what do you know of him brother, we can't just say it was because of a vision".

Doran answered them both " First I will gather what I can about the Baratheon, and then we will wait to see if and when is he going to swear fealty to the king, and if it's within the next year then Oberyn will go to meet him a month before his departure and see him for your self, and when you are there you can see about a betrothal ".

" for now we have to be ourselves and not arouse any suspicion, I know of at least five spies in the palace so be careful what you say and where you say it, if there is going to be a rebellion then secrecy is key " the siblings nodded at each other.

Elia began thinking about Robert, she hadn't seen him in real life, but he looked handsome in the dream, and she tried to picture what's he like, she knows that he is going to marry her the the Stark girl, what she doesn't know is will he take the Stark girl as a second wife or will she die then will he marry after.

{Storm's End, The Stormlands}.

It has been a month since the funeral. I got letters from all over Westeros people sending me their condolences and the king and his hand Tywin didn't say anything about when will they be expecting me but it was implied that I have a year to go there.

Ned also wrote to me saying that he will be here in the next ten days , he will stop at the Parchments in the next couple of days and then travel by land to here.

All the Nobility of the Stormlands have came most brought the heir and some their daughters, my grandparents have come, my grandmother is old but still strong and she was handling all the ladies that have came .

I the past month I have been talking about the sellsword company ( the thunderstorm) to the guardsmen and in front of the servants so there was a rumor around that I want to make a sellsword company and tour Essos.

My grandfather Lord Estermont asked me why would I go to Essos, after talking to him for a bit, then I asked him to start building ships, since his island was not rich but they used to have a war fleet there and they have shipyards, I asked a couple of different houses in the past few days for ships and I was paying them to build them, mostly it I asked for three types, a merchant ships, a warships and lastly a special type of ships, that was important for making money.

The ice trade was a success in my old world, and nobody is selling Ice now, The North could make an ice trade but even the north lakes melt in the summer, so I want Hardhome it's North of the wall, I can hypnotize the people there and no one will suspect a thing, and with the cold temperatures I can have Ice all seasons, King's landing, the stormlands, Dorne, and Essos would pay big money for ice. Ice ships need to be big because the more Ice you can carry the less it would melt( conservation of energy).

The ships will take two years to build, I can have the warships hunting pirates with the step stones near they'll get a good experience, and the stormlands people is famous for two things being great sailors and great soldiers.

this is my idea of making money for the stormlands, and I need rice from Yi Ti, the wetland and the humidity is good for it .

Three days filled with hunting, feasting and me kicking everyone ass in the training yard, I made sure that they were all loyal and made them have a better views of the old gods and not the new ones, I asked a couple of Lords to stay, they were the houses nearest to the port that I wanted to build.

Lord Fell of the Felwood, in another life i would have killed him in summerhall, but with a bit of magic I made sure that he stays loyal.

Lord Buckler of Bronzegate, Lord Errol of Haystack Hall and Lord Penrose of Parchments were loyal, and since everyone heard that I wanted to build a sellsword company, I didn't talk abot that. I sat down with them and my brother and grandfather.

" My lords I want to build a port city for the stormlands, it will take time and money but in the long run it will be good for us, the place I choose in near all of your castles it is about 50 miles North of here away from ship breaker bay, and it will be the seat of my brother Stannis in the future".

and so the talks began, I secretly controlled what they said and how I answered because I knew of three spies listening on us, but I wanted them to report back to their masters.

In the end every thing went smoothly, I didn't kill anyone, I didn't fuck anyone daughter, and I was great company to be around, the last one I got from the old Robert, in my past life I didn't have the charisma that I have now.

After I promised a Tourney next year in my parents memory , everyone went the fuck home except my grandmother who will be staying here for a month to make sure everything is in order.

I layed in bed looking up the map function in my system I can see that Ned is 30 miles away so he will be here tomorrow afternoon or evening, then I checked my stats

[ Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 450==>470

endurance: 400 ==>450

vitality: 1800

defense: 300==>320

speed: 350 ==>380

dexterity: 350==>390

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 120

wisdom: 170

perception: 200==>240

magic energy: 4000 ==>4300

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration ...

16× the regeneration power of the average person.

add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .

hide your presents from magicians and gods.


Green seers magic.

the ability the warg into different animals. Ability to use nature magic. can speed up or slow down plant growth. ability to control trees. close affinity to the old gods and children of the forest. can use a Weirwood tree to spy on people near Weirwood trees .

Mental Magic ( mind arts)

Able to read people thought, and control them. able to hypnotize people., you have to be close to the person that you want to use your abilities on or you have to dream walk .

dream walking is the ability to inter a person dreams and control them or just watch them. you can make a them remember the dream or forget.


The ability to teleport from Weirwood tree to another . can take a maximum of 4 people with you.

Healing Magic.

You are able to heal small wounds sickness and even genetic disorders, but you will have to use a lot of your power and sometimes it may take you a long time to heal someone.


12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

5 millions gold dragons.]

So after almost 40 days I advanced a bit and I was still growing I want to delay the Rebellion for three years, so I can be better prepared, but for that I have to get to King's landing and calm some people down, and make sure that the Tourney at Harrenhal is delayed for three years also .

next chapter Ned will come and Oberyn and king's landing.

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