
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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Brothers Reunion

{Storm's End, The Stormlands}

( a little ned POV)

Eddard 'Ned' Stark, is riding his horse with a company of men from The Vale, Jon Arryn said that it's better to have protection from bandits and cutthroats, after the journey he was looking at Storm's End, the seat of power of house Baratheon, his reckless friend became a Lord, from what he heard along the road about the gathering last week, Robert is still the same, there is a rumor that he wants to go to Essos and fight in wars .

As Ned passed the gates he found Robert waiting for him with someone younger and thinner, he must be Stannis, and couple of men at arms, as he dismounted the horse he found himself in a bear hug .

" Ned what took you so long, come I haven't seen you in a while I missed your frozen face" , someone coughed , and Robert broke the hug, ned noticed that he friend has gotten even bigger, his friend dragged him to meet the people around them.

" Ned this is my brother Stannis, he has a better brooding and more stoic face than you, brother, this is Eddard Stark but call him Ned, you can compete on who is more boring between you two" Ned looked at Stannis, he was used to his friend's brand of humor and sighed with a helpless smile" Thank you lord Stannis for looking after this big oaf , if anything your brother told me about you is true the you must be the sensible brother" .

Stannis looked at Eddard Stark, he used to be jealous of the man , but seeing him he understood the his brother found someone similar to him to call a friend, they both know how demanding his brother can be , and how he was incapable of keeping his head straight, although Robert became more sensible lately.

" Lord Eddard welcomed to Storm's End, and thank you for keeping my brother in one piece in the Vale , I know it's a thankless job" , Ned said " you can call me Ned, and sometimes I don't even know why I try with him, I think that I did something wrong and keeping Robert alive is my penance " Stannis smiled at that, it was small smile but a smile nonetheless.

Robert just laughed and continued introducing to the other with him, then invited everyone to eat. as Ned eat he couldn't help but ask about the rumors of the sellsword company.

" so what is this I hear about you wanting to galavant across Essos, you always said you want to be a sellsword but I thought you were joking ".

Robert answered " it's not a joke, I'm going to call it the Thunderstorm, 3,000 infantrymen, 1,000 horsemen, 2,000 long bowmen, and 1,000 engineers for building fortification and siege weapons. And that's The Stormlands, if I can get more horsemen from The Vale, maybe you can get me more men from the North, I will go to King's landing in four months from there I will go by land to the Vale and then take a ship to Braavos, and negotiate a contract with them for our first campaign ".

I started thinking about what Robert is saying, and I the way he's saying it as if it was already a done deal, If I tell my father about my vision, he can lend me 2,000 men and I can go with Robert to the Braavos and maybe convince him to go to Winterfell after that . So I asked " when will you go these things take time"

Robert " two years from my trip to king's landing, the training grounds have been selected, I am building a fortress around 30 miles north of here, and a port city 60 miles, the fortress will be a training center for two groups, the Thunderstorm and The Stormguards who will be responsible for keeping the peace in the Stormlands".

I continued to ask about Robert about everything, and in the end I found that Robert had matured since I last saw him, he is still a bit of a hothead but he has calmed down a bit.

{Robert pov}

it has been three months since Ned arrived and things changed a bit, I have sent many of my brainwashed men to spread a special weirwood tree seeds, I magically charged them to grow faster all over the Stormlands, and I had merchants do the same for Essos and the other kingdoms but on a smaller scale.

The people that Stannis sent to find a good location for the port city, found a nice land but there was no natural harbor , so I made one, it was hard although the children severed the arme of Dorne more than 8,000 years ago, all I can do alone was make a localized earthquakes to make somewhat of a small bey or a harbor.

It has small entries that could be defended and the people thought it was an act of the gods especially with the big gods wood that sprouted next to it .

The roads and the fortress took priority for me, the roadwork began two months ago, and the fortress didn't began until now because of the architects that I asked maester Cressen for had just arrived last week and they have been arguing on how the best to start I told them they have a year to make sure that the fortress is livable .

I know that the news about the Thunderstorm, the fortress and the port have been spread out by the spies, and I wasn't exactly keeping them a secret, everyone that have come to Storm's End have heard me boasting about it.

So when I saw that Oberyn Martell coming in the map ( I have been keeping an eye on couple of people like Oberyn and Davos and Tobho Mott in the map) I wasn't surprised I would say he would be here in two days.

I am looking forward to how many Dornish men can I get Oberyn to commit to my Essosy endeavors, Dorne is famous for their Spearmen and if he can promise a good number the I can reduce my infantrymen and have more bowmen and engineers.

One day a month ago me, Stannis and Cressen were talking in private about the money that I 'found' when Cressen started talking about marriage, in the end we agreed that I will marry from one of the great houses and Stannis will marry a daughter of the Stormlands. I didn't tell them about me marrying from Dorne and The North . I said I would make my decision by the tourney that I will make in my parents one year anniversary.

My training is now focused more on sparing with full plate armor in the morning and a light armor in the afternoon, and I became a beast in the training yard, my language skills while improved it could be better.

Ruling and governing was not easy but far from difficult, in the next month I will be gathering the taxes from my lands and wait for the other lords to send their taxes and I will bring them with me to King's landing, and I can end the Kingswood brotherhood, whilst I'm at it.

And good news or bad news according to Stannis and Ned, Mary is pregnant after reading her mind and made sure that she wasn't fucking anybody else behind my back, so in six months I will have a little bastard, I plan for all the basterd boys to go to the Thunderstorm or the Stormguards .

So I hope it's a boy, girls whilst I could train them and with my blood all my children will be stronger than average, I know that they can't go far in this sexest world, anyway it doesn't matter I'm having an army of bastards in the future atl least 40 bastard boys, so I have to up my efforts.

And since Mary is pregnant and I didn't want to go hard on her I had two other mades join her Sarah and Selina, both are sisters Sarah is 18 and Selina in 16, they're both great fuck , I know I'm quite the romantic.

Today is the day that Oberyn will arrive in and I have been looking forward to beating the shit out of him in the training yard, because I hate how smug he looks in the show and the books.

{Oberyn Martell pov}

It has been four months since the news of the death of the lord and lady of Storm's End, and during this time me and my siblings have been paying attention to what's going on in the Stormlands and Doran have been keeping an ear out for anything about Robert Baratheon.

So far we knew that the man is a likable, loves drinking, hunting, fighting and fucking, so a fun man to be around.

And we also heard that he is impulsive and hot-headed and doesn't care about consequences, Dorne doesn't think that they are a good qualities to have if the visions are to come true.

But that's why I'm here to take the would be future king's measures. And so far I have heard about the new port town, some say because of the death of his parents he want to Build one,.

Then the Thunderstorm a sellsword company to galavant across Essos , now that's something I wanted to do myself so I would have to see if I can join him. abd it might be good to be around someone who appreciate the three F's (fun, fighting and fucking) anyway the gates of Storm's End are open and I can see some people are waiting.

{Robert pov}

Stannis, Ned and I were waiting for The Dornish prince and his guardsmen.I could have had Stannis greet him then bring him to me but that would means that I didn't see him as an equal which I don't but if I want friendly relationship with him it's ether this or hypnosis .

Prince Oberyn came at the head and quickly dismounted and greeted " Lord Robert, I'm sorry for lord Staffon and lady Cassana death, my brother and sister send their prayers " .

" Welcome prince Oberyn I thank you, your brother and your sister, here with me my brother Lord Stannis, and my dear friend Eddard Stark, now come you and your men must be tired, have bread and salt then fallow that guard to your quarters we will have lunch in and hour .

As Oberyn greeted both Stannis and Ned , I couldn't help but notice how much different they were and the three were second sons, but it's more of me and Brandon are reckless so both our younger brothers came out level-headed and Doran is calm and manipulative his younger brother was reckless.

After lunch and pleasantries out of the way I started asking Oberyn about the spices that they trade,( the food here is a bit plain for my taste) and he asked about the Thunderstorm, but didn't say anything about joining, then I asked if he would like to go to a hunting trip with me my brother and Ned in three days, he was excited and then I invited him and his men to the training yard.

Since it was afternoon I was in light armor and I took a sword and a shield and began sparing. Oberyn wanted to spar and since I didn't want to kill him I didn't use the Warhammer or the gleave.

So me with the basic sword and shield compo and Oberyn with a spear we lunged at each other, he thrusted his spear and with the advantage of the long reach and his own mastery of the weapon , the spear was fast and accurate if not for my high DEX and the sparing in the past five months then I wouldn't have been able to block him as easily as I did.

After getting used to his style I quickly threw the shield at him then I evaded his thrust catching the spear shaft with my shield arm and lunged forward hitting him with the blunt side of the sword in the side of his head, I yanked his spear from his hands then throwing both weapons aside and got in closer and punched the shit out of him .

After that Oberyn was not a sore loser and he continued watching from the sidelines as I tried Ned and Stannis, both have improved since I would heal them on a nightly basis, they quickly started putting on muscle and the sparing got them experience .

Over next three days nothing changed except beating the shit out of Oberyn we became good 'friends' , and he asked if he can join the Thunderstorm with some of his countrymen, he didn't have a solid number, he said he will talk to his brother then get back to me.

The hunting was easy when you have a greyfalcon that you can warg to. And with a couple of boars and a big stag we went back to the castle and had a small feast for the hell of it I got half the castle drunk and Oberyn tried to kiss Ned and Ned giving him a blackeye then Oberyn just laughed and found him kissing one of my bannermen .

The next day half the castle had a hangover and I was fine Oberyn and Ned Woke up by lunch and both were given me the evil eyes Oberyn had to ask " how can you even stand and why aren't you miserable like the rest of us" Ned answered for me " Robert rarely gets a hangover, he can spend the night drinking with the guards and in the morning he will be right as rain, it's the gods cruel joke on us " .

I laughed loudly just to watch them squirm and then Ned threw his cup at me, I had to laugh harder .

Later that evening Oberyn said that he needed to speak to me privately so we went to the godswood .

" Robert, I don't know you vary well but from the past four days I can see that you are a good friend, so I want to ask have you thought of marriage" Oberyn asked me if I wanted to marry his sister in around about way .

I answered the unspoken question " my brother and the maester keep telling me I have to marry, but I need someone that can be good to Renly and I may have a couple of basterds and I can't be with one woman, although she will be loved and taken care of. if you find me someone like that tell me about it. anyway they will be a tourney at the my parents death anniversary, you can come and join me earlier than that, I will be gone for the next four months from the Stormlands but I should be here two months before the tourney ".

he got the message ( if you are okay with my cheating ass bring your sister and let's talk before then tourney and we can announce it then) the he started talking about the Thunderstorm and how long before we can go to Essos. The nex day Oberyn went back to Dorne and I had to prepare for my trip to king's landing .

After bringing with me the taxes from my lands and taking money from the treasury of the amount that we should expect from the other lords, I made sure that everyone knows that I will be gone and Stannis is in charge.

The builders started at the port and the fortress two weeks ago and with the roadwork is in its third month going on the fourth . I have been here for six months and now I am dying to get out of here, .

I have been keeping and eye on the Kingswood brotherhood and I plan to kill them to the last man, it will give me some street cred , or something to brage about in king's landing. So I dream walked to their leaders and made them want to attack me and get the tax money that I was delivering to the king.

It took us two weeks to get to where the brotherhood are located, I can see them in my map they were about two hours away and the have some scouts here and there , but that's it I have 40 Stormlands guardsmen and me and ned have the 20 Vale guardsmen that he had with him and they were a hundred men waiting in an ambush . I looked at my status

[Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 470==>500

endurance: 450==>470

vitality: 1800==>2000

defense: 320==>345

speed: 380==>400

dexterity: 390==>400

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 120

wisdom: 170

perception: 240==250

magic energy: 4300==>4450

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration ...

16× the regeneration power of the average person.

add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .

hide your presents from magicians and gods.


Green seers magic.

the ability the warg into different animals. Ability to use nature magic. can speed up or slow down plant growth. ability to control trees. close affinity to the old gods and children of the forest. can use a Weirwood tree to spy on people near Weirwood trees .

Mental Magic ( mind arts)

Able to read people thought, and control them. able to hypnotize people., you have to be close to the person that you want to use your abilities on or you have to dream walk .

dream walking is the ability to inter a person dreams and control them or just watch them. you can make a them remember the dream or forget.


The ability to teleport from Weirwood tree to another . can take a maximum of 4 people with you.

Healing Magic.

You are able to heal small wounds sickness and even genetic disorders, but you will have to use a lot of your power and sometimes it may take you a long time to heal someone.


12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

2 millions gold dragons.

20 weirwood saplings.

300 enchanted weirwood seeds.

25 kilograms beef .

20 five leter water .

50 bread .]

the Kingswood brotherhood are in the next chapter

and meeting the opposition.

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