
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Port town, Sellsword company and Garrison


The next day I woke up to pleasant sensation, opening my eyes I can see a head bobbing on my crotch. I instantly knew that this was Mary a maid that the old Robert had been seeing since his return from the Eyrie .

feeling me waking up the maid who is in her around 20 years old, let go of my dick with a 'pop' sound smiled at me " good morning my lord, I am sorry for your loss, I was so sad when I heard what happened yesterday, I wanted to comfort you "

" Morning, It's okay in the next week I will be busy so I can't have fun like before. but thanks for the wake up".

I did a quick scan of her thoughts , she wasn't a spy, which is good, because she really great at giving head. she just thinks that we are having fun and we will go out of each other way when one of us is married. and she expects that I will gave her a good penchant for all of her good work.

As I was laying back letting Mary do her thing. I started thinking of today's agenda, I need to write to King's Landing and the other Lords about my parents death. Then I will have to swear my fealty to the king in the next 6 months.

The Lords will want to come and see their new Lord Paramount, and they will be feasting and hunting.

Before the next year I need to open a new port with in a hundred miles of Storm's End, The Stormlands doesn't have a big port city like the other kingdoms, and it's hurting the economy.

After showing much compassion Mary asked " can I do anything for you my lord " .

" yes thank you Mary, can you prepare a bath for me , and ask my brother and maester Cressen to meet me in an hour to break fast together "

After bathing and wearing fresh clothes I went to a private solar to meet my brother and the maester. I found Cressen is waiting for me there "Good morning my lord, how are holding up, the funeral will be in two days. there will not be any lord in attendance because. but we will hold a feast in your parents memory in a month, and all the stormlands will be there for it " .

I nodded along as he kept mumbling on until Stannis came, his face was stoic, teeth were grinding, but his eyes were red .

I talked to him in a soft voice or as soft as Robert voice can get " brother come sit next to me, and stop grinding your teeth it's not good for you. now that we are all that's left we have to look after Renly, and I have been thinking about the problems that we have right now. I need a list of things to do and what resources are available "

Cressen answered " we have 250 thousands gold dragons in reserve, and 20 thousands in the treasury to pay for the expense from maids to the knights and to pay for any expenses we have during the year."

I said " we need a port city, it has to be close enough to Storm's End that it will be under our control, and you can establish a accredited branch of the house. I was thinking 50 to 60 miles north of here, on the shore of the Stairs of Tarth, and we will need to build roads to the port . we can save on cost by going through the king's road"

I took a map os the stormlands and pointed at about 25 miles north of Storm's End " if we start the road from here then it will be 40 miles at best and we can have the road continue to Haystack Hall and Parchments".

" and this teis to another project or two I want. First is to build a garrison in the fork of the road. it'll be a big walled place to train and house soldiers, it should be big enough to house 10 thousands men with their equipments "

" There we will be able to train a big garrison for two things, one is protecting the stormlands from inside and outside threats, and a sellsword company to Essos, I was thinking it will take a year and a half to two years to make the place livable and maybe 5 to complete fully "

" there we can train troops to patrol the stormlands for bandits, outlaws and criminals throughout the stormlands, and the sellsword company will make money for us, if we can rotate them the right way,"

" I was thinking that we divide them up to 5 thousands in the sellsword company and 5 thousands stay here and we rotate them 6 months in the sellsword company and 4 months as stormguards and two months of leave to visit their families and what not and after two rotations then they can ask to stay as Stormguards or stay with the company longer " .

Stannis looked deep in thoughts like someone twice his age and Cressen was mulling things over then he said " If you want these projects in less than two years then it will cost between 2 to 3 million dragons."

I knew that we have 250 thousands in reserve and I didn't want to touch them, and the 5 millions that I have in inventory and if I want to cover it up I can sell Tywin Lannister a broadsword he is offering 1 million I know I can trick him into offering me 1.5 or 2 million.

I quickly looked at the map function in my system to make sure that no one is spying on us " I have found a large amount of gold in a chamber near the crypt last week that no one knows about, I will take you both there later when I am sure that no one is watching and you can count it ".

"so our plans for the next two to three years build a port city with a good castle, build a road network throughout the stormlands and build a big ass garrison" I didn't forget any thing I guess as for raising the amount of money I can start paper mills and introduce better farming equipment and since the stormlands mostly is a wetland rice will be a good crop to introduce.

Cressen spoke again " I know you just lost you parents, but you have to think about marriage my lord, house Baratheon doesn't have a lady, it's important to have a lady to organize most things in a castle and to receive the ladies from other houses, and if you choose one with a big house then you'll have her house supports" .

Stannis looked uncomfortable and was about to speak but I cut him off " we will talk about this after the Lords come to swear fealty in two months and their will be no wedding until next year". Cressen nodded

Stannis looked better after that and I continued " Stannis what do you think the port should be named, I think Stannisport is great name." Cressen smiled but Stannis merely grunted " It's the Stormlands so Stormport is better" and we continued the morning in discussions about the names that we should call things and anything we can think of other than our parents funeral, we both avoided the subject.

the Stannis went to check on Renly and I started writing letters to everyone about what happened. I wrote to the king and explained that I will be coming in six months to swear fealty to him . and I wrote to Jon letters telling them what happened and how I can't go back to the Eyrie and that I can't continue my fostering .

I wrote to Ned inviting him to come and stay with me for as long as he can.

[Sunspear, Dorne].

Doran, Elia and Oberyn Martell sat in the Lord solar each thinking about their dream from last night and not knowing how to bring it up without looking like they are losing their minds so Oberyn started with a yawn " I had this crazy dream last night full of Storm, trees, blue eyed corpses and dead dragons "

Doran and Elia locked eyes and knew that they both had the same dream.

As the silence lulled Doran spoke " so the dragons will die and the stag and his sun wife will take their place" send his sister a look.

Elie nodded " and then a cold wind will come from the north that will cover the seven kingdoms, until the storm king kills the night king" .

Oberyn looked at his sister and then his brother " so either we are all crazy or trouble is coming to the kingdoms and myths will walk again" Doran said in stern voice " we will wait until we hear any news before we talk about this again and Oberyn maybe next month you will take a tour of the stormlands and king's landing " .

Elia asked " should I go with him or is it better to wait until he returns."

and so the three Martell siblings blotted together and they agreed that they will wait until they hear of any changes that happened before they make a final decision, for now if nothing happens in a month then Oberyn will go and see if there is any changes in the game, as for the threat from beyond the wall that will be in the future.

{Winterfell, The North}.

Brandon Stark and his father met in the crypt alone " father did you dream about the same thing last night? is it a vision? or am I going just a dream" .

Rickard answered " if we both have them then it's a vision and that means that the White Walkers and the long night are coming in twenty years and Robert Baratheon will be king and he will take a Lady Martell as his first wife and queen and their children will be princes and princesses and your sister as his second wife and queen and their children will rule the Stormlands"

and continued " this means that ether the Targaryens will die naturally or we will have a rebellion in the near future, ether way we will have to prepare, your brother always praised Robert for his martial praows we will have to wait and see "

Brandon said " lyanna is not going to like this " but his father said" nothing will happen until 4 years from now, we'll ask your brother about this when he comes back , for now we will speak of this to no one not even the maester " after that they both agree to wait a year before calling Eddard back.

{Storm's End, The Stormlands}.

As darkness descends on the castle and everyone went to sleep Robert laid in bed with Mary in his arms think about today event, after breakfast with Stannis and Cressen and writing letters to his bannerman , the king and all the lord paramounts about his parents death.

The day was simple he trained for three hours in the morning, and got used to his new body, he was stronger than the old Robert he needed to hold back against the men in the training yard but by the end of the training session he knew how much strength he needed and he was faster than before.

At noon he ate lunch and did his lording duty, but their wasn't much to do before the other nobles knew about his parents death, but he started reading books about warfare and asked Cressen to save an hour everyday to learn Valyrian, and memorized different house and places in the content.

at afternoon he started training again but with swords and spears of different sizes, mostly sparing against other people until he got tired and that was four hours later, he didn't get back inside until almost sunset.

and after that he played with Renly and then ate dinner with Stannis and they talked about their day, after that he wet and took a good bath a fucked Mary until he came eight times and he was still horny .

And now he has been thinking about the three eyed raven and how to kill him, and then went and got dressed in the warmest clothes he could find and went to the godswood and from there he made sure that nobody was near him and then teleported to the three eyed raven.

he appeared in front of him before anyone could speak he took his dagger out and stepped into his skull and then he yanked him from where he sat and kicked his head in for good measure.

the children of the forest came in and looked perplexed on how I got here I said before anyone could say a thing " I come here before you because the old gods told me what we are facing and how to beat them my name is Robert Baratheon " and I used hypnosis and made them have a vision that I was the storm king and that I will lead the army of men against the White walker.

and then I continued " I want to ask you to help me in the future the gods blessed me with the ability to make trees grow faster I want you to come with me in the future and carve faces on the Weirwood trees, and I ask you to talk to the freefolk about following me".

So we talked for about an hour when I began to feel cold I told them that I will come back in eight months to a year and then they can come with me co the south .

I teleported back and cleaned the blade and changed my clothes and went to sleep, I dream walked to Ned and showed him my parents death and then a heart tree saying that I will be the king and will marry Elia Martell and his sister, And that I will need him in many wars to come.

The next day I woke up before dawn so I went to the library and started reading until morning came and then went to my chamber and found Mary cleaning I asked her for a bath and fresh clothes and the banged her brain out .

The day went the same as yesterday breakfast, letters, training, lunch, governing, studying with the maester, training again, playing with my little brother, dinner and fucking.

The funeral day was hard on all of the castle but we powered through it and after bearing my parents I asked Cressen to call the builders and start on the road and call the best architect to start at Stannisport and the garrison fortress.

The sellsword company will be named 1 The thunderstorm or 2 the warhammer. because I lack imagination

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