
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Making Preparations

As I came into conciousness, I found myself frozen my eyes looking upon a sinking ship.

I couldn't move a muscle, but everything seems to be frozen. Then a stream of memories came to me, they were not mine but Robert's .

The old Robert had an interesting childhood and teenage years. He wasn't very smart but not dumb idiot ether. He has little memories of his family, and considered the Vale his true home, and Ned stark and Jon Arryn more of a family than his blood family.

He has been fuck around , a lot by this period. but not much by my standards. 5 chicks in two years, is not much and all of them were willing to sleep with him .

He does have two things in his mind Fucking and Fighting. So the important thing in life . He is not great at jousting , good but not great. his real talent is with a weapons not sticks. He can fight most men at the training yard and barely get tired.

He knows how to lead men , inspire them but not rule them . Ruling in this era is mostly sitting as a judge and conciliate the noble houses or intimidate them and make sure that you have taxes for the king and you have to get your taxes from your own Nobel Houses and smallfolks living in my land . Keeping the roads safe for travellers and have a good army when things go wrong.

Robert didn't have the patience to sit and listen to people all day or read on how much taxes have been paid to his house or to the Iron Throne . so a topical teenager.

Right now he doesn't have any problems. I don't know if he got one of the women pregnant yet but I know that his eldest daughter is suppose to be born around now .

As I got to the more recent memories I can see that he doesn't like Stannis but loves him and Renly and as for today's shitshow he is devastated seeing the ship going down and know three things, his parents are going to die, He can't do anything to stop it and that he is not ready for the responsibility of being a lord .


The system will be online in 60 seconds. This is the first and last message from the system. Please think 'stats' to see your stats, 'inventory' to see any item inside and 'map' to get the map online. the map function have a search to locate people and places in real time and it is useful for war . }

Okay now I have the memories of Robert. I will have some of his habits and all of his combat skills. and 3..2.1.

The freezing effect are gone and people are shouting some are praying. I went to Stannis and put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed, to let him know that I was here.

I felt grief to. I think that this is because of my merger with the old Robert. But the next five hours were blurr . Between seeing my parents die and getting everyone in line, there was a lot of yelling and crying.

I said to Stannis " we will find them brother don't worry. they will rest in peace with our ancestors. Now I need you to cry all you want Today, and go be with Renly, both of us have to raise him the best we can . But tomorrow we have to be strong. I will not be going to the Eyrie , I will stay here from now on ".

Stannis looked as good as a 14 years old who watched his parents die would look, tired and red eyed he hugged me for the first time in a long time.

We found my people washed up on the shore close to sundown. but my parents weren't found until midnight. I arranged for the silent sisters to take care of them and told the everyone that we will hold a funeral tomorrow.

I got back to my room and asked that nobody come until the morning. I got ready for my plan but first 'stats'. ( the average stats are 100.)

{ Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 450

endurance: 400

vitality: 1800

defense: 300

speed: 350

dexterity: 350

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 120

wisdom: 170

perception: 200

magic energy: 4000 .

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration ...

16× the regeneration power of the average person.

add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .

hide your presents from magicians and gods.


Green seers magic.

the ability to warg into different animals. Ability to use nature magic. can speed up or slow down plant growth. ability to control trees. close affinity to the old gods and children of the forest. can use a Weirwood tree to spy on people near Weirwood trees .

Mental Magic ( mind arts)

Able to read people thought, and control them. able to hypnotize people., you have to be close to the person that you want to use your abilities on or you have to dream walk .

Dream walking is the ability to enter a person dreams and control them or just watch them. you can make a them remember the dream or forget.


The ability to teleport from Weirwood tree to another . can take a maximum of 4 people with you.

Healing Magic.

You are able to heal small wounds sickness and even genetic disorders, but you will have to use a lot of your power and sometimes it may take you a long time to heal someone.


12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

5 millions gold dragons. }

Now that I know what I got to work with, I can think of couple of things to do.

First I need to kill the three eyed raven. The children that live with him might be a little problematic but I can pacify them.

I need an army. not big but experienced one. Luckily the old Robert always talked about starting a sellsword company, and fighting in Essos. I can say that I am going there to get fame and fortune.

I can get three to four thousand men from the Stormlands without affecting the local population. Ned maybe able to get a thousand or two from the North. and another thousands or so from the Vale of Arryn.

so together I will have from 5000 to 7000 men not counting the knights, and second and third sons that will want to join in later, but that can wait until tomorrow.

Now I need to hypnotize a few people. the king Aerys and his hand Tywin. Varys is not the Master of whispers yet , I know that he is supposed to become one this year after my parents death. but he to will need of some adjustment.

And with that I went to sleep. The day was very taxing and I needed to dream walk to some people.

I woke up to see my sleeping body before me.

I knew that I was dreaming and how to go to other people dreams. I thought of Stannis and instantly I was standing next to his bed while he is sleeping, I put my hand on his head, then I was sucked into his mind.

Stannis was having a nightmare about our parents death. I slowly changed it to a scene from when we were younger and our parents are happy and laughing. and the I put a little hypnosis on him to blame the Targaryens and the Seven, for their deaths , and to be more into the old gods. then I exited the dream.

After that I thought of Tywin and I went to his dream also. he is dreaming of his one day killing Aerys and having his grandchildren on the Iron Throne. I just made him less suspicious of me and thinks that all of army that I am raising is a childish game of someone who wants to play war, nothing more than that .

And then I went to Aerys and what a surprise he is dreaming of riding a dragon and burning all that stood before him .

I made him think that House Baratheon is loyal, and That all of this army that I'm raising is just for an adventure to Essos, like my father before me and the I will crush any Blackfyre before they can come to Westeros.

And that he will marry his son to Tywin daughter but will make his son and heir a Kingsguard . this way insuring his loyalty and depriving him of his heir, he can have the imp as an heir.

I thought of Varys and I found myself in Pentos I went to Varys and mand him think of me as an idiot who doesn't care for ruling and only wants to go and play soldier.

Next was Tobho Mott from Qohor, I made him wants to come to Braavos and offer his service.

The I continued to the slaver's bay and made them increase the number of fighting slaves, and it was really hard finding the masters and then finding the ones that deal in Unsullied but I was lookingin Meereen an the Unsullied were in Astapor, I made the Masters teach all of them the common Westerosy language.

Then I went to Tycho Nestoris in Braavos and made him dissatisfied with his job as a clerk in the bank and when he sees me in real life he will offer me his service.

Then comes the hard part, The house of black and white. I want spies and maybe with their help I will have them .

I went through all the sleeping members and gave them the same dream, the White Walkers coming to the wall and I The storm king can stop them. and the all heard the many-faced-god say that I will need spies and protection,

that I will be coming to Braavos in a year and that they offer one of them to join me as his spymaster.

Then I went to the North and had Brandon and Rickard Stark have the same dream that they are both in front of a Heart tree and the old gods told them that The white walkers are coming in 20 years and that they need the Storm king Robert baratheon to win, that Lyanna will marry me and be my second wife the winter queen and our children will rule the stormlands . and that his sun queen will give him princes and princesses.

and when the both wake up the will go to the crypt underneath winterfell and talk about what they just saw. And they will agree to keep it a secret until Ned comes back and ask him about Robert.

When thay hear about my sellsword company you will train 1500 men and have another 500 in reserve.

Then Dorne I gave the three Martells, Doran , Elia and Oberyn the same dream. blah blha blah .. storm king blah blah blah.... Sun Queen and the end of the Targaryens . The coming of the white walker. The second wife the winter queen.

Knowing Doran and his long scheme he will send Oberyn to join the sellsword company. I don't know how many people he will bring with him.

But enough of that the my biggest problem is population .I can get some from the wildlings but that will be tough for most of the kingdoms to let slide. I will have time for that later.

I want Robert to have a harem .

please comment on mistakes and errors and I will correct them

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