
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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Kingswood and King's landing


Robert felt the air changing becoming more intense, in front of him a large number of smallfolks, most of them aren't with the brotherhood but just helps them from time to time.

When he made the leaders of the brotherhood come after him he made sure that he had all of their allies with them, he didn't know the number but the are more that he anticipated.

They had two of the best archers in Westeros Fletcher Dick and Ulmer . While he wasn't afraid of a body shot if an arrow hits him in the eye then he was a goner.

" Ned keep the helmet on at all times be careful of the archers, and don't die " said Robert in a hush tune to his friend and turned to the soldiers "Bandits are blocking the storm bath, let the see the storms FURY" and he rode in front of the soldiers full speed .

Being in a real battle felt like the practice only he didn't have to hold back, using the glaive Robert started cutting men in half, soon he dismounted and was in the middle of the brotherhood's men, Robert knew that the speed and the strength that he had was unnatural, but his mind was only focused on killing the men around him .

A blow came from Robert left side he easily blocked it with the bottom half of the glaive, his vision with the helmet was not great and with the adrenaline pumping through his vain it was harder to focus, but he can make out three of the leaders coming at him, the Smiling Knight, Simon Toyne and Big Belly Ben .

Robert didn't wait for wards to be exchanged and changed at the three of them, before they could say anything he drove the blade of the glaive in Big Belly Ben, taking his warhammer with his lef hand and smashing it to the Smiling Knight, only for the knight to sidestep out of the way, Robert continued the motion but takes out his shortsword with his right hand and perry the knight sword with his and brings the hammer back harder and faster than humanly possible on the knights head it exploded like a watermelon.

Looking at his final opponent and the leader of the brotherhood, Robert challenged his weapons to make the warhammer on his right and the short sword on his left " any last word bandit " Simon grunted and lunged with an overhead strike Robert blocked it with his hammer and drove his short sword between the man's helmet and armor and he swept left .

With the leader dead some tried to flee others came at he with zeal Robert continued to kill any fool that tried to come near him.

{Ned's POV}

As soon as his friend changed Ned was about to follow but one of the guards stopped hime for a second " Lord Stark you are not as protected as Lord Robert, he has his full plate blocking the arrows, you stay close to us " .

The few moments that the talk took and his friend already a destined away from the rest of the troops. He knew that Robert was leading from the front type of man , but as he saw his friend welding the monstrosity that he calls a glaive and cleaving men in two as if he was made of paper.

With his friend opening a hole in the formation Ned saw the enemy easily crumble, and with Robert of his horse and into the fray killing men left and right as if he was a beast in a man skin. Ned shook his head and quickly joined the battle with the men but all of the kept clear of Robert afraid that he might mistake them for an enemy .

The battle didn't last long Ned killed two men but he didn't want to think about it yet. As the bandits started to throw their weapons and surrender, he looked around for Robert and found him running after some bandits with a surprising speed.

As the battle came to a stop and all the bandits were rounded up, Ned felt tired and when he saw the death he started throwing up, it was not the act of killing that disturbed him, it was how easy it was to kill a man, and the corpses that were mangled in a way that the helmet caved in and the juice leaking from the skulls.

{Robert Pov}

when Robert came to his since, he found himself in a clearing between the trees, it would have been a beautiful sight if not for the dead bodies that lettered the ground, his first thought was how did he get here, then he remembered the anger and the fury that he fought with, he was fighting on pure instincts, all he can think of was how to kill the maximum amount of people in the shortest amount of time.

Robert knew that he must get a better grasp of himself if he wants to be a better leader, but he knew that this was his new body weakness, the rage and anger, as he was thinking and walking back to his men he didn't feel guilt for killing the bandits, he wanted to have a bit of reputation for being a strong warrior and a leader, and the easiest way to do that is through winning battles.

And now as he walked through his men congratulating them for a quick victory and a hard fought battle, he asked the men to count the dead on both sides and give him a report.

Robert found Ned at the edge of the road his helmet is off hmand he looked sick and he was throwing up, he went to his friend and gave him a wineskin .

" the don't tell you about the smell in the songs, all of them are about how the noble knight vanquishing the evil doers, nothing about the smell. Thankfully I was alone when I emptied my belly, and non of the men saw me, I think that the songs are made by the soldiers to make the memories less horrible and the knights less guilty and more gallant but in the end we are all killers, some except that others rather live in a lie of songs and fairytale"

"Ass your friend and brother I will gave you simple advice, their is no good and evil after the battle starts only those who survive and those who don't, just remember not to lose yourselves in the killing never enjoy it, but don't shy away from it, I love the fight but hate the killing, I enjoy the rush of battle but hate the sight of the death that it leaves in its wake, find your balance enjoy every day as they come because you can die the next, remember those who die by your side but don't let the guilt consume you"

Ned looked at me as if I just grew a second head " when did you become the wise one between us" then a look of determination washed over him as my wards sinked in with a nod he took the wineskin from me and I walked away.

The truth is I didn't fell guilty for killing the or for the men that died fighting in my name beyond how will this effect me , I know it's selfish but fuck them , I think that my time in the void has stunned my emotions what ever I feel know is because of what's left of the old Robert, my highest emotions are lust and rage, I knew I would feel a bit of sadness for a few people (Stannis, Renly, Ned, Jon and Cressen) and even then I would kill them if they were in my way .

After an hour the leader of the men-at-arms informed me of the casualties 13 dead 16 critically wounded and the rest were fine 15 men to form three teams and each one of them to go to a nearby village and buy a carriage and find a healer if they can. the brotherhood lost all of its leadership even Wanda died, all that left were fifth of the original number and all of them were smallfolks they were given the choice, the Wall or the noose, all chosen the Wall, I was disappointed that I couldn't get Fletcher Dick and Ulmer, both died in battle but both of them killed 7 men between them and wounded more.

I informed them that we will rest here tonight and tomorrow we'll divide some men to go back with the dead and the wounded and the rest will continue with me to the capital, the men looted the brotherhood and I told them to keep the money and sell anything of value that they could find and keep the money for themselves just share it with the families of the dead, which won me some respect and I gave them a letter to give to Stannis in it he is to give a stipend for the families of the men who died, I know that it will win me some brownie points later.

The rest of the journey was boring except for six men tried to flee four were killed in the attempt and two were hanged the fourteen that left didn't give me any trouble after that. Ned was doing better as the journey continued his Stark face started to develop.

King's landing was as described the smell is really the first thing you notice even Ned almost broke his Stark face with discomfort from how strong it was, I sent 4 men a head of us yesterday leading them was Ser Julan Wrath a landed knight to make arrangements for the men and the prisoners and informe the King and the council of what happened. When we arrived near the gates I found Ser Julan with Jon Connington I did a quick scan of his head, and found that he didn't like me and wanted to be lord paramount of the Stormlands.

With him some men and not far from him was Jamie Lannister a quick scan showed that his father ordered him to come and greet me since I was a Lord of a great house and he wants Jamie to see what kind of men I was , his thoughts about me now is that I was a big barbarian but a good fighter since the men already started talking about the battle and how I killed 70 men alone ( I killed 23 men by the way) he wants to see me in the sparing yard.

Jon Connington spoke with a barley hidden contempt and mocked " Lord Baratheon welcome to king's landing, the tales of your bravery will be the stuff of songs, I'm sure of it" I played the idiot " I know right but we the Stormlanders are always good at fighting, I am sure that you could do the same thing" I spoke with a laugh and completely forgot about courtesy clapped his back hard enough to stumble " oh I'm sorry some times I forgot my own strength, but you should eat more to be big and strong " I spoke with sincerity as if I was taking to someone younger than me, I can hear some me holding their laughter, as I was humiliating Jon, Jamie came with his Lannister smirk , I spoke before he can " and you must be the lion's cub , will you are as pretty as they say, but are you as good with the sword as they say or did they just got the pretty part right" the way I was speaking was completely out of line and it was totally something that old Robert would say.

Jamie looked offended for a second then the smirk was back in its place " why don't you come to the training yard and see " , I laughed a booming Robert laughter " see Ned, it seems that the lion claws are shrp, just like the song say" , Ned looked at me weird for a second but he just greet them as if nothing happened , as he knew too well how I can be , and we headed in the city, I knew that it was dangerous and it will be my first time with the big leagues politicians not my strong suit. but with mind reading and hypnotizing the shit out of them I'm sure I can come out on top.

[Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 470==>500

endurance: 470==>500

vitality: 2000==>2020

defense: 345==>350

speed: 400

dexterity: 400

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 120

wisdom: 170==>175

perception: 250==>260

magic energy: 4450

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration ...

16× the regeneration power of the average person.

add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .

hide your presents from magicians and gods.


Green seers magic.

the ability the warg into different animals. Ability to use nature magic. can speed up or slow down plant growth. ability to control trees. close affinity to the old gods and children of the forest. can use a Weirwood tree to spy on people near Weirwood trees .

Mental Magic ( mind arts)

Able to read people thought, and control them. able to hypnotize people., you have to be close to the person that you want to use your abilities on or you have to dream walk .

dream walking is the ability to inter a person dreams and control them or just watch them. you can make a them remember the dream or forget.


The ability to teleport from Weirwood tree to another . can take a maximum of 4 people with you.

Healing Magic.

You are able to heal small wounds sickness and even genetic disorders, but you will have to use a lot of your power and sometimes it may take you a long time to heal someone.


12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

2 millions gold dragons.

20 weirwood saplings.

300 enchanted weirwood seeds.==> 200 enchanted weirwood seeds.

25 kilograms beef .

20 five leter waterskin.

50 bread .]

sorry for the long hiatus

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