
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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The King and The Crown Prince

{The Red Keep, King's landing}

The Red Keep the seat of power of westeros for more than 250 years, it wasn't the most beautiful or the greatest castle and the city is a dumb, but as I walked through the gates of the Red Keep I can picture myself coming back in five years as a conquering King and not a subject of the crown, some times I'm tempted to just burn the city and start a new, but that can wait for later, the King is expecting me in in 40 minutes I need to change my clothes, and wash the dirt of me .

The guest rooms that they gave us are next to each other, I found that there was a bath waiting for me in the room with a maid, I scanned her mind and found out that she was spying on me from the hand, I gave her a charming smile and said " hello beautiful if I knew the woman in king's landing were this beautiful I would have come here long ago" I continued reading her mind she wasn't flattered, in fact she has been warned about me before hand, but she played along "you are jesting mi'lord, I prepared the bath for you, I heard that the road wasn't very good "

I continued talking to her and got some clothes of my luggage, I did a quick wash and it barely got some of the grime of me, and that's after washing myself in some rivers and castles along the way.

10 minutes to meeting the king, I was as ready, I look presentable polished boots, clean 'trousers' and black and gold top, I have no face hair and my hair was comped. I heard a knock on the door, I did a quick scan of the mind outside the door and found out that it's Ser Harlan Grandison of the kingsguard, I know that he was supposed to die in the year of the tourney but I have to kill him early .

I opened the door and Ser Harlan Grandison, Ned and Ser Julan were waiting for me, Ser Harlan Grandison was the first to speak " the king is waiting we can't be late come now my lord " he said in an impatient tone, I exchanged a look with the other two and we all came to a silent agreement that we didn't like him.

The throne room was exactly as you would expect from a Targaryen, Dragon's skulls everywhere, Targaryen banners on every surface, and in the middle of it all the most uncomfortable chair on Westeros and sitting on it the king Aerys II Targaryen, to his right hand sat Tywin Lannister the hand of the king and to his left Crown prince Rhaegar Targaryen. I made my way to the front of the room with Ser Harlan Grandison who instructed Ned and Ser Julan to wait in the back.

Grand Maester Pyrcell called me forward and the high septon said " Kneel Robert of house Baratheon. Do you swear your life to the king in front of the gods and the men that gathered here today?" while I didn't know that they would start with me swear fealty but whatever " I do" the high septon continued " do you Robert of house Baratheon swear to uphold the laws of men and gods from now tell the day you die " again " I do " he continued " do you Robert of house Baratheon swear your loyalty and fealty to the king in front of the gods and men " " I do" .

Then the king stood up and spoke " then rise Robert Baratheon lord paramount of the Stormlands " .

I rose to my feet and looked at the king with a charming but dumb smile as the king spoke again " I heard that you found traitors in the realm and even executed some of them, tell me about it" I scanned his mind and found he really believed that they were traitors and instigated by Tywin to weaken his rule.

" They were bandits my king all of them, they wanted to steal your money but we held them back killed all of their leaders and brought those that lived with us" I didn't want to say the ward traitor so people won't associate me with him.

" Traitors the lot of them , Ser Hightower I want the heads of all the survivors on a pike on the walls to show that treason won't be tolerated " the kingsguard in question bowed to Aerys and went to the door.

The rest of the afternoon went fairly quick, and I was invited to dinner with the royal family, I talked to Ned before that and he was upset because of what happened to the prisoners, he said we already promised them the Wall , I made shut his mouth before it gets him on trouble.

That evening after cleaning myself again I was escorted by Ser Barristan Selmy , we talked along the way he asked me about the Stormlands and the bandits, he even talked about by parents and I managed to talk him into a spar , and from what I found about him from my mind scan, he is loyal to the king , he doesn't like him but he is loyal, he hope that Rhaegar will be better I quickly added some doubts about Rhaegar , I want to see if he develops to disliking him as well.

The dinner was private only the royal family and me , the king talked to me about family and loyalty and then he brought my city and sellsword company plans. I said " the Stormlands doesn't have a port, and the city will solve the issue, sometimes I think that if we hed a port city then my parents wouldn't have had to come to shipbreaker bey. As for the company, the stormlands doesn't have much but we have good loyal fighting men , so a sellsword company is part advantage for me and part making money. " then Rhaegar asked me how long I was staying which is rude.

" I don't plan to stay for long , I have to go to the Eyrie , I missed Jon and I want to travel a bit before going back to Storm's End, I always hated sitting in one place for to long. and tomorrow I have a spar with the little lion cub" The king looked happy at that and told me to show him the dragon blood in my vein .

The queen was a sickly woman and didn't talk much she held Viserys close to her all the time. And the young psychopath still just a kid non of his psychopathic tendency have showed yet.

After the little dinner I have a good grasp on the Targaryens . A mad man , a dreamer with a delusions of grandeur , a battered wife and a budding psychopath. I found the little maid/spy waiting for me in my room I did a quick scan and found that she want to know what the king talked about and she is ready to use her body to get the information, so I put two weeks worth of frustration on her body, she forgot to ask the questions .

{Sunspear , Dorne }

Oberyn Martell just arrived from his trip throughout the Stormlands and the Reach , he didn't want it to be obvious that he went out of Dorne just to visit the Baratheon, So after arriving here he was told that his family was in the Water Garden so he went their on the same day to tell his siblings about the young stag .

upon arrival he had a guard waiting to take him to his family. after eating with everyone his brother called him and his sister to his private solar, so you can talk freely about the Baratheon. Doran was the first to speak " so how did you find the Baratheon " your sister also was paying attention .

" Robert is smarter than his reputation would suggest, he is a bit reckless but that is maybe because of his age, he is will loved in his castle, known for his generosity, and his martial prowess is legendary, the boy can go sparing for four hours without needing a break, he is big and strong but faster than you would believe, he didn't lose while I was with him not even to me.

while he drink I haven't seen him drunk, ohh he faked being drunk a couple of times but he wasn't really. he is making a city for his brother, and he is building a big sellsword company, I said that I will join him but left the details until we meet again, he has hinted at a marriage but all of that will be decided at the tourney that he will hold in the memories of his parents. he is close to the Stark and his brother and they will fallow him to hell and back if he asked. "

His siblings looked at him as he spoke in one fell swoop, the Elia said " are you sure you don't want to marry him yourself dear brother "

" I would if I could but he doesn't play for both teams, he is sword sheath kind of guy " .

Doran spoke in a light but serious tune " is he capable of what we dreamed of and how will he treat our sister if she married him" .

" don't expect loyalty in bed sister, he already have three maids and all of them complain that he doesn't know when to stop, that he is can go for four hours without tiring and that is one of his qualities for good or for bad he is a lusty man he will be enough for a woman but no woman can be enough for him "

" but I like him he commands respect among his men and people are naturally drawn to him ,he has a great qualities for a warrior king , but I don't know about a peace time one , while he does rule he doesn't like politics he finds it a chore and get bored with it very easily, maybe with age he can but now if he takes the throne he needs help, but he got that with the wolves and The birds, from what I heard the fish will side with the wolves which will side with him ."

" so I say we throw our lott with him , if Elia can tolerate his wondering dick "

Elia already made up her mind long ago but just didn't know enough about him to know what to expect, with her brother description she should meet him with some ladies that are single and loyal to her, she didn't care about the cheating as long as he can keep it quiet and didn't make a Scannell, and you will have to ask him if you can have a paramour because men are effey like that , they don't like sharing .

So it was decided that Oberyn and Elia will visit Storm's End on the tourney and see if she can bag herself a husband.

[Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 500

endurance: 500

vitality: 2020

defense: 350

speed: 400

dexterity: 400

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 122

wisdom: 175

perception: 260

magic energy: 4450

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration ...

16× the regeneration power of the average person.

add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .

hide your presents from magicians and gods.


Green seers magic.

the ability the warg into different animals. Ability to use nature magic. can speed up or slow down plant growth. ability to control trees. close affinity to the old gods and children of the forest. can use a Weirwood tree to spy on people near Weirwood trees .

Mental Magic ( mind arts)

Able to read people thought, and control them. able to hypnotize people., you have to be close to the person that you want to use your abilities on or you have to dream walk .

dream walking is the ability to inter a person dreams and control them or just watch them. you can make a them remember the dream or forget.


The ability to teleport from Weirwood tree to another . can take a maximum of 4 people with you.

Healing Magic.

You are able to heal small wounds sickness and even genetic disorders, but you will have to use a lot of your power and sometimes it may take you a long time to heal someone.


12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

2 millions gold dragons.

20 weirwood saplings.

200 enchanted weirwood seeds.

25 kilograms beef .

20 five leter waterskin.

50 bread .]