
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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Braavos 2

{Robert POV, Braavos}

I really love this city, after the talk with Ned, I asked the manager of the inn for several locations in the city he suggested I hire a guide, the guide was cheap just a few silvers and he will translate to us ( although I can understand the local language I'm not very good at it yet) and take us to whatever we want.

I hired one, and asked him to take us to the dome, the Dome is a mummers playhouse one of the best in the city. Along the way we chatted a bit, his name is Horen and he is twenty two years old, according to him he knows where everything is in the city.

He has been doing this job for six years now, and can speak in most of the languages of the people that come to Braavos, he said that he knows where everything is sold, and anything except slaves can be bought here.

"Horen. My friend and I are new to the city and would like to visit a few places, I want to go to the mummers playhouses, the Isle of the Gods and the house of the red hand, these are the places that I want to visit" I said to Horen.

" I can take you to each and every place you want, but you're not sick are you? people who ask to go to the red hand house are usually are".

"I'm not ill, but I want yo see what the best healing institution looks like, I'm building a city in my land, and I want to see if I can build something similar in my city" . Ned raised his eyebrow questioning me, I said " it's just an idea, nothing more" .

And so our journey continued, we eat lunch near the Dome and then we watched a show, it wasn't great to my brain, but I was never a theater fan, I was more of a movie guy, and compared with the normal environment of this world it was magnificent.

We went to the House of The Red Hand next, it was a cross between a hospital, a private clinic and a medical research institution, if you had enough money then you can hire a healer to be your private healer or you can have someone check you up on the spot, but the size was too small.

I talked with some of the senior members and they said that I cam get some of their members to join if I paid enough money for their research and donated some more for the House of the Red Hand.

We continued our tour afterwards, Horen took us to The Isle of The Gods, located near the junction of the Canal of Heroes  and the Long Canal. On nearby islands are the Temple of the Lord of Light to the north, the Temple of The moonsingers to the northwest, the House of Black and White  to the south, and the Sept-Beyond-the-Sea  to the southwest.

I didn't want to go near the Lord of Light so we didn't go near that temple, but we visited the Sept-Beyond-the-Sea and The Moonsingers Temple, the first was almost empty and the later was beautiful, we didn't go to the House of black and white, and I want to be alone when I meet the faceless men .

I asked Horen on our way back to the inn " I heard a lot about the Braavosi Water Dancers and I want to see it for myself, where is the best place to seek them out? " .

Horen answered "near the inn my lord, at the Moon Pool you can watch several duels take place at night, but be careful my lord, if you go there with a weapon then anyone can challenge you". Horen warning made me smirk, even Ned chuckled at that.

I wasn't this impulsive in my last life nor did I seek fights, but since I came here I have been looking forward to any fight I can, I didn't know how the old Robert lived with this urge, but I know that this is one of the reasons that made him hate the throne, I need to get myself under control but fuck it, this is my second chance and I don't want to set around all day, so being impulsive it is.

After arriving at the inn, I paid Horen two gold dragon, it was more than he asked for but I tipped him so he can have a better impression of me, I looked in his mind earlier and found that he loved shooting his mouth of at a bar, this way anyone who might be listening will know where we went today.

The we went to Ned room "so old friend, what do you think of the city so far, I think it's better than king's Landing, but then again King's Landing has more people" I said to Ned, he looked thoughtful for a second and then said "it's good so far, but do you really have to fight this evening? can we go to a winehouse or something, you don't have to fight"

I need to go to the House of Black and White alone so I said "I'm going out alone for a bit, you do whatever you want, I will be back in three hours, don't eat supper without me and then we'll see about dueling ".

I arrived at the faceless men headquarters, it's like the book described it. It sits upon a rocky knoll made of dark grey stone. It has no windows and has a black tile roof. Its wooden doors are twelve feet high and carved. The left door is weirwood, the right ebony. In the center of the doors is a carved moon face ebony on weirwood, weirwood on ebony. Its grey stone steps lead down to the dock.

I walked up the grey stone steps and reached the haunting doors and knocked, the door opened and an elderly man wearing a dark grey cloak came out, he looked at me and gestured me to follow him.

I followed the man inside in silence, he didn't speak so I figured that he is taking me to someone that will talk to me. We kept going down until we reached the third level, it was a big hall filled with faces, there I saw two more priests talking to each other in a language I didn't understand and then the man leading stopped beside them and the three of them turned to look at me and the elderly one spoke first " Robert Baratheon, we have foresaw your arrival, we know that you will play a big part in a war against those who disturb the dead" I knew that for a cult that worships death, the White Walkers were an abomination so the dreams that I gave them would look like the came from the many-faced-god.

I spoke " greetings, I know what's to come to and I'm preparing for them, I came here to get a spymaster, although I know that your order is not in the information business, my visions showed me that one of you will be my spymaster" .

They spoke again in a different language that I didn't understand for a moment then " some of us will go and start a spy network, but it will take time" ,I said " do you have a room where we can sit and I will tell you my future plans, and please can you bring maps" .

And thats how I spent the next hour, I told them about my plans, I sat down with a map of the North and a little of beyond the wall " the land beyond the wall is populated with nomadic people, they follow their own leaders and they don't bend the knee to any lord or king, I'm planning on relocating most of them to Essos" I then took a map of western Essos.

" Ghoyan Drohe is the city that I'm planning on conquering, they will live there and its surrounding territory, they will keep Pentos, Qohor and the Dothrakies busy while also preventing their dead from coming back again."

" Meanwhile I can take my sellsword company south to the disputed land, I can take another city there. In five years there will be a war in Westeros and I will win, I will be the king and when I'm a king I will prepare the kingdom for the long night and the White Walkers" I said almost all of my plans to them and then .

" The Gods have given me a gift, I can travel to any place with a Weirwood tree in it" then I summoned a Weirwood tree sapling " you can plant this in place you feel is secure and you can send me a message and I will come here as fast as I can" and then I added dome seeds for them to plant in anywhere they want.

We agreed that they will start they spy network that will focus on Essos first and then the Seven Kingdoms, the plan is to have spies in the major cities of Essos in two years and in Westeros in four, the whenbthe spymaster is ready they will send me a message and I will teleport here and take him with me before my campaign in Essos begins.

I left House of Black and White without fanfare, I was secretly scared that they've found the truth about the dream and planning on killing me, but that went well, know I have a spymaster and he'll be my master of whispers in the future, now I need my master of coins and those two are the most powerful positions in the small council,

The master of laws is a complex one, and I'm planning on splitting it into two, one for making the laws and one for enforcing them, the master of ships is not as strong when every kingdom have its own navy, I really need to expand the council.

I went to the inn and found Ned waiting for me in his room, we both agreed to eat supper out of the inn, so we went to a good bar we had supper and I drank a lot, but it wasn't my fault, some assholes started a drinking bet everyone that wanted to participate had to give an equivalent of hundred gold dragons and the last to stay standing will take all the money.

I won, and all I felt was a buzz, I went out five hundred gold coins richer, and I paid for all the drinks for the people in the bar, it was fun seeing Ned trying to talk me out of it at first, but then he kept encouraging me to win.

At night I went out of my room in the inn with armor and a sword, I knew that if I use my hammer or glaive then I would win, but those were weapons of war, and I would kill all that would fight me, and I didn't want that, I'm planning on bettering my swordsmanship.

[Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 505

endurance: 505

vitality: 2025

defense: 350

speed: 403

dexterity: 420

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 122

wisdom: 175

perception: 274

magic energy: 4700

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration .

Add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .


Green seers magic. ( can warg )

Mental Magic ( mind arts)


Healing Magic.

12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

1 millions gold dragons.

12==>11 weirwood saplings.

90==>80 enchanted weirwood seeds.

30 kilograms beef .

15 five leter waterskin.

40 bread .]