
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Braavos 3

{Moon Pool, Robert POV}

I was with Ned watching the crowd that gathered here, they were, Water Dancers, merchants and bards, the bards were playing different instruments, lutes, fiddles and harps, I want a bard with me, I can imagine having a small consort in her with a band playing Hells Bells .

(if you don't know the song go and listen to AC/DC) .

Ned and I walked around for a bit before some skinny idiot challenged me, Ned moved back and I moved forward to meet him, he introduced himself but I didn't car to remember the name .

The duel was lost if one of three things happened, you lose your weapon, yield or die.

The idiot was fast but young and inexperienced, although this is my first time fighting a Water Dancer, I fought a lot and know how to handle my self in a duel, he on the other hand didn't know how to get through my defense.

The fight started with him doing some flashy moves, but hadn't attacked yet, I knew that I'm faster than him if I go all out, but the reason for the fight was to improve my skill, or one of the reasons, I just want to hit someone if I'm being honest.

I hummed 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap' and slashed my sword at him but I was ready for his counter.

And he did deflect my sword and went for a stab but I parried his attack and went on the defensive after that,

I Rope-a-Doped him, he kept attacking and I was parrying all of his attacks, I got better as the duel continued and he was tiring himself out.

As he got slower, I decided to end the fight, in one of his attacks, I hit his sword hard enough for him to leave him open and swang the sword back to his neck and yelled "yield" .

He saw the sword in his neck and dropped his sword, I looked around and found a small group of people watching, I paid them no mind and congratulated the man for a good fight and praised his technique, although I was bullshiting, I didn't know if he was good or bad .

And the night continued as I was having duel after duel, by the fifth one I was drawing a big crowd, between my fifth and sixth matches I made Ned take bets, he tried to argue but he did it in the end .

The fights kept getting harder and easier at the same time, harder because the quality of opponents was getting better, and easier because I was improving, some were tricky especially the older ones with more experience, although not as fast their techniques was hard to fight against.

My strategy was simple, go on the defensive and during that time I would try and read my opponent attacks, in the process they will tire himself out. And the strategy only worked because of my fast reflexes and higher stamina.

By the twelfth match the coward was getting really large, I told Ned to start a betting pool on how many matches can I win, I didn't plan on losing tonight so more free money.

My twentieth match, I was fighting the same opponent that I beat previously, they thought that I would be tired by now and would be easier to beat, but I my breath was steady, I usually get more challenge physically in Storm's End, and my technique was getting better by the fight.

I fought for two hours straight, and I would have fought more but I was out of challengers, so I thanked the crowd and invited all of those that challenged me to a bar for a drink on me .

I talked to them with Ned and got to know some of them, some of them were the sons of merchants, some were nobles, but one of the older ones said to me "you have great speed and power, but your technique needs a lot of improvement"

I asked him for his name, he introduced himself as Ballaro Bahohrin, I spent the rest of the night talking to him and reading his mind.

He is nine and forty names day old, he wasn't the best Water Dancer but he was good and with a lot of experience, he likes to go to the Moon Pool to keep his skills sharp, he isn't married because of an old injury.

Ballaro's brother is a merchant, their family owns a shop in the city, he was supposed to be the next head of the family, but because of an injury that left him unable to have children, his brother took his place, he was well traveled and he and he has been a sellsword for a while.

I started to like him more and more, he was a bit blunt and not afraid to say his mind, but respectful enough to get away with it, he doesn't have attachment in Braavos, he likes his nephews and nieces but they are all grown up and have a life now.

We agreed to meet again tomorrow, he said that with my wins today a lot of people will challenge me tomorrow, I said goodbye to the bar and went to the inn with Ned, we talked along the way.

" So Ned, do you think of Ballaro" he answered a bit sluggishly because of how tired he was "he seems like a good man, why do you ask ?".

I said " he knows Essos pretty well, especially the western parts, and he is a good swordsman, I was thinking of recruiting some people from Braavos, he seems to be a good fit "

We talked about the type of person that I should be looking for, we agreed that I didn't need manpower but experienced individuals who can give their wisdom to the nex generation.

The next day we went to the Iron Bank again, the talks went well, they agreed to talk to the Sealord of Braavos on my behalf, and they will make sure that I get the land, then I asked them to build a small harbor there and how much will it cost me if they were the one to build it .

After crunching some numbers and going over the details on how much I want o build, they said three hundred thousand gold dragons as initial estimates and if I want to build a stronghold there then it will be up to five hundred thousand gold dragons at the minimum.

After thinking about it, I said we will meet again in a week for more comprehensive analysis, and they needed a couple of days to talk with the Sealord and on how much will I have to pay him and if I have to pay him taxes or not, in the end they said that I will have to meet the Sealord myself and I agreed, the meeting will be in five days .

As I was going out of the Iron Bank, I met someone who I've been looking forward to, Tycho Nestoris, he does look like a young Mycroft, he seems to be in his middle to late twentys, I didn't talk to him we just locked eyes for a moment and nodded at each other as greetings and went on our separate ways.

I have already planted the idea of leaving the bank and serving me in his head, now I have to wait for him to make his decision.

We went back to the inn and found Horen, I got him to take us to some music shops around Braavos, I missed listening to music that I like, the instruments of this era is not to my liking

They didn't have drum sets but they had drums, they didn't use them in bands, the lute was and early version of guitar but it didn't have the same notes, so I had to explain what I want and in the end I had to get the Luthiers alone and put them to sleep so I can show them the guitar and how it works and the tunes it make .

The drum makers (Author Note: I couldn't find what a drum maker is called, please let me know if you do) had the same problem, so I did the sensible thing and out the to sleep so I go to their head and show them what it looks like and the sound each part makes.

I made sure that I was alone when I mind raped them, I can be a gentleman when I want to, in the end four drum makers said they could do it, and only one could travel, so I put him on the list of people to sent to Storm's End and made the others forget what I showed them .

The Luthiers had more people that could make a guitar and at least five were available so I marked two of the most experienced to go to Storm's end and erased the others memories.

The days leading to my meeting with the Sealord were peaceful, I looked for a ship that was traveling to the Stormlands and found one that will go back before I had to leave for White Harbor, the ship was one of House Tarth's ships.

I talked to the captain and we agreed that he will take the people that I want to Tarth and I gave him a letter to give to Lord Tarth in it I explained that I wanted these people in Storm's End and to see to their safety.

Ned found a ship that was going to White Harbor three days before our time here ended so I had to pay the captain to wait for three more days, and with the travel arrangements are done I spent my days traveling through the city by day and dueling by night .

I haven't lost yet and the crowd loved it, every night the crowd was getting bigger, some of my opponents were sultry loser but the majority were good sports, I improved my overall technique over the matches, my footwork was getting better, and I started to anticipate their next moves before they made them.

Ned fought as well, Ned was the solid type of fighter and he was still young so he lost more than he won, but he to started to get better, we both had the fundamentals drilled into us since we were young as the sons of great Houses, what we lacked was experience, I can make up for it with my cheat, but ned had to go about it the hard way, I made sure to heal him every night before going to bed .

Ballaro and I met every night, I asked him if he wanted to come with me to Westeros, he was open to the idea, and after haggling on the money and the details he agreed, I asked him for more people like him, I told him that I wanted instructors not fighter, he said that he will let me know .

Today was the day that I will meet the Sealord, I'm looking forward to get this done as soon as possible, The Iron Bank already did the ground work, now I have to negotiate for the least price that I'm willing to pay, and the future cooperation between us.

[Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 505

endurance: 505

vitality: 2025

defense: 350

speed: 403

dexterity: 420==>423

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 122

wisdom: 175

perception: 274==>280

magic energy: 4700

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration .

Add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .


Green seers magic. ( can warg and do tree magic )

Mental Magic ( mind arts)


Healing Magic.

12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

1 millions gold dragons.

11 weirwood saplings.

80 enchanted weirwood seeds.

30 kilograms beef .

15 five leter waterskin.

40 bread .]