
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

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{Robert POV, A Ship}

I sat on my bed in the second ship that I had to take on my journey to Braavos. The journey to here was okay so far, we rode from the Eyrie to Heart's Home and we spent the night there, House Corbray from what I knew about the lore they would have fought for both sides during the rebellion.

The first son Lyonel Corbray is 20 years old, and supposed to take after his father and become a Lord after his father is wounded in battle. From what I know about him, he married twice because his first wife didn't give him a healthy son .

The the second son Lyn Corbray is 18 years old, he is vain, reckless and hot-tempered, from whay I know about him, he killed a wounded Prince Lewyn Martell and got his family ancestral sword Lady Forlorn, later he became Petyr Bealish's man and did he got paid money and boys.

The last son is Lucas Corbray is 14 years old, and I didn't know anything about him.

The father Lord Corbray is old but healthy man, I didn't know much about either.

From meeting them I found that they weren't that interesting, Lord Corbray is trying to increase his hours influence but didn't have the brains or the resources to do that, Lyonel is an average heir, just want to inherent his father and make a name for himself, Lyn Corbray wanted his brother position and was jealous of him, he was already fucking a couple of the stable boys, and Lucas was the forgotten child.

We stayed for a night there and took a riverboat to Snakewood the next morning, we arrived there a day later and found a ship waiting for us, Ned and I took lunch with House Lynderly and departed from there after that .

Now I am on the ship, with us six guards from Jon Arryn, Jon Lynderly the heir of house Lynderly and Lyonel Corbray, everyone except Ned is going back to the Vale after they drop us off, maybe they will trade some stuff in Braavos but that is not my problem, I plan on ditching them as soon as we arrive .

The trip was five days,I learned that I don't get sea sick, in fact I liked the ride, it was more comfortable than going on horseback everywhere. And training on a ship is different than land, because of the constant movement of the ship I had to be careful not to slip, that's why most naval personnel don't use heavy armor, and shorter weapons are preferable to long ones.

As ship sails under the Titan of Braavos I felt so small, the thing is huge, Ned standing next to me also looks with wonder and then the damn thing roared, it was a loud horn, Ned flinch even I was startled by how loud it was, the sailors laughed at our reaction

The captain of the ship came next to me "everyone that comes here for the first time has the same look, and when they sound the horn most people jump back, you have to handed to the Braavosi, they know how to make a statement" .

Ned asked "and what statement is that" the captain looked at him " don't fuck with us" . I laughed loudly, because it's true, most people see this marvel and don't think of missing with the people who built it. From my what I've gathered they're three ports in Braavos.

We docked in Chequy Port is where the customs officers of the Sealord of Braavos  boarded the ship to inspect it. The inspection took half a day, then we went to Ragman's Harbor which is open to all foreign ships, unlike the purple harbor which tends exclusively to local ships. It is poorer, dirtier, and noisier than the Purple Harbor. Many people make their living around this Harbor, including porters, mummers, ropemakers, sailmenders, taverners, brewers, bakers, beggars, and whores can be found along the harbor.

I paid the captain 300 gold dragons for the trip, and asked one of the guards to get me a boat to carry my and Ned luggage, I had extra trucks filled with rocks, I was going to the Iron Bank I needed something to but the gold in later.

After getting out of the ship the guards went to find transportation for us, they came in three boats, between Ned luggage and mine we had 28 trucks, twenty two of them are just for show and inside them is just rocks.

asked the men rowing the boat to take us to the Moon Pool, The Moon Pool is located south of the Sealord Palace and before the headquarters of the Iron Bank, in the northeastern section of Braavos, it's the best area to stay in if you have money. And I have money so we went there and found a good inn .

I paid for two of the best rooms they have for two weeks, I got to my room with the guards carrying my luggage it took two guards to carry one truck and we had twenty eight of them, when they finished, I gave guards fifty gold dragons to go unwind.

Afterwards I bathed and changed to my night clothes.I opened the map and looked for Tobho Mott, the last I saw he was coming to Braavos, I found him in the sea between Braavos and Pentos about a week out.

I looked for Tycho Nestoris next, I want this man to be my financial advisor, I'm shit a financial planning, I know that, I also know that I got this far because of the money I won, and not my economic planning, so he is a must. I found him in the Iron Bank, at least he is here, I wonder if he look like Mycroft .

{General POV}

Ned woke up feeling refreshed, the luxury in the inn was new to him, inns in the Seven Kingdoms were subpar compared to Braavos, Ned is excited to see Braavos, he heard a lot about the city, and he had seen three cities so far and Braavos is the fourth, White Harbor, Gulltown and King's Landing, the later is the biggest but it wasn't as beautiful as Braavos.

Yesterday he was tired and couldn't look at city's beauty, getting up from his bed, he opened a door leading to the balcony he can see the Iron Bank from his room, Robert choose one of the best inns and the view alone is worth it.

After cleaning himself he knocked on Robert's door, Robert opened the door fully dressed and looked relaxed and content, he asked his friend " so I know that you want to talk with the Iron Bank but why did you pay for two weeks" .

"Good morning to you to, and the Iron Bank is just one stop, we have a lot to see here, I want to take full advantage of being here, did you know that people duel at night at the fountain in front of the Iron Bank, I saw them last night" Robert replied with an excited look on his face that Ned knew all too well.

"I'm not helping you scam money from people Robert, and you have to be careful, I heard that the Braavosi Water Dancers are quick, you could get yourself hurt" Ned said, although he knew that his friend would fight no matter what he said, and is likely to win too, he noticed that his friend has a supernatural stamina and is stronger than a man should be , but he thinks that the old gods blessed him.

"I'm looking forward to how they fight, maybe I can hier one of them to teach me, can you imagine it Ned, Robert Baratheon the Water Dancer" Robert said with a laugh.

" But seriously Ned, when can we let lose when we go back? here we are not lords, we are just some rich assholes who want to have a good times, so I'm planning to finish my business as quickly as possible and spend the rest of the time having fun"

Ned knows that his friend is making a good point so he smiled and nodded.

Taking breakfast in the inn, Robert and Ned sat in a private dining room, Robert telling his friend about his plans and they both agreed that the Iron Bank is the best way to go, if they can convince them to support them then the Sealord will easily approve.

Robert and Ned went to the Iron Bank with little fanfare, after entering the Bank a receptionist asked them the nature of their business, Robert introduced himself and asked to talk to a representative of the Bank.

They waited for an hour before an attended call them to another part of the building, Robert noted that they had three representatives waiting for them all in their fifties or late forties, they were sitting in a big table, one was sitting on the head of the table and the other two sitting on each side of him.

The table had two more seats both on the right side of the head seat about four seats away from it, it was a negotiation tactic, they are saying that we are in their house and here they were the big bosses .

Robert smiled a little and introduced himself and Ned, " Morning honored representatives, myself is Robert Baratheon lord of Storm's End and paramount of the Stormlands, and this is Eddard Stark son of Rickard Stark lord of Winterfell and paramount of the North , greetings "

The man sitting on the other side of the table said " greetings lord Baratheon, lord Stark myself is Gerio Alerys a servant of the Iron Bank of Braavos, with me are Laro Etalas and Yrtoleo Tottar both servant of the Iron Bank of Braavos, we heard that you have something to discuss with the Iron Bank" .

Robert didn't correct him by saying that Ned wasn't Lord Stark yet. " Call me Robert, I'm planning on depositing one million gold dragons in the Iron Bank, and after that I have several things I want to discuss with you"

That got their attention, they knew that the money was mostly to show that he was serious about the deals that he wants to make, and collateral incase the deals got soure.

the one on the middle Yrtoleo Tottar the oldest one of them spoke "we thank you for your trust in the Iron Bank, and what sort of things do you want to discuss" .

Robert asked for a map of the coastline between Braavos and Pentos, they had am attendant bring them one " I want to build a small port in here, I'm building a sellsword company it numbers in ten thousands men, we can do business with your bank, but the reason we are going there is to go to Ghoyan Drohe, I don't know if you know this but north of the Wall there're a lot of savage tribes, the number in the more than 100 thousand, they don't follow any laws that we know

I plan on relocating them to Ghoyan Drohe, there they can't make trouble for the North, they hate slavers so they will fight the Dothrakies and almost everyone in Essos,"

Ned looked like he wanted to say something but shut his mouth for now, the representatives talked among themselves and then asked " how does this benefit us and what do you get out of this"

Robert answered " Braavos as a whole will see increase in business, Navros, Pentos and Qohor will have their business suffer because of them, if they choose to go to war they will be weakened future, this means that most businesses will be done by ships and that where Braavos comes into play, the North hate the Wildlings and wants them gone, so if they can't kill them they will settle for exile, I hate slavers, want to travel and have an army traveling with me, some of the wildlings may want to join me in the future, and with them weakening those three cities, in the future if Braavos want to go to war with them then I ask that my company be the first to be considered "

As I talked with them I made sure to make them unable to tell this to anyone that might give this secret to the other free cities, then they spoke again " we will have to discuss this with some of the Keyholders first" Robert replied "how about sending some men with me to take the money that I want to deposit here from my room in the inn, and I can come back tomorrow to talk with the Keyholders "

After ironing out the details Ned and Robert went back to the inn with fifty men from the bank.

Robert told Ned to wait for him the his room and he went to his own room emptied a chest and filled it with millions gold dragons from his inventory, the trunks were big and heavy but with his strength he can still carry one . So he filled each trunk with 50 thousand gold dragons and weigh around 400 kilograms, the Iron Bank's men got all the trunks out and Robert gave the keys to the one in charge. afterwards that he went to Ned room.

{Robert POV}

As I entered Ned's room, I found him basing back and forth, I said "I know that the North will hate the idea of letting the Wildlings go from beyond the Wall, but I have a reason for doing that, trust me Ned there is something coming and I can't have the freefolk stay beyond the wall, I knoe that some of them will want to stay there but if I can have the majority here in Essos it's better"

Ned ask although knowing the answer " what is coming Robert and how do you know that".

I looked to my map and used magic to make sure that nobody is listening in then I motioned Ned to set next to me and said in a hushed tone

" the night before my parents death I saw them die in a dream, I thought the it was a nightmare and that's it, but then they died and I couldn't think straight, it was a vision and I didn't know it , then I started seeing others things, at first I didn't know how I got the visions but one day I went to the godswood and I had another vision, this time I was awake, I saw death marching on the wall Ned and every dead men, women and child is another soldier in their army.

I know that it will be hard but I have to do this, do you remember the location that I choose for the port? Will east of there on the south of the Andalos there is a gold mine, and that will help us in the future "

I spoke with a passion and complete confidence that Ned believed me he said " I'm with you, I had some visions myself, but we have to talk to my father if you want to do this"

I nodded and said "do you want to come explore the city with me, I heard that they have great mummers playhouses here, I want to explore for today" Ned smiled and came with me .

[Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 505

endurance: 505

vitality: 2025

defense: 350

speed: 403

dexterity: 417==420

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 122

wisdom: 175

perception: 274

magic energy: 4700

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration .

Add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .


Green seers magic. ( can warg )

Mental Magic ( mind arts)


Healing Magic.

12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

2==>1 millions gold dragons.

12 weirwood saplings.

90 enchanted weirwood seeds.

30 kilograms beef .

15 five leter waterskin.

40 bread .]

( Author Note/ please check out my new novel

Life of a Lazy Gaming Ninja) .