

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Coruscant pt 2

After walking up the ramp and the doors opened Adam seen a clone trooper waiting for him with his hands behind his back, Adam looked at him and smiled " Alpha-17 i didn't know you were going to join us it's nice to see you" Padme, her entourage and the Jedi looked at the looked at the clone and knew he was different, not because of his different armor but because of his different aura, Alpha-17 bowed his head slightly and spoke" well i came for the fight but seeing that its already over i might as well go with you, Your majesty" Adam chuckled a little and tapped him on the shoulder.

Adam walked into the lounge and sat on the couch he looked at Alpha who walked in after him with their guest " Hows the project i entrusted you with coming along" he said leaning his head back the couch, Alpha walked to the back of the couch" Quite well your majesty all they need is experience and for that I've found the perfect place for that" Adam looked back at him with a raised eyebrow " oh and where's that " Alpha continued " its a outer rim planet called Rattatak its a war torn world where only the strong survive,the perfect place for your new elites isn't it " Adam smiled and looked at his guest sitting on the opposite couch and spoke " yes it is i assume your going with them".

"yes i am" Alpha responded, " Good i have the perfect ship you, i'll get it made for your departure, when is that exactly", " 2 weeks from now also what ship are you talking about" Adam reached into his pocket and pulled out that coined shape hologram and activated it, " it's called the BT-7 thunderclap, i fitted it with the best armor we have it also has heavy laser cannons 7 beds , briefing room, armory, command center, medical bay and spacious cargo bay, also i want you to stay there for a year i will send a ship every few months to re-stoke your supplies".

"Yes your majesty" Alpha responded as Wolffe walked in from the bridge and stood beside Alpha and put his hands behind his back, Adam looked at Padme and spoke "Oh sorry i haven't introduced you this is Wolffe" he raise his hand on wolffe side" and this Alpha-17" done the same to Alpha" also the soldiers around you are Wolffe's unit called the wolf pack and if your wondering why Alpha has different armor because he is an arc trooper, Arc troopers are a more advanced soldier compared to the soldiers you've seen already and Alpha here is the best of them all".

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had a look of surprise, thinking how much stronger are Arc troopers compared to the already soldiers they seen already, Qui-Gon spoke" now can you tell us about your connection to the force". Adam made a little chuckle and said" i almost forgot about that haha".

"Its kinda along story but anyway lets go back to the founding of alterea, my ancestors home world were affected by the last Sith war and they fled in their ship when the sith invaded, they hyper-spaced to empty space but instead of being empty it was full of wreckage, they found some survivors and were thinking where to go, when my Ancestor suddenly got a feeling and followed it, to which they found Alterea, Alterea already had a civilization and they had a prophecy of strangers arriving and take them to the temple to which it was a grey jedi temple and my ancestor was chosen and he became the ruler, and with the guidance of the force he built Alterea and its military with the help of a mandalorian survivor annd its been past down to his descendants, from the age 3 to 15 i was locked in the temple to train in the force and on the day of my leaving the force talked to me about what was to come and to be prepared for it, and thats how i became who i am" Adam told the most bullsh*t story with the most serious face. ( i know its not the best and i don't know if i told the back story to them or not i haven't looked back at my other chapters).

"So the force chose your family to wield this much power" Padme asked with complicated expression while the Jedi were thinking seriously " yes out of all my ancestors i have the strongest connection to the force " they were about to ask more questions but a 104th pilot came out of the bridge " Your majesty we are coming upon Coruscant", Adam got up and walked towards bridge " follow me" he said to padme and the Jedi. (by the way the pilot was in phase two armor with the wolf armor on his head to see check out 101st_legionart on Ig buts its quite far down).

Once they were on the bridge Adam sat in the captain chair in the middle while there was four 104th pilots at the other control stations, not long after sitting down they came out of hyper-space and where faced with hundreds of ships coming in and out of Coruscant.

when they got closer they were contacted " this is the Coruscant border control can you relay your identification code" Adam picked up the mic and spoke " this is the king of Alterea we don't have a code but we do have some very important guest that belong to your council" he looked at one of his pilots, the pilot understood what he meant overtook the ships in the line.

The X-70B landed in landing bay D, he told some clones to get the guest he then walked to the ramp, when he walked off his ship he saw 3 hover crafts stopping and unloading a bunch of soldiers.

when they got off they ran forward a little bit and pointed their weapons at Adam, in response Alpha, Wolffe and 6 of his men aimed back while Padme and the Jedi where just exiting the ship, Qui-Gon quickly ran in front " put your weapons down they are friendly" they still wouldn't lower their weapons and their captain walked up front " I'm sorry master Jedi but we can't do that we are under the orders of senator palpetine to arrest these savages" just when he fished another hover craft came and 3 people got off, it was master Windu,Shakti and plo koon.

they came because they sensed Qui-Gon jinn and his padawan, but when they got there they seen republic soldiers in a standoff against weirdly armored men and jinn in the middle.

Author note

I know its not the best and that the made up back story is terrible also concerning the troopers Alpha-17 is training will come up soon i want choose their armor design again thanks for the support alos i chose the martial arts for my new novel its going to be = Hapikido,kenpo, maybe reverse taekwondo or something else because i don't want it to have cultivation and stuff i want it to be as real as possible and with the stereotypical that every one knows martial arts and stuff also the character will be op.