

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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Master Windu and the Council

Adam and Windu were having a little staring competition, Windu walks forward past the republic soldiers and stops 10 meters from Adam and speaks " I am Mace Windu of the Jedi order the council request your presence", Adam just sighed, " Thats fine with me just dont be arrogant pricks and annoy me " Windu was trying hard to hold a straight face, Adam started walking towards him, but instead of stopping in front of him he continued and walked to the hover-car windu came in.

Alpha followed him while wolffe and thorn and 6 wolf pack troopers stayed with padme, Mace windu sighed and got into the hover car with qui-gon, obi wan, anakin and the other jedi and headed towards the Jedi council while padme and the others got into a coruscant freighter and headed to the senate.

soon they arrived at the Jedi temple and they got off the hover car walking towards the Temples entrance by walking up the stairs, when they got to the top of the stairs Adam and Alpha saw the big ass entrance to the temple and no lie it was impressive.

They entered and were led through the temple halls seeing multiple padewans and young lings and some Jedi Knights, they all had the same thought when they Adam and Alpha " who are they and why is Master Windu Escorting them him self and what is that armor" Windu led them to a elevator, when the elevator ride ended they were led to the council room.

Windu led the into the High council chamber where 7 of the eight chairs were occupied by Yoda, Plo koon,Adi mundi, saesee tiin, yaddle, even piell, O.Rancisis Windu walked to his chair and sat down.

" Nice to meet you King of Alterea" Yoda said being the first to break the silence as the other council members eyed him," its an honor to meet the legendary Yoda" Adam said respectfully since Yoda is one of his fav.

" You're a force user correct" Yaddle said," Yes im what you call a grey force user" Adam said half ass, " and who trained you" even piel asked with a bit of a tone.

" the force itself" Adam said bored looking around the chamber," Care to explain further" Windu spoke," Sigh okay listen carefully" Adam said " my planet has a chamber where my family can train in the way of the force by the force itself and that includes both sides" all the Jedi looked intrigued and waited for him to carry on.

" i entered the chamber at the age of three and trained there until i was 15 years old, and when i left i was crowned king of Alterea" Adam continued on while the Jedi listened to him.

" why was your family so special" master Adi Mundi asked while the other Jedi nodded along," we don't know all we know is that during the sith wars my ancestor was guided by the force to Alterea and met the Alterean people and learned he was apart of their prophecy that was handed down for years, next minute they started bowing to him and that's that" Adam said reating the bullshit story he told Jinn and Obi-wan.

" is there any other force users among you" Master Windu said with his usual arrogant tone " yes everyone in Alterea are force users"Adam said with outn hesitation," do they have a prefer side of the force" Windu spoke again making sure to get as much out of him as possible, " no they aren't weak willed and stubborn like the Jedi and the sith" Adam said mockingly while Alpha chuckled a little.

" What do you mean" Mundi said in a angry tone," What i mean is my people aren't idiots who ignore one child just because they prefer the other" Adam said looking at each of them.

" the Jedi pretended the dark side didn't exist because the force was balanced and you thought that made you stronger when it dine the opposite" Alpha nodded along with some of the level headed Jedi while Windu and mundi looked with anger" The sith are the exact same they think because they are using the more powerful force powers and they are taping into their emotions they are invincible and they have the right to rule over people" the Jedi nodded along with this which made Adam mad.

" why are you nodding along do you think your any better" this comment made all them to look at Adam except Yoda whom had his eyes closed listening closely, " what are you offended do you wanna know why i say your no better, wll its because you take kids away from their parents and brain wash them to believe in this cut of an order" Adam said looking at each Jedi with hate in his eyes while they returned it except plo koon and yoda andf yaddle.

" you tell these kids form an early age to abandon their emotions and to believe in the force" Adam said walking back and forth" Are you fcking kidding me do you think the force wants you to do that, if your on the light side of the force you need emotions to be able to fee; what the people your protecting to feel thats the light side of the force, the force doesn't want robots as his messengers it want people to protect the galaxy emotion is not a weakness its a strength" Adam shouted.

" if emotion is a strength then what sith arent they corrupt because of their emotions" Windu spoke agqain," do you really think thats their is no shadow when the sun shines, there is always going to be evil in this universe the force has excepted that why can't you" The Jedi were about to voice their objections Adam spoke again.

" This is where you can contact me Master Yoda i know what you are thinking" Adam said handing a chip with his contact in it to Yoda," well any way i need to eet the senate now, Alpha let go" Adams said exiting the chamber leaving Jinn and anakin to do their show now.

Author here

Guess who's back back again, hey everyone firstly i want to apologies i hit the dreadful writers block for this story, secondly i wnt to thank you for the most beautiful 1 mill views t5hirdly i wrote two other novels one gangster one and a acient chinese kind of novel and no its not cultivation and fourth my beautiful nation of ireland went back into lockdown which pisses me off i wanted to drink go clubbing and fck in 2021 but guess not, so im settled with cam sx haha any way thanks and i'll try to keep up with this and i have a nice scenario for the next chapter and the other novel will drop soon so stay tuned.

Lots love from outerself:)