

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Going to Coruscant

Adam brought his up a little to tell Rex and Doom to calm a little to which they loosened their grip a little, Adam looks at the three arrogant pricks and says" Well i'm sorry to say this prick who's name i don't care for we will not be handing over our ships, you seem to forget something your republic may rule the inner parts of the galaxy but the unexplored region is where the real danger lies and us being one of them" when he said that 30 or so clones came out of cover pointing their blaster at the 3 officials and their men.

the officials stepped back a little with scared expressions while the republic soldier quickly changed their targets from Adam,Rex and Doom to the clones surrounding them, Adam walked forward a small bit with his hands still behind his back "your republic is strong but its corrupt, i will go see your Senate but i will go with my ship,my men and you three as my guest you could say" Adam said with smile that still couldn't his feelings.

Padme and the jedi masters came running out of the palace to the commotion, the official saw Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and shouted " Quick hurry Jedi he's going against the republic and threatened to kill us", Qui-Gon looks at Adam and says " you know you can't kill them you will be starting a war with the Republic", Adam turns to face Qui-Gon and Obi-wan " after what you just witnessed Jedi master who do think will win me or the Republic also you need to remember what you witnessed today was a small portion of our true power" he turned away from from the two Jedi Masters and walked towards the three officials with Rex and Doom in tow.

the republic soldiers who saw him coming forward aimed their blasters at him, Adam walked right in front of the official and stared at the most arrogant one and said " arrest them and take them to the ship we're going to Coruscant" Rex and Doom took out a and cuffed them to each other, Adam looked at the republic soldiers and said " i would advise you to put down your blasters and get in your ship and go back to your fleet also these three will accompany me to your senate but don't worry i won't hurt them" as he said that all clones came out and started walking towards them with their blasters pointed at them, seeing that they are out numbered they quickly complied, they pointed their blasters down and walk their ship.

not long after they left Adam X-70B landed where the republic ship just was, the side ramp opened and three clone troopers came out, it was Commander Wolffe and two phase 1 wolfpack troopers , they walked up to Adam and gave a salute, " take these three the cell" he said to the two troopers, they took the three and walked up the ramp.

he turned to Wolffe and said " we're going to coruscant i want you and your men to be cautious when we arrive something's going to happen either when we arrive or when we leave" " not to be rude sir but why are we going then" Wolffe asked back, Adam smirked and said " to poke the bear ".

Wolffe had a confused look underneath his helmet but didn't question any further and walked with Adam towards Rex and Doom, " you tow stay here and help out with the clean up and fix any building that have destroyed" Rex and Doom nodded and ran off, he walked to the Jedi and Padme who are still with thorn and his men and said " we're going to coruscant to have a talk with the senate we'll give you guys a lift" he turns to thorn " your coming with to keep an eye on the young Queen here" thorn nodded and they started walking towards the ship.

Author Note

Hey Guys first off thanks for the support and also i know that this is a short chapter just didn't know what to do with it really, also the reason i didn't use the shadow troopers to escort them is because they look kind of sithish and that could be used Against Adam, also i decided to do a gangster novel and i was wondering if you could suggest three martial arts you would like to see in it, also that will come out in few week first i want to write some drafts thanks