
Behind the Glass

Ideal_Cookie · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Their Eyes

Daily, people pass by looking into our world posing, taking photos, smiling, laughing... everything. We're forced to copy their every move so that we don't get caught. Our eyes always make contact, we can touch hands but it's cold, their breath can enter our world but it steams up upon the door.

Our world is a replica of theirs, just flipped, writing on their walls and images of their lives, flipped. We know what they look like, we know they exist but they're unaware of us. Sometimes... Sometimes their gaze with catch you off guard, they look at us for too long, distorting our worlds. They try to confuse us with fast movements and randomness, we see it all. we trained for this to survive. Even the children and animals in our world understand.

I'm propped up in the corner of her room. The door to my world is stuck to her wardrobe. She can see the replica of her room in her world, through the door to mine. Normal for her is different for me. She's laying across her chair and bed, unaware of our presence, if she moved she'd see us copying her, but she can't. She's in silk undergarments and has just thrown on her dressing gown. It's fluffy, with light brown stars scattered across it, she has cute fox slippers on too, they even have ears. How cute. I'll only get them in my world when she shows them to me. Until that day, I shall just look from afar.

We have special ways to get from room to room. Not every room has a door, some are just 'windows' to our world. The physical form can only enter The Maze when facing two doors to eachother, creating an endless tunnel of confusion. at that stage they tend to become fearful, pondering that of the supernatural. Pathetic really, we're not supernatural, we are you, just... Not how you'd think. We breathe when you breathe, we eat when you eat, we bathe when you bathe, we listen to the same music, and watch the same films, we have the same hobbies... just, you're not aware of it. Not until now.

She's back. I saw her stand up, tossing her phone to her bed, looks like she's choosing an outfit- no. She- We pick up a warm yellow towel, soft to the touch, along with some day clothes. she leaves. I can't see her in the normal room, I hear the shower turn on in her parents bathroom. I run, to get to the next phase before her. I make it just in time, she was too busy picking songs for the shower. she can see herself through her phone... while that is me, it also isn't. there are thousands of us, doppelgangers in our world multiply by every single creation of a door. You can't stop it, there can't just be one door in your world, it wouldn't be safe. that many people in one location.

She slides out of the silk, and steps inside the shower, pulling the door shit behind her. The doors aren't always obvious, regardless of how big or small, we must be present if our soul is there. She's standing under the shower head, I'm standing in it. She often covers her eyes and nose before tilting her head back and submerging herself into the pitter-patter of the water flow. I copy, doing the same, I understand why she does it, it feels comforting. She stands there for a few minutes, as her playlist ends she finishes up, dries off and gets changed. Walking past The Maze once again as she leaves her parents room.

I see her eyes often. They're grey, blue, and green, with a hint of Hazel swirl. That sounds like her friends favourite coffee. her eyes are lovely, she wears a large gold frame of glasses, they suit her well, I like them too, but my eyesight is perfect, unlike hers. Her glasses have lenses, mine don't, she doesn't know that though, nor will she ever find out. My human doesn't believe in an afterlife, nor any religion of that matter. She still supports those who do, and she respects their choices, constantly asking questions and learning about them too... Funny that, she was baptised and went to a strict Roman Catholic primary school. Only to forget everything and go to a Music and Arts specialist secondary school and sixth form. I'm proud of my human, she's been through hell, yet she hasn't given up yet... I say "Yet" as there have been a few close calls... It's forbidden for us to intervene, we have to copy and follow through with her actions.

Whenever a human body is put through torment and hell, we suffer too... If you've ever survived death just remember that one of us was taken to save you. Once another door has been created only then can they be replaced.