
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 5 [ Birth of Origin Elves and Becoming a Father! (Part 2)]

Chapter 5

[ Birth of Origin Elves and Becoming a Father! (Part 2)]

( Location: Asoka divine realm; inside a castle' )

In the room, there was an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue. Eight eggs, each with a size of two feet, were placed at the center. A man sat on a majestic throne, holding the power to destroy and create the entire Omni-Verse with a single command.

This person possesses immense power, which is not bound by anything in existence or beyond. The man is none other than Asoka. Asoka was waiting for the hatching process.

After twelve hours, the eggs started to shake, and cracks appeared on the eggshells.

Two delicate hands later, a head emerged from each egg.

While observing their surrounding, they fully came out of their eggshells naked.

There were eight elves, four boys and four girls, who appeared to be twelve years old. They looked curious and excited to explore the outside world for the first time.

All elves move towards their eggshells and put their hand on them. The eggshells turned into light particles and entered into their body.

Their skin was white as jade-like quality to it, and every cell and muscle in their body appeared to have been delicately carved by the hand of God. Their appearance was so stunning that they resembled immortal beings in the Mortal Realm.

Their beauty was so extraordinary that even gods would be envious, and goddesses would be in awe.

Asoka was aware that the elf's exceptional beauty might cause problems for both him and the origin elves. However, he was not afraid of trouble; in fact, he welcomed it.

In the entire multiverse, there is no shortage of both lustful gods and mortal beings alike.


After absorbing the Eggshells, They all look towards the man sitting on the throne.

"Father," they all call out and rush towards Asoka, who has a big smile on his face. he waves his hand, and fashionable clothes appear on the elves' bodies.

They all embrace Asoka, and he hugs them back. Asoka is extremely delighted for his child or creation.

During his reincarnation cycle, he has many children and families. but in his last life, he was not married and had no children. ( Life as celestial walker race. )

Origin elves were his first creation in this Omniverse. Of course, he will dote on them. Even his wolf brother has not created a race he has just created Omni-Verse for fun.

After some doting and fun, Asoka looks at their unique traits.

In front of him, there are 4 boy elves and 4 girl elves. One pair of boy and girl elves have black hair and eyes, which represent emptiness and darkness. The second pair, of boy and girl elves, have golden hair and eyes, which is like Ruby. The third pair of boys and girls elves have Crimson hair and eyes, which gives the feel of danger and mystery, and the final pair of boys and girls elves have purple hair and eyes, which are filled with charms and Cunningness.

After some time, They all fell into slumber. Asoka lifted them from the ground and teleported them to various rooms in the castle.

Asoka has not provided or granted them any memory knowledge, only language knowledge. Because he wanted to teach them himself.

Asoka has granted them a small version of the omniscient ability, which allows them to know the name and purpose of the basic object they saw.

The curtain of darkness has descended in Asoka's divine realm.

Asoka appeared outside the castle on land. He just tapped his foot on the ground, and the scenery of the ground was replaced by the cosmic voids and clusters of a star.

He wanted to decide on which planet his races would reside or inhabit.

After going through all the planets in the mortal realm.

He chose the first-tier planet called Alpha Rules. The habitable planet of the mortal dimension is ranked into 5 tiers:

• 0-tier (highest-ranking planets)

• 1-tier

• 2-tier

• 3-tier

• 4-tier (lowest-ranking planets)

The god can descend only to the zero-tier planet with his true body. all the Zero-tier planets have already been occupied by other gods or goddesses.

Now, you would be thinking, why not create a new planet for elves? Because if they live in comfort, they will forget the value of time, strength, and knowledge. they also have to experience other cultures, religions, and relationships. While adopting good and rejecting bad things from other established civilizations.

When they integrate and adapt themselves into this universe, he will create a separate planet for them. but that is for the future.

Alpha Ruler World consists of many races like dwarfs, humans, Demi-human, Beastmen, Demons, dragons, Phoenix, sea life forms, Demonic beasts, spirit beasts, Monster races, three-eyes clans, fairies, spirit races, Giant, stone races, Jotuns races, etc. there are more than 5 trillion different types of lifeforms on this planet alone.

The total surface area of the Alpha Ruler Planet is 6.09 x 10^12 square kilometers. Total water surface area: 46%. Total land surface areas: 54%. About 54% of the Alpha ruler's surface is land consisting of continents and islands.

The Alpha Ruler World is made up of five supercontinents, eight great continents, fifteen major continents, countless small and minor continents, as well as numerous islands that are at least a million square kilometers in size.

On Alpha Ruler planet, there are five supercontinents out of which one is inhabited by humans, one by demons, one by a Beastman, one by Jotuns races, one by Demonic beasts and monsters, and one by a combination of spirits, fairies, and spirit beasts.

Additionally, there are eight great continents, fifteen major continents, and countless small and minor continents, as well as islands that are home to all the races residing on Alpha Planet.

The alpha planet has 2 suns and 5 moons.

Asoka appeared on the alpha ruler planets with his true body.

Asoka wanted the place where his Elves settled down to be far away from Humans who loved to colonize and enslave others differently from themselves.

Especially since most humans worshipped the Goddess of Light and God of War on Alpha ruler planet. Although it wasn't a racist themself, racism had embedded itself in their religion due to their inability to contact the mortal world more than once every 30 years or even more.

Not all gods, but most of the gods are racists because, at one time, they were also mortal beings like humans, Demons, etc.

He also didn't want any Demons near his race as those war-hungry madmen and women would do nothing but want to fight his people and war against them even if the war was a loss.

Asoka eventually arrived at a certain spot in the water. This place had no races in the immediate vicinity and was far away enough that other races wouldn't find it soon. Asoka teleported there and waved his hand, a mass of land forming on the ocean. The surface area of landmass is 44.58 million km². The landmass was a perfect circle.

Asoka quickly created some animals and beasts, alongside some elemental beasts and spirits, to inhibit the island. There were places resembling a beach, rivers, waterfalls, forests, and open land. There were also snowy forests and desert areas.

Asoka named this island "The Origin." The gravity on this island is twenty times that of Is Alpha Ruler Planet.

He arrived in the middle of the landmass.

Asoka spoke, "Be born and bless my people, Tree of Life and Death." Suddenly, a massive tree emerged and soared into the skies. It continued to grow, with elegant branches sprouting out and intricate carvings inlaid on its trunk. Eventually, the tree grew over 800 meters tall.

The magnificent tree exuded a serene and calming aura of life and nature. It also felt divine and powerful, radiating a massive amount of mana. Being near the tree could increase someone's cultivation speed and cleanse their Aether (for elves) or mana, making it purer with fewer impurities.

Beside the tree, a beautiful and ethereal fountain appeared. Water flowed into the fountain, giving off an illustrious aura that immediately made someone feel better. This was the spring of life. Drinking the water inside increased someone's talent, comprehension, and, sometimes, their mana reserves, albeit by a small quantity.

One of the most significant features of the fountain was that even a single drop could heal someone on the brink of death to full health. The water also removed any negative magical debuffs except divine debuffs, such as the consequences of breaking a contract with Ezreal's sign. Additionally, drinking water increases a person's lifespan to ten thousand years.

For the origin elves, the Spring of Life was simply a cheat, granting them unlimited lives since a single drop could heal anyone to full health, even on the brink of death.

After doing all these things, he returned to his divine realm while hiding the island from another god, and Asoka also stopped the time around the island.


An Asoka has decided to name his firstborn children. All the children were looking at him with anticipation, their faces filled with joy at the prospect of finally getting a name.

After 5 minutes, Asoka had named all the Elves.

The Golden Haired girl was named Ingrid Oliver.

The Golden-Haired boy was named Ryker Valorion

The Red-Haired girl was named Ishihara Yoshika

The Red-Haired boy was named Rye Tatsuya

The Purple-Haired girl was named Sonia Agarwal

The purple-haired boy was named Ken Kaneki

The Black-Haired girl was named Nyx Volthar.

The Black-Haired boy was named Elysian Silvercrest.

After hearing their name, they were all very satisfied with the given name.