
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 4 [Birth of Elves! (Part 1)]

Chapter 4

[Birth of Elves! (Part 1)]

After thinking for a while, Asoka decided on it. He would be the God of Life, Magic, Wealth, and Contracts.

His Divinity in Life meant a large power over life. His subjects would have a lengthy lifespan and would be closely attuned to other forms of life. Plants, Naturally Formed Monsters such as Golems, and Elemental Flowers and Spirits would all be close to his subjects. His subjects would also be peaceful to persons who weren't aggressive towards them, although they would be aggressive to anyone who threatens them or any life they care about.

His Divinity in Magic simply meant he had perfect knowledge and control over magic. His subjects would have higher magical talent and have a higher affinity to the elements than others, especially nature elements. His subjects would also learn magic much faster than others and have a higher natural mana capacity than most races, although to compensate their bodies would be weaker than other races such as Demons, dragons, and even Humans. Thankfully, every race could strengthen their body using training and mana.

His Divinity on Wealth means that he was incredibly wealthy, and his subjects would get higher luck when related to wealth.

His Divinity on Contracts means that contracts made by him must be held. Unlike other magical contracts in this world, which can be broken simply by being stronger than the other person signing the contract. Creating a contract with Asoka Sigil meant it was impossible to break without punishment. The lowest and best punishment was your soul being damaged and being completely unable to ever use any form of magic ever again and the worst punishment was instantly dying due to breaking the contract with all of their wealth going to the other party or parties in the contract and their soul going to Asoka to use. Contracts using Aska's sigil also defend parties against being forced to sign, scamming using loopholes, and other things like that.

After settling his Divinity, Asoka decided to go to bed and sleep. Preparing for the next upcoming days of fun. the curtain of darkness has descended in sAsuka's divine realm.

Asoka's divine realm does not only consist of day and night cycles but also consists of one additional cycle partner. the additional individual cycle is called the cosmic glow.

During the time of cosmic glow, the land of Asoka's divine realm will turn into a mirror. which shows the movements of the solar system, its galaxy, stars constellation, nebula, stars, cosmic bodies, and celestial bodies. Asoka's divine realm will be illuminated by the shine and glow of celestial bodies.


The next day, Asoka was sitting on his majestic throne. Meanwhile, different types of heavenly materials, objects, and treasures were arranged in the throne room with a certain purpose. which can make, even Transcendence-Being jealous.

Asoka now decided to create his race to inhabit the mortal world in this realm. His chosen race was elves. However, not just any elves; they would be different from other multiverse elves' races. His elves' race will be identified or known as 'Origin Elves'.

Asoka waved his hand, and all heavenly resources began rotating mid-air. They broke into smaller pieces and were distributed into 8 equal sets of proportions.

Asoka compressed all 8 sets of resources that eventually took the shape of an egg. Once the egg was formed, Asoka created 8 spheres with different colors and sent them towards the elves' egg. Each of these spheres contains unique attributes such as talent, innate ability, origin ability, and attributes for the respective elves.

Asoka increases the flow of time around the elf's eggs.

if Asoka wanted, he could directly create them without this process

Of course, he can use any process for creating. After all, he is an omnipotent or Omniarch being.

Asoka didn't create any restrictions related to magic attributes like they can not use destruction, darkness, and dark magic. (No such restrictions he has made for origin elves.)

But, Asoka has also created some restrictions on Origin Elves, such as being unable to make children outside of their race. (The exception is only Asoka's creation).

Asoka did this since he didn't want to have half-elves of his race who could potentially be discriminated against. So, there is no interbreeding altogether.

In the end, Asoka decided to create a new language for the original elves. The language was made based on all of the different languages that existed and existed in the past alongside some of Asoka's ideologies. The language would be the most elegant and calming language in existence. It's a perfect match for Elves. Also, unlike the Draconic Language, which boosted Magic, the Elven Language would boost the power of runes magic, and enchantments.

Unfortunately, Asoka didn't want to make the language buff their direct magic since that would make the race too OP which was exactly the opposite of what he wanted as he wanted to see their ups and downs, obviously whilst protecting them.

After settling all affairs related to the creation of the elves, Asoka waited for the birth of the Origin Elf.