
Beautiful mistake with a billionaire: vol 2

Enemies to lovers, one couldn't possible tell how but at some point, love intervened and when they couldn't hold it back any longer, they had to pour out their hearts.

Thomas_Diego_3116 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 8

Xavier knew she would find out eventually, it was only a matter of time, he had tried his best to keep it a secret. 

"Why didn't you tell me" Abigail continued to whisper in between her sob's as she thought of that day, the memories came flooding back and it made her cry her heart out. 

It all made sense now, right from the first time she saw Jeffery, she thought he looked familiar, She had tried to remember where she had seen him before but she couldn't. And now, it all made sense, everything made sense, come to think of it, Jeffery was never introduced to her with his full name. 

Jeffery Lang, he was the one, he was the child of Mr and Mrs Lang, the couple she failed to save. Yes, she had caused the death of the couple that day and she would forever feel regretful of her actions, if only she had not let her emotions disturb her from her work. 

She wondered what Jeffery would think of her now, she was the one who killed his parents, she was the one who failed to do her job that day, she was the cause of it. 

"Why???" Abigail asked as she sobbed, why did the universe choose to punish her like this, why did it choose to hurt her like this. 

"Enough with the water works Abigail" Xavier spoke, his voice void of emotions as he lifted he lifted her head up from his chest. He could see her eyes looking swollen and her nose turning pink. 

"You killed them Abigail, it's in the past, crying about it now won't change anything. What's done is done" Xavier said coldly to her face. He knew that his words were of no help in this situation but he wasn't the time to comfort people. 

Abigail didn't know what to expect, of course Xavier would say that, he didn't care about her feelings. She wondered why she even thought he would console her, thinking about this made her angry and so Abigail lifted herself from his embrace, she moved away from him and instead rested her head on the window as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

She began to recall what happened that day, if only she had arrived sooner, if only she had put her feelings aside and focussed on her job. Her selfishness had put the lives of two people in danger, she had killed them, the blood was on her hands. 

"Ahh" Abigail said when she felt a sharp pain, she bit her lips hard to stop herself from screaming again, she could feel Xavier's eyes on her.

Abigail had almost forgotten that she was pregnant, she should not allow herself to feel all this pain and anguish not at this early stage of her pregnancy. With the thought of her baby, she took a deep breath as she bit her lips hard and placed her head on the head rest of the car. She had her eyes closed with one hand over her flat tummy, she tried not to cry as her eyes continued to well up with tears.

"Ring ring ring" 

Xavier removed his phone from his pocket and checked the caller ID, he glanced at Abigail for a few seconds before he answered the call.

"What up with the both of you, why did you rush out like that without informing me?" Jeffery complained over the line. 

"Abigail's not feeling too well" Xavier answered as he glanced at her one more time before he looked away again.

"Oh, that's wierd, wasn't she the one getting all fired up a few minutes ago, how did she get sick all of a sudden?" Jeffery asked with concern but also a bit of surprise in his tone.

"We are heading home now so she can get some rest" Xavier spoke again as he looked at her, her eyes were now open and looking dull.

"Aren't you a caring husband, alright no need to disturb your moment, can I at least talk to her?" Jeffery asked.

Xavier looked at Abigail and like as if she had heard Jeffery's question she shook her head in response and then turned to the other side.

"No, She needs rest first" Xavier answered.

"Okay then, just take care of her for me and make sure to not tire her out. " Jeffery spoke and chuckled before ending the call.

"You are the one thinking too much about everything Abigail" Xavier spoke as he looked at her and though he could only see the side of her face, he could still tell she was crying.

Abigail heard him but she had ran out of strength to start explaining how she felt to Xavier, no one could understand her feelings.

"Jeffery has no grudge against the one who is responsible for his parents death, infact he has no idea about the fact that a delayed surgery was part of what killed his parents." Xavier explained. 

The only information Jeffery recieved was that his parents were shot, that was all he was told, nothing about a delayed surgery or anything of the sort.

"Death is inevitable Abigail, wether or not you had done the surgery, what was meant to happen would happen" Xavier said but he saw how his words had no effect on her, he wasn't the type to give consolations. Infact he didn't care to console her at all but he had noticed what happened a few minutes ago, the pain she felt, even though she tried to hide it. If she continues like this then she won't be getting any rest throughout the night, thinking is unhealthy for a pregnant woman and he wasn't going to let her do anything that would affect his child.

"I killed them Xavier, I killed them, what if they were never meant to die at that moment. Just that little selfish act of mine had caused their demise, and you say I shouldn't think about it, how am I suppose to spend my remaining days here laughing and joking with him knowing that I killed his parents" Abigail spoke with her voice sounding hoarse, her throat was sore because of the many times she had held back her tears. 

Abigail knew she shouldn't be going through this pain, it all happened years ago and she should no longer be hurt with the thought but it feels like today the pain came back ten times more.